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MFCers say "HELLO" at the gigs!


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With the risk of sounding like a political candidate, trying to win votes for popularity (which I don't care for)... shall we all just try to at least make an effort to say "hi" and meet our fellow MFCers in the queues?


There's too many 'missed opportunities' posts that I've read.:thumbdown:

We're the MIKA FAN CLUB and we should try to meet our fellow members when we have the chance.

I know that its different in the sense that we can avoid and ignore eachother on the forums if we want to and there are cliques that form too. We don't have to spend the entire day chatting with eachother, but while you're stuck in the queue, I think it makes sense to make an effort to find the shy ones who really do want to meet you. Doesn't hurt to at least say "hello". :biggrin2:


Just a suggestion. :wink2:

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I agree but there is some issue we have to overcome here:

How do we recognise the person queueing up is an MFC member?

I think we should come up with a solution to that.. an easy one if possible... (like wearing sunglasses in the winter or anything you can think of and that is easy to 'execute')

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months ago we were thinking of doing the Mika Four, which is where you put your pinky (little finger) down, and your other fingers form a "four", instead of putting your thumb down.


some people have already met, some already know what people look like, and some people know who's dressing up as what. if anything it's the shy ones who should make the effort :bleh:

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months ago we were thinking of doing the Mika Four, which is where you put your pinky (little finger) down, and your other fingers form a "four", instead of putting your thumb down.


some people have already met, some already know what people look like, and some people know who's dressing up as what. if anything it's the shy ones who should make the effort :bleh:

Loads of people physically can't do that though. ( I can but loads cant)

I've met quite a few so will obviously recognise them but I have my shy moments so I might not be too talkative...for the first 5 minutes anyway - there's no shutting me up once I get started!

the best way is probably just look for the big group of crazy people at the front? and casually start yelling chicken up and down the queue to see who gives the right reaction..

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Loads of people physically can't do that though. ( I can but loads cant)

I've met quite a few so will obviously recognise them but I have my shy moments so I might not be too talkative...for the first 5 minutes anyway - there's no shutting me up once I get started!

the best way is probably just look for the big group of crazy people at the front? and casually start yelling chicken up and down the queue to see who gives the right reaction..




chicken it is! :lmao:






person #2: *cocks head up* CHICKEEEEEN!


person #3: who said "Chicken?"


person #4: where's the chicken?


Mika: *comes out the car doors and hears people shouting "Chicken" across the queue.* Oh my Lord they're already off....*creeps back inside car*

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I think it would be good to have something recognizable, yeah. It's not easy walking up to "strangers" you know! I recognized Blue so I went up to her going "Karin?" and sounding like an idiot probably. :naughty:

I dunno.. I found that rather difficult to do, so I can imagine some people not doing it and wanting something MFC-ish so people could walk up to them, instead of the other way around.

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I think it would be good to have something recognizable, yeah. It's not easy walking up to "strangers" you know! I recognized Blue so I went up to her going "Karin?" and sounding like an idiot probably. :naughty:

I dunno.. I found that rather difficult to do, so I can imagine some people not doing it and wanting something MFC-ish so people could walk up to them, instead of the other way around.


Agree ..... how about the MFC flag pinned up somewhere or a large stick that flashes , so everyone knows where the MFC is in the queue


I feel bad that some MFC members did not meet the main group as they felt shy or whatever

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I've only been to two shows (so far!) but both times we

organized meeting up with large groups of fans in advance here.

I think that worked well.

Both times, there were so many of us, with MFC buttons,

flashing hearts, rosettes, that I think we were hard to miss.


I'm more than a little timid, so I understand that it might be

intimidating to others to approach a big crowd, but I

think if you see lots of MFC badges you

should know that it's going to be a welcoming bunch! :thumb_yello:


In the days leading up to the DC show, I posted a lot in the gig thread

and tried to encourage everyone who was attending to join us.

When we went I had a big MFC poster made up --

anyone around could easily see that and knew who we

were. In fact, some did see it who I had not met online here and

they came up to me before the show. :)


Hopefully, we'll continue to arrange things in advance, and those

who are shy online will feel brave enough when they spot MFC

people in person... Look for the MFC flag or MFC badges or

the flashing hearts...



