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MFC Mafia needed


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Well, maybe I did overreact, and I have calmed down now, but I still don't like what this guy said because of the whole tone of it, and I got my mothering head on (the one that makes you jump to the defence of those you care about).

Marylin I saw your comment so he posted it.

And now I'm over what he said and don't want to waste any more time on him cos that is probably all he wants anyway and I am not gonna give him the satisfaction of us talking about him anymore.

Sometimes it's really best not to read stuff like that. That guy is *very rude words* :sneaky2:

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Sometimes it's really best not to read stuff like that. That guy is *very rude words* :sneaky2:


Thing is (and this is my last word on this subject now), there are now 16 comments on the website about the article, all saying the same: that the concert was fantastic, and the review was unfair. And not all the people who wrote in are hardcore Mika fans.


So, justice has at least been done and anyone reading the review will hopefully also read the comments and thus get a proper feel for what the concert was like. Which was what Gary Ryan should have provided in the first place.


Me done!

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So, justice has at least been done and anyone reading the review will hopefully also read the comments and thus get a proper feel for what the concert was like. Which was what Gary Ryan should have provided in the first place.


Yes, the real problem with this review is that he spent more time reviewing LiCM than the actual concert. No matter how rude he is about it, I think some of his criticisms of the music are not invalid, but they are somewhat irrelevant to the concert.


Presumably most people at the show already like his music and all anyone needs to know is whether Mika is able to deliver in his live performances. Even this guy concedes that he does.

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Yeah, we're like totally superior! :mf_rosetinted: :stupid_blond_attitude:


No, seriously, just let it go. But it is very stupid to send some depressed angry person who clearly doens't like pop-music to see Mika.

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well i've just commented on it, not because i'm harcore or angry but just because i felt the review was unfair :)

Mika isn't patronising he just makes people feel good about themselves whether that has a long term affect or for just as long as the song does it matter?? he's still uplifted somebodys spirits!


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I had read the review earlier and it really didn't bother me too much even though I disagreed with it. HOWEVER, I am glad that Sparkly started this thread because now I've gone back to read the comments and I think that they are brilliant!! Some of the comments are the best reviews that I have seen of Mika's concerts, very well written and fun to read.


There is a time to be silent and this is not one of them (unless, of course, that is your choice). There is a reason why there is a place for "comments" and the reason is for people who feel the desire to write a comment about the review. DUH!!! Thank God, 18 people (some non-MFCers) decided to do so. They have a right to their opinion also, a venue to do so (comment section) and now people are upset that they voiced their opinion? GIVE me a break!!!! :roftl: I really like the comments by Peter, Paul and (Mary????), noo......MadMonty. EXCELLENT!!! If you knew nothing about Mika and you read both the review and the comments you might decide to go find out a bit more about the Marmite man. Without the comments and reading only the review you probably wouldn't be bothered to do so. (One more reason why this was probably NOT the time to be silent)


Thank you, Sparkly, for starting this thread which made me go back to that article and read the great comments. And, hey, who needs the MFC mafia when we have FURIOUS! :mf_rosetinted:

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