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People who knows the pain by wisdom teeth thread.


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I get all 4 wisdom teeth out tomorrow :S


Im scared!


AND my 13 year old sister is looking after me so god knows what I could get up to


let you know how I go




I feel for you! :boxed: I hope everything works out fine!

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ok so it was 2 days ago now, yesterday I went through the whole temperature, all I want to do is sleep thing, and today, all I can really eat is liquid breakfast things! My mouth Is killing me and I get my stitches out next friday! thing Is though I dont remember much after him puting saline in!

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OMG! We when looked at this thread and we could almost feel the pain. We got all four of ours out AT THE SAME TIME.


First we went to the local denist in town and i, megan got to suck laughing gas and i think i was allergic because i didn't feel to good and i got sick. haley wasn't going near that dentist. teehee.


we had to go springfield IL, (Capital of IL is Springfield), and they put us to sleep. The surgery was a breeze because we didn't feel anything. But the after effect was horrible. we kept getting sick and the blood. that's all i can say about that.


So people, put it off as long as you can, or get it over with quick. teehee.


Love Love :wub2:

The Meyer Twins

Megan and Haley

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oh yes! *raises hand* ME! I got removed my wisdom tooth a 10 days ago, the thing is that the doc, has to remove the 4 OF THEM!!! *dies*


so, I will have removed the other 3, one every month :P,but it sucks hell

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First we went to the local denist in town and i, megan got to suck laughing gas and i think i was allergic because i didn't feel to good and i got sick. haley wasn't going near that dentist. teehee.


Laughing gas is horrible. It definitely didn't work on me. :naughty: I was so nervous and they could tell by the heart monitor so they put a mask on me and gave me laughing gas. It smelled and my instant reaction was to hold my breath so I told them and the rushed to give me pure oxygen.


What a day that turned out to be. :roftl:

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oh yes! *raises hand* ME! I got removed my wisdom tooth a 10 days ago, the thing is that the doc, has to remove the 4 OF THEM!!! *dies*


so, I will have removed the other 3, one every month :P,but it sucks hell


one every month, seriously! I dont know, Is that worse than having all 4 out at one time! I guess if you have one out at a time it shouldnt mess with your eating that much, but ouch wisdom teeth suck no matter which way you look at it!


my father told the dentist that I would keep my teeth...so now I have this sterile package of discusting teeth with twisted roots! eww

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Wow, I didn't notice this thread before...


Well, I'm one of those people! :naughty: I had two wisdom teeth removed last year. It didn't hurt (my dentist is nice! :naughty: ) but anyway...Wisdom teeth suck! :thumbdown:

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  • 6 months later...

I was so nervous to get mine out. :(

The last thought in my mind was, "oh, he's putting in more medicine" then I was out. xD


But I got sooooo sick today afterwards from the sedation, and since I hadn't eaten anything, I was basically throwing up blood.


This is starting to be one of my least favorite experiences.

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I am one of those people..

I pulled out two wisdom teeth yesterday and I got a little surgery for one of wisdom teeth. It was under my gum so I had to remove it and broke into small pieces. And now, my swollen face looks like a full moon.:boxed:


Is there anyone to share the experience about wisdom teeth?

Hmm I had mine at 12... They give me temporary absis's occasionally... They're not painful but they taste really fowl when the sists burst :S

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wow that's convienent...i think my wisdome teeth started to come in today...or at least you know that teething feeling? where you havta constantly chew on something?

argg i'm really scared to get them out.....i guess i'll find out when at the next dentist app.:blink:

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wow that's convienent...i think my wisdome teeth started to come in today...or at least you know that teething feeling? where you havta constantly chew on something?

argg i'm really scared to get them out.....i guess i'll find out when at the next dentist app.:blink:

how many do you think you have?

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That's not too horrible.


I had all 4, so every corner of my mouth hurts from the stitches. >.<


But all in all, the actual surgery isn't bad, because you don't even remember it.


oi that sounds bad:blink:



haha do you say embarassing things while you're under?:naughty:

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oi that sounds bad:blink:



haha do you say embarassing things while you're under?:naughty:


it's pretty bad, but not unbareable.



hahahaha, I didn't personally, but one of my friends was swearing like a sailor when she came out!!!! :roftl: and she's the kind of person who hardly ever swears!