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I think it really helps having even a simple print out that has the MFC logo on it. If you don't have the courage to wave it around, then stick it onto your bag or get your friends to stick it onto your back in the queue. So then others can see it and tap you on the shoulder, and you don't have to be getting up the confidence to approach strangers.:wink2:


Edit: I carried one with me both times, and the second time, people were coming up and asking me if maybe, by chance, was I Blue Sky off MFC. I didn't have to approach anyone. Though to start with I felt like a right idiot standing holding the sign...in a land where I am clearly not native....it ended up being the best thing I ever did...wonder why....*sigh*

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I had no problem recognising MFCers at all.. all i did at Birmingham was walk up to the queue and all the MFCers in the queue looked at me as if to checkout if i was one.. lol i knew right away they were.. :wink2: lots of clues.. anyhow.. MFC badge.. those hearts... or you can always ask if they are :biggrin2:

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I had no problem recognising MFCers at all.. all i did at Birmingham was walk up to the queue and all the MFCers in the queue looked at me as if to checkout if i was one.. lol i knew right away they were.. :wink2: lots of clues.. anyhow.. MFC badge.. those hearts... or you can always ask if they are :biggrin2:


hehe i think that was me running up and down asking are u mfc? or u mfc? lol

had some strange looks thou...


we should wear name badges:wink2:

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I'm one of the ones who regrets not making more effort to seek out and say hello to MFCers....:boxed:


I did say hello to those I recognised and chatted to a couple but wish I'd been more confident to say more to more! It is hard if you are naturally shy but I agree...more effort needed. It's worth it, I'm sure. And a nicer bunch of "strangers" you couldn't possibly hope to meet, really :bleh:


Flashing hearts are good - although there was a lot of flashing stuff around and not all of it hearts so it was confusing at times, especially at a distance!



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I'm one of the ones who regrets not making more effort to seek out and say hello to MFCers....:boxed:


I did say hello to those I recognised and chatted to a couple but wish I'd been more confident to say more to more! It is hard if you are naturally shy but I agree...more effort needed. It's worth it, I'm sure. And a nicer bunch of "strangers" you couldn't possibly hope to meet, really :bleh:


Flashing hearts are good - although there was a lot of flashing stuff around and not all of it hearts so it was confusing at times, especially at a distance!




i was fine at the birm ones but i have admitted already i should have made more effort at donny, but it was tired, iv never done 3 gigs in a row and i didnt know it would take so much out of me.

its a shame really cos there where ppl there that i really wanted to get to know:blink:

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I think it's a great idea to think of something to recognize mfc members by.. I'm really shy and I'm always afraid that I'll make mistakes when I speak English.. and I'm only 13 so I'll probably be the youngest.. When I was at the Mika gig in Amsterdam i didn't go op to the mfc and I really did regret that afterwards.. so i hope that I will be brave enough to go up to the mfc at brixton academy..:wink2:

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Please come say "hi" girls (and boys) I don't bite...not on the first meet anyway :naughty: (Just kidding!)


I might sometimes be preoccupied running around the outside of the venue looking for Mika, or fiddling with my new camera that I don't know how to use, or trying to text message on a phone I that I borrowed and still don't know how to use either....(keeps making words i don't want) :blink:


I will definitely have a Mika Fan Club button on me somewhere, a Canadian Flag, or better yet...take a look at my siggy. You can't miss me, really.

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Good topic, Suzy. I def think that we should come up with a way to be able to recognize any MFCers that go to shows (or at least the people that want to be recognized). It would certainly make it a lot easier if we found a common, consistent way for all of us to find one another.

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I'm kinda shy to say hello :boxed:

But this weekend on the 2nd of December I'm gonna print this and put on my bag :vanessa.png


These siggy things in the MFC style are great, who has done them???? I'd like one...:bleh:


We should all wear big top hats with these forum name thingies emblazoned on them. Or T-shirts. Or bags like you vanessa!

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