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Yeah, I only just realised it was a Saturday. Hoping a Monday will be quieter. And thank goodness no little teenie boppers!

Well first I thought I wouldn't like the 14+ age thing (the venues in Brighton and Bristol were 18+). In B'ham it was different indeed, loads of younger girls, half my age, but quite soon I felt like one of them! Really, I felt 16 again, especially when I started jumping with them during Get it Right! :naughty:


I watched the pics and videos, thanks for posting Mirti and also Summer! :thumb_yello:


I am in love with that solo... :wub2: I really can't wait for the summer... :wub2::naughty:


Enjoy the Newcastle gig tomorrow Freddie! :punk: :punk:

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Conversation between Pete and Blue halfway through the gig. Pete was talking about all the familiar faces in the crowd and the fact that people had traveled to B'ham from afar:


Pete (looking at Blue with a huge smile on his face): 'So tell me, where are you from?' :biggrin2:

Blue (ducking, hiding & grinning): 'I won't tell you!' :blush-anim-cl:

Pete (again): 'No tell me, where are you from?' :biggrin2:


So in the end I admitted that I was from Holland and then Pete asked the crowd to cheer for me - and then I pointed at Mirti and I told Pete she came all the way from Italy and the crowd cheered again for Mirti. :roftl: :roftl:




I remember Jonny giving me the nymph keyring at the B'ham gig in May. He asked me if I had come all the way from Holland to see Mika and I said yes (and then I told him about the two girls from Estonia who were there and he was even more surprised). Then he asked me if I would ever come all the way from Holland to see Palladium and I said 'well maybe?' Oh those remarkable words... :naughty:

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Hi everyone :) I'm not here a lot now (it's a bit slow for me :( and busy for me to keep up with, so I'm sticking with the Palladium forum at the moment) but I thought I'd post here :D I was at the B'ham one, it was fantastic :D I got my pic taken with Rocky, Rufio and Peter they're all so lovely :wub2: but I was being shy as usual so didn't get to say much apart from hello and it was great etc, I've spoken to them on myspace a bit tho :) was fab, and I loved the support too.

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Thank you! I hate youtube it makes the quality so low. I love your videos, thanks so much for sharing! :)

Thanx! actually I saw only now that the quality on youtube really sucks:boxed: The video on my pc are much better but I had to reduce them cause both youtube and myspace have a limit of 100MB.. :(

Will try with myspace in the next few days!


Tommorow ! :punk:


Looking forward to it :thumb_yello:

Ow I'm so jealous!!:wub2:

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Conversation between Pete and Blue halfway through the gig. Pete was talking about all the familiar faces in the crowd and the fact that people had traveled to B'ham from afar:


Pete (looking at Blue with a huge smile on his face): 'So tell me, where are you from?' :biggrin2:

Blue (ducking, hiding & grinning): 'I won't tell you!' :blush-anim-cl:

Pete (again): 'No tell me, where are you from?' :biggrin2:


So in the end I admitted that I was from Holland and then Pete asked the crowd to cheer for me - and then I pointed at Mirti and I told Pete she came all the way from Italy and the crowd cheered again for Mirti. :roftl: :roftl:



Aw, I'd cheer for you and I know where you come from already. :wub2:

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Not bad, although the girls who were front row were a bit too tall for Mirti. :huglove:


Though your pics turned out well Mirti! :thumb_yello:

Thank god my arm is a bit taller than their head!:naughty:


Conversation between Pete and Blue halfway through the gig. Pete was talking about all the familiar faces in the crowd and the fact that people had traveled to B'ham from afar:


Pete (looking at Blue with a huge smile on his face): 'So tell me, where are you from?' :biggrin2:

Blue (ducking, hiding & grinning): 'I won't tell you!' :blush-anim-cl:

Pete (again): 'No tell me, where are you from?' :biggrin2:


So in the end I admitted that I was from Holland and then Pete asked the crowd to cheer for me - and then I pointed at Mirti and I told Pete she came all the way from Italy and the crowd cheered again for Mirti.

So embarrassing....:blush-anim-cl:

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from SMHTP:



Here are some of the facts. Palladium formed last September, acquaintances through grueling tours on the session musician circuit. They make music that is epic, joyful and ludicrous, bringing to mind things that you love, and things that might make you feel rather uneasy: Pink Floyd, The Police, Fleetwood Mac's 'Tango In The Night', Steely Dan, Toto, Stevie Wonder, Hall & Oates and The Who in the early 70's. Better still, they wear some of the oddest clothes on earth: tweed jackets, flowery shirts, dangly earrings, bleached hair and golf visors (yep, all at once). On paper they sound like the worst band on earth, right? But then who ever enjoyed a band on paper?


Skip back to September 2006 and Palladium – consisting of Peter, Rufio, Fez and Rocky - are playing their first gig in, of all places, a Caribbean restaurant. It's a last-minute arrangement so the band make up for the fact they've never played together by, umm, dressing as Peter Pan in drag. A few months later, and they had transformed into a well-oiled, synth-laden stadium pop machine. Virgin snapped them up instantly.


"People think we're lucky, that everything fell into place for us," reckons Fez. "But we've been grafting as individual players all our life. When everyone was out having fun, I was in my bedroom like a loser, trying to be the best. We've been doing gigs since we were kids, that's why it clicked so quickly."


We caught up with Palladium supporting MIKA on tour in Brighton and that interview will be online soon.



VIDEO: click



New band Palladium, who supported Mika on his latest tour, talked to SMHTP about their eclectic taste in music, Gary Barlow and what tips they had for singers everywhere.


Watching four crackers pop musicians vying for attention with a sensory overload of head-banging, guitar-riffin' and unusual headwear shows most other bands up for being painfully dull.