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it's pretty bad, but not unbareable.



hahahaha, I didn't personally, but one of my friends was swearing like a sailor when she came out!!!! :roftl: and she's the kind of person who hardly ever swears!


:roftl:oh no! i don't want that to happen to me...one of my friends said that she kept asking for little kids building blocks, and would scream like a little girl:blink::roftl:

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:shocked: I've been in pain since high school... I get these really mild but annoying little pains for a day or two and then I don't feel anything for 2-3 months and again. The last time I went to the dentist she never mentioned anything about getting them out...

I get rly scared about any major physical pain, is general anesthesia painful, I mean afterwards, during the recovery? Cos I'm having surgery done in a few months and the thought of it has started to freak me out :thumbdown:

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:shocked: I've been in pain since high school... I get these really mild but annoying little pains for a day or two and then I don't feel anything for 2-3 months and again. The last time I went to the dentist she never mentioned anything about getting them out...

I get rly scared about any major physical pain, is general anesthesia painful, I mean afterwards, during the recovery? Cos I'm having surgery done in a few months and the thought of it has started to freak me out :thumbdown:


After the surgery, the anesthesia isn't painful at all, it kind of makes you feel loopy, to tell you the truth.


I have weird reactions to it, any type of anesthesia/gas/sedation makes me throw up. (but, that's because I don't tollerate that stuff well.)


But really, there's no need to worry about it--You'll be fine, I promise. :wink2:

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After the surgery, the anesthesia isn't painful at all, it kind of makes you feel loopy, to tell you the truth.


I have weird reactions to it, any type of anesthesia/gas/sedation makes me throw up. (but, that's because I don't tollerate that stuff well.)


But really, there's no need to worry about it--You'll be fine, I promise.


Oooh you're one of the ones that has that reaction to it. :( I heard some people have that reaction and I was afraid to go under the first time because I was afraid I was one of those people.




And just for the others that are worried, anesthesia doesn't hurt at all. I've gone under twice, the first time I had to get four teeth removed and one was stuck up in my gum sideways so they had to cut the gum and break the tooth in pieces to get it out.

I only had one odd thing happen to me after that surgery. When I was recovering right after it I guess I was talking about the things in the room and the pictures on the walls, and I remember walking out of the building but my memory only remembers seeing black. I guess I could see everything and I remember what I did but I just remember black. I don't have memories of seeing until I was getting into the back of the van. Some how it just clicked on and that's the first thing I actually remember seeing was the inside of the van. :shocked: Soooo I'm not quite sure how I could talk about things I saw but only have the memory of seeing black. They must have slipped a little something something into my anesthesia. :lmfao:


The second time I went under was for my wisdom teeth. The only thing they warned me about is that when I was under I might feel some pulling. Which I found odd because the first time I was really knocked out. This time I swore I started to come out of it during the surgery and I felt some pulling (not any pain just that someone was pulling me by my teeth haha) but then I fell back asleep. :blink: I found out that I wasn't knocked out as hard that time because the first time it was more risky with having to break my tooth. So I think the nurse monitoring me saw that I was starting to come out and made it so I went right back under. I know sounds scary because who doesn't have the fear of waking up during their surgery? I assure you though, it was nothing scary. Who really knows if it actually did happen. Maybe I did have a dream when I was under and that was it. I think it did though because I do remember feeling like something was pulling me by my teeth.


Other than that... the anesthesia will just make you super tired and you'll fall in and out of consciousness really easily. I remember us going down a hill after my second surgery and we were coming up to a stop light and I was thinking about the stop light but then the next thing I know I'm waking up in my home town. I had passed out before we even got to the light and it wasn't even that far from us. :naughty: Oh and also not everyone says weird things either when they come out. I didn't say anything. I just wanted to sleep. So don't freak out thinking that you'll reveal your deepest darkest secrets or say anything weird. It does happen to some people but not all. :) The swelling also is different for everyone, I got lucky and didn't have any.


