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The Oldlings Thread (Part 7)!!!


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Hi everyone..just a quickie, like everyone. I should not actually be sitting here in my dressing gown, I should be out with the dogs.


Yes, I totally agree...I looked in on the 'personal life' thread and frankly couldn't be bothered to even post my opinion...I know we are older but really......words fail me!


Carri, glad you enjoyed the film!


Oh well, I thought I was really organised but keep thinking of a 1000 things that I haven't done!


MM, sorry to hear about the children. I so hope get well soon..hopefully they will be ok but it must be very disapointing for them to miss this week at school..it is all part of Christmas isn't it. Thank you for the lovely greeting also, yes it has been a very special year for us all hasn't it..and all so unexpected!


OK..must go..have a great day everyone and will send Wendi all your love when I text her.


Love Kath x


Yeh Ive got my hands full in that thread :boxed:

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Hi oldlings!


*waves shyly, then blushes and scampers off*


oh that's odd indeed!:shocked:

why you should be shy and blush HERE when you post WHATEVER in other threads???

come on younglings!

this is the most inoffensive (right word?), easy, naif thread in all forum!!!

we welcome all mfcers here....the mika love is spread all over the thread...:wub2: :wub2:


come here and post, we'll never let you down! :thumb_yello:


hi melanie..this time i'll be there!

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oh that's odd indeed!:shocked:

why you should be shy and blush HERE when you post WHATEVER in other threads???

come on younglings!

this is the most inoffensive (right word?), easy, naif thread in all forum!!!

we welcome all mfcers here....the mika love is spread all over the thread...:wub2: :wub2:


come here and post, we'll never let you down! :thumb_yello:


hi melanie..this time i'll be there!


Yeh this thread is a calming place , there are worse! :wink2:


Hiya roobbiiii :wub2:

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hi FD!

i've just been aware that my boss won't be here until midday...so i can take some time to post!

(not a good example to younglings...:wink2: )


how are you dear?

busy busy as all of us, i know!


i'm trying to convince myself that