"All the great bands were like that," reasons Peter. "That's what a band should be. Nowadays we're used to seeing the Razorlight situation, with just one strong personality, but that's no fun for the listener. We're a proper band. Everyone's got something to give and something different about them. That's why we're fun to watch."


Until, of course, the stylists get hold of them and make them look like every other identikit indie band, right?


"That will never happen!" says an indignant Rocky. "That's what we always said we wouldn't do."


Fez: "We have put ourselves out there. We're not hiding anything. It’s up to people to decide whether they love us or hate us. What we don’t want is indifference.”


Do you feel brave?


Rufio: "Not really, because when you're onstage you feel kind of invincible. Not in an arrogant way, but when you're playing there's the sense that it's all or nothing."


Peter shakes his head: "It's not all or nothing! With Palladium, it's all or all."


Rocky nods: "There is no plan B."


So where are Palladium heading? Let's just say that they picked their name because of its rhyming qualities. A barrage of positive vibes, delivered by four supernaturally talented musicians who look like they got lost in a fancy dress cupboard? Wasn't rock'n'roll always supposed to be about breaking the rules?

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from SMHTP:



Here are some of the facts. Palladium formed last September, acquaintances through grueling tours on the session musician circuit. They make music that is epic, joyful and ludicrous, bringing to mind things that you love, and things that might make you feel rather uneasy: Pink Floyd, The Police, Fleetwood Mac's 'Tango In The Night', Steely Dan, Toto, Stevie Wonder, Hall & Oates and The Who in the early 70's. Better still, they wear some of the oddest clothes on earth: tweed jackets, flowery shirts, dangly earrings, bleached hair and golf visors (yep, all at once). On paper they sound like the worst band on earth, right? But then who ever enjoyed a band on paper?


Skip back to September 2006 and Palladium – consisting of Peter, Rufio, Fez and Rocky - are playing their first gig in, of all places, a Caribbean restaurant. It's a last-minute arrangement so the band make up for the fact they've never played together by, umm, dressing as Peter Pan in drag. A few months later, and they had transformed into a well-oiled, synth-laden stadium pop machine. Virgin snapped them up instantly.


"People think we're lucky, that everything fell into place for us," reckons Fez. "But we've been grafting as individual players all our life. When everyone was out having fun, I was in my bedroom like a loser, trying to be the best. We've been doing gigs since we were kids, that's why it clicked so quickly."


We caught up with Palladium supporting MIKA on tour in Brighton and that interview will be online soon.



VIDEO: click



New band Palladium, who supported Mika on his latest tour, talked to SMHTP about their eclectic taste in music, Gary Barlow and what tips they had for singers everywhere.


Watching four crackers pop musicians vying for attention with a sensory overload of head-banging, guitar-riffin' and unusual headwear shows most other bands up for being painfully dull.


"All the great bands were like that," reasons Peter. "That's what a band should be. Nowadays we're used to seeing the Razorlight situation, with just one strong personality, but that's no fun for the listener. We're a proper band. Everyone's got something to give and something different about them. That's why we're fun to watch."


Until, of course, the stylists get hold of them and make them look like every other identikit indie band, right?


"That will never happen!" says an indignant Rocky. "That's what we always said we wouldn't do."


Fez: "We have put ourselves out there. We're not hiding anything. It’s up to people to decide whether they love us or hate us. What we don’t want is indifference.”


Do you feel brave?


Rufio: "Not really, because when you're onstage you feel kind of invincible. Not in an arrogant way, but when you're playing there's the sense that it's all or nothing."


Peter shakes his head: "It's not all or nothing! With Palladium, it's all or all."


Rocky nods: "There is no plan B."


So where are Palladium heading? Let's just say that they picked their name because of its rhyming qualities. A barrage of positive vibes, delivered by four supernaturally talented musicians who look like they got lost in a fancy dress cupboard? Wasn't rock'n'roll always supposed to be about breaking the rules?

a video interview also, awesome! Thanx for posting!:thumb_yello:

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Aw, I'd cheer for you and I know where you come from already. :wub2:

Aw, that's sweet of you! :wub2:


Hehe, I guess Pete just wanted to hear it straight from the horses mouth (yeah, pun :naughty:). Naughty boy. :naughty:


After the gig he said he didn't mean to embarrass me but he didn't, I just didn't expect him to start a conversation with me during the gig. :roftl:


So embarrassing....:blush-anim-cl:

Naaaaah, it was funny! :bleh:

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Thanx! actually I saw only now that the quality on youtube really sucks:boxed: The video on my pc are much better but I had to reduce them cause both youtube and myspace have a limit of 100MB.. :(

Will try with myspace in the next few days!



Why don't you try Stage 6? :wink2: It's great! Takes large videos.


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Ohh they were great last night :punk:


Hardly anyone was there less than 50 easy , I watched the whole gig at the front with a beer on the speaker.


<stonking nasty hangover today>


Great lads:punk: , we all had a good chat with them and they just seemed happy to be playing even though it was empty

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Hiya :thumb_yello:


Yeh it was great ! .. they chatted before hand and after , tiny little venue Rufio didnt even have enough room to do his usual jive :punk:


Sounded great though


Must say I loved Alphabeat :punk:


gotta find the money to see Alphaebeat+Palladium this spring:bleh:

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Ohh they were great last night :punk:


Hardly anyone was there less than 50 easy , I watched the whole gig at the front with a beer on the speaker.


<stonking nasty hangover today>


Great lads:punk: , we all had a good chat with them and they just seemed happy to be playing even though it was empty

Relaxed! Sounds like Eurosonic, Brighton & Bristol all in one! :naughty:


I knew you would have a great time Freddie, happy to see that you really enjoyed the gig! Great lads indeed! :thumb_yello:

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