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well for those of you who don't know some jumped up *rse of a journalist wrote the nastiest pile of cr*p in his newspaper I have ever read, I was soooo infuriated i sent 2 really OTT comments that just ripped him to shreds, (he didn't post those as I knew he wouldnt) so I posted a calmer one the next day under the name of FURIOUS, some other people have also posted in favour of Mika's 2 Manchester gigs and I think the rest of the MFC should just go and blast his pathetic page to bits, he MAY get the message that he shouldn't be allowed to open his ugly gob and let verbal diahrea spill out when I don't even think he went to the gigs he just has Issues if you ask me and is spouting off his own tastes in music and people and I don't think that is a good thing to do.


There are some much more articulate replies, than what I sent but I was totally livid,

So here is the link to the page, if you want to have your say in a more constructive way than I did.

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well for those of you who don't know some jumped up *rse of a journalist wrote the nastiest pile of cr*p in his newspaper I have ever read, I was soooo infuriated i sent 2 really OTT comments that just ripped him to shreds, (he didn't post those as I knew he wouldnt) so I posted a calmer one the next day under the name of FURIOUS, some other people have also posted in favour of Mika's 2 Manchester gigs and I think the rest of the MFC should just go and blast his pathetic page to bits, he MAY get the message that he shouldn't be allowed to open his ugly gob and let verbal diahrea spill out when I don't even think he went to the gigs he just has Issues if you ask me and is spouting off his own tastes in music and people and I don't think that is a good thing to do.


There are some great reply comments, much more articulate than what I sent but I was totally livid enough to slap his face really hard if I saw him lol.

So here is the link to the page, come on ppl...


What the H???

What about free speech? Mika himself definites himself as marmite. If this journalist doesn't like him, fair enough. No point overreacting!


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well for those of you who don't know some jumped up *rse of a journalist wrote the nastiest pile of cr*p in his newspaper I have ever read, I was soooo infuriated i sent 2 really OTT comments that just ripped him to shreds, (he didn't post those as I knew he wouldnt) so I posted a calmer one the next day under the name of FURIOUS, some other people have also posted in favour of Mika's 2 Manchester gigs and I think the rest of the MFC should just go and blast his pathetic page to bits, he MAY get the message that he shouldn't be allowed to open his ugly gob and let verbal diahrea spill out when I don't even think he went to the gigs he just has Issues if you ask me and is spouting off his own tastes in music and people and I don't think that is a good thing to do.


There are some great reply comments, much more articulate than what I sent but I was totally livid enough to slap his face really hard if I saw him lol.

So here is the link to the page, come on ppl...


I thought Furious must be you! :naughty: I'd like to see what you wrote in the comments that weren't posted!


I'm still angry about it too though I know I should rise above it. I'm glad I commented. I will continue to challenge c*** like this which has no basis in reality! Opinion is one thing, but this was so wide of the mark as to be laughable.


I agree with you, I honestly don't believe he even went to the gig!!

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What the H???

What about free speech? Mika himself definites himself as marmite. If this journalist doesn't like him, fair enough. No point overreacting!



I don't see anything wrong in acting passionately about something which has upset you. Other people in other threads are reacting passionately about things.....

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With me, it's not just this particular review. It is the feeling that everyone here in Britain is hell bent on backlashing Mika at the moment.


I don't mind journos saying they don't like his music. But some go over the top and I think it's a deliberately nasty vibe.


But, free speech and all. Doesn't stop me from challenging it and being annoyed by it!!



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have you actually read his whole review? it's on another page I think. It felt like he was just slagging him off with no proof at all to me.


I have, it was posted in one of the gig report threads aswell.

As much as I don't agree with the review, I think going there and leaving nasty comments isn't the answer. We're entitled to our opinion, so is he.

Why not accept the fact that he probably *really* doesn't like Mika and genuinly feels his concert sucked?

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I don't see anything wrong in acting passionately about something which has upset you. Other people in other threads are reacting passionately about things.....


thank you and it did upset me, especially the part about Big Girl being patronizing to fat women, he just can't know the real reasons for any of Mika's songs, pffft he is a waste of space.

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I have, it was posted in one of the gig report threads aswell.

As much as I don't agree with the review, I think going there and leaving nasty comments isn't the answer. We're entitled to our opinion, so is he.

Why not accept the fact that he probably *really* doesn't like Mika and genuinly feels his concert sucked?



I would have done that if he had said something along the lines of ...this is purley my own opinion as the rest of the audience went mental for him on BOTH nights and to be honest I wasn't even there I just dont like the guy cos my girlfriend thinks he is hot. :bleh::roftl:


and I DONT want people to go leave NASTY comments, that was my own mistake, I want them all to leave glowing reports to show his up for the rubbish it is.

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I read the whole review - and feel the guy is just trotting out some

tired, worn cliches he has read elsewhere. If you don't understand

something, then slag it off. At the end of the day the reporter is going

to be the one left with egg on his face. He needs to learn to research

things a bit better before waxing lyrical!!

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High time to understand that not everybody likes Mika... And it's not all about clichés...his music is disturbing for some, we're all aware of it and that's also why he's exceptional. If everybody loved his work that would just mean he's ultra-commercial! Hysterical reactions would only deserve him, and us. Just let people talk. In french we have this saying:

"on répond aux cons par le silence"

"silence's the best answer to stupidity" or sthg.