Oh and another thing... if they offer you laughing gas... take it if you want to but I think it smelled weird. They put a breathing mask on me my first time and tried giving it to me because I had been crying because I was so terrified. Well the laughing gas stunk and as an instant reaction I held my breath and I told them that I didn't want it so they quickly turned on some pure oxygen. I'm so hardcore that laughing gas couldn't make me laugh. :wink2:

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Oooh you're one of the ones that has that reaction to it. :( I heard some people have that reaction and I was afraid to go under the first time because I was afraid I was one of those people.




And just for the others that are worried, anesthesia doesn't hurt at all. I've gone under twice, the first time I had to get four teeth removed and one was stuck up in my gum sideways so they had to cut the gum and break the tooth in pieces to get it out.

I only had one odd thing happen to me after that surgery. When I was recovering right after it I guess I was talking about the things in the room and the pictures on the walls, and I remember walking out of the building but my memory only remembers seeing black. I guess I could see everything and I remember what I did but I just remember black. I don't have memories of seeing until I was getting into the back of the van. Some how it just clicked on and that's the first thing I actually remember seeing was the inside of the van. :shocked: Soooo I'm not quite sure how I could talk about things I saw but only have the memory of seeing black. They must have slipped a little something something into my anesthesia. :lmfao:


The second time I went under was for my wisdom teeth. The only thing they warned me about is that when I was under I might feel some pulling. Which I found odd because the first time I was really knocked out. This time I swore I started to come out of it during the surgery and I felt some pulling (not any pain just that someone was pulling me by my teeth haha) but then I fell back asleep. :blink: I found out that I wasn't knocked out as hard that time because the first time it was more risky with having to break my tooth. So I think the nurse monitoring me saw that I was starting to come out and made it so I went right back under. I know sounds scary because who doesn't have the fear of waking up during their surgery? I assure you though, it was nothing scary. Who really knows if it actually did happen. Maybe I did have a dream when I was under and that was it. I think it did though because I do remember feeling like something was pulling me by my teeth.


Other than that... the anesthesia will just make you super tired and you'll fall in and out of consciousness really easily. I remember us going down a hill after my second surgery and we were coming up to a stop light and I was thinking about the stop light but then the next thing I know I'm waking up in my home town. I had passed out before we even got to the light and it wasn't even that far from us. :naughty: Oh and also not everyone says weird things either when they come out. I didn't say anything. I just wanted to sleep. So don't freak out thinking that you'll reveal your deepest darkest secrets or say anything weird. It does happen to some people but not all. :) The swelling also is different for everyone, I got lucky and didn't have any.


Oh and another thing... if they offer you laughing gas... take it if you want to but I think it smelled weird. They put a breathing mask on me my first time and tried giving it to me because I had been crying because I was so terrified. Well the laughing gas stunk and as an instant reaction I held my breath and I told them that I didn't want it so they quickly turned on some pure oxygen. I'm so hardcore that laughing gas couldn't make me laugh. :wink2:


Yep, that's why I NEVER get lauging gas!!!!

When I went to the dentist a couple of weeks ago, I decided to mix things up a little and get the gas.......It smelled good at first, I had her mix the pineapple smelling stuff with the coconut, and it was pretty good!

Until I started feeling nauseous. >.<


I endured it through the appointment, but the bad thing was I still had a 15 minute drive ahead of me.

I think that was the worse feeling of my life. xD


Oh, and to those who've had their wisdom teeth out---did you get any bruising?

I have a couple of bruises on my face, and was wondering if anyone else had the same experience.

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Yep, that's why I NEVER get lauging gas!!!!

When I went to the dentist a couple of weeks ago, I decided to mix things up a little and get the gas.......It smelled good at first, I had her mix the pineapple smelling stuff with the coconut, and it was pretty good!

Until I started feeling nauseous. >.<


I endured it through the appointment, but the bad thing was I still had a 15 minute drive ahead of me.

I think that was the worse feeling of my life. xD


Oh, and to those who've had their wisdom teeth out---did you get any bruising?

I have a couple of bruises on my face, and was wondering if anyone else had the same experience.

Oh! thank you for your words, I was starting to worried about it even tho I know it's gonna be fine.

That story is funny, that you couldn't see and yet you could talk about the room , I got the feeling that right after my surgery a) I'm gonna talk nonsense :naughty: or b) fall in and out of consciousness

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