Keep this in mind before posting on that guy's site.

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Well mika sure must live by that saying cos he never seems to respond to such pap, though he did give out his own little digs to those who didn't believe in him in the past during the Manchester gigs so.....maybe he has waited patiently to say UP YOURS in his own way.


W/E I am entitled to MY opinions on that Journalist too so I guess its even stevens then.

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i love it that review was ace:naughty:


It's enough to make any larger lady diet - in order to never, ever end up patronised by Mika and his tokenistic 'thin girls = rubbish, lard-lovers = hot, hot, hot" sentiments.



He didint like it did he!


For a journalist this man is a rather linear in his thought. I dont think he gets the sarcasism and fun of it all. Or maybe he just doesnt want to:mf_rosetinted:


I myself only just realised that Holy Johnny is a holey johnny:roftl: :roftl:

Mika loves to be loved and hated:roftl: At least he didnt say he is 'okay', that would be insulting:wink2:


all the more tickets for us:bleh:

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I couldn't care less what anyone thinks about Mika. I don't know why people take it so personally.


The reviewer gave the concert 3*, said Mika is a good performer, that the audience was ecstatic and that he likes some of his songs. He just thinks lyrics to other songs are lacking and that his ballads are cheesy.


How does that translate into this guy didn't see the same show everyone else did? He's just not enthralled with Mika...but who cares?


I would think by now that the British public has made its mind up about Mika one way or another and until he comes out with some new material it's not going to change.

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well for those of you who don't know some jumped up *rse of a journalist wrote the nastiest pile of cr*p in his newspaper I have ever read, I was soooo infuriated i sent 2 really OTT comments that just ripped him to shreds, (he didn't post those as I knew he wouldnt) so I posted a calmer one the next day under the name of FURIOUS, some other people have also posted in favour of Mika's 2 Manchester gigs and I think the rest of the MFC should just go and blast his pathetic page to bits, he MAY get the message that he shouldn't be allowed to open his ugly gob and let verbal diahrea spill out when I don't even think he went to the gigs he just has Issues if you ask me and is spouting off his own tastes in music and people and I don't think that is a good thing to do.


There are some much more articulate replies, than what I sent but I was totally livid,

So here is the link to the page, if you want to have your say in a more constructive way than I did.


i read the article, and i think, the reporter exaggerated. well, maybe he really doesn't like mika, that ok, that's his right. but his personal opinion about big girl, lollipop and ring ring is not interesting for a review. he should have argue more realistic, maybe he could have attack the big girl-composition, but not like this "thin girls = rubbish, lard-lovers = hot, hot, hot", that's a critic you can't take seriously.

but such an article is no reason for us to overact. i'm sure mika can deal with good and bad critics as far as it is sticked to the facts. i don't think he has a bad day because of that review ;) so why should we overact? we all have our own personal opinion of mika, and i don't think that we're gonna change it because of a review somebody wrote.

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well for those of you who don't know some jumped up *rse of a journalist wrote the nastiest pile of cr*p in his newspaper I have ever read, I was soooo infuriated i sent 2 really OTT comments that just ripped him to shreds, (he didn't post those as I knew he wouldnt) so I posted a calmer one the next day under the name of FURIOUS, some other people have also posted in favour of Mika's 2 Manchester gigs and I think the rest of the MFC should just go and blast his pathetic page to bits, he MAY get the message that he shouldn't be allowed to open his ugly gob and let verbal diahrea spill out when I don't even think he went to the gigs he just has Issues if you ask me and is spouting off his own tastes in music and people and I don't think that is a good thing to do.


There are some much more articulate replies, than what I sent but I was totally livid,

So here is the link to the page, if you want to have your say in a more constructive way than I did.

I complained as well. I don't know if it got onto the comments page, because I couldn't see where the comments were. I sent an email with my complaint. However, if someone can tell me how to get onto the comments page, please let me know by a PM or something and I'll post a comment on there as well. But I did send an email about it.

When we complain though, we must remember we are representing Mika. Which means we are better than those idiots, so we must not swear (even though we'd love to) and must put out points accross articulately. If we rant and rave, it won't get us anywhere. We need to show them that Mika's influence in our lives has made us better people. That will do more good for our cause, than anything else.

Also, history has shown that when you get a person who stands out from all others, has the power to change the world, and isn't afraid to say what he thinks is right, and challenges the established normality, it makes people nervous. Ironically, the fact that Mika has strirred up hatred in certain quarters, shows how influencial and noticeable he has become. We all, in this fan club, know he is the most special and influencial person in the world today, and there will always be small minded people who are uncomfortable with that.


Love today, from Marilyn

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Actually I think it is quite offensive in places. I don't like the references to lard eaters. :mf_rosetinted: I am a big girl and I do not eat lard :mf_rosetinted: .


Well, Im skinny and Im not rubbish :mf_rosetinted: Lard is delicious btw!!


Seriously, the dude gave Mika 3 stars. THat's more than most shows get here :roftl: I remember a show - which was great - and they didn't even bother to give them any stars.

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Well, maybe I did overreact, and I have calmed down now, but I still don't like what this guy said because of the whole tone of it, and I got my mothering head on (the one that makes you jump to the defence of those you care about).

Marylin I saw your comment so he posted it.

And now I'm over what he said and don't want to waste any more time on him cos that is probably all he wants anyway and I am not gonna give him the satisfaction of us talking about him anymore.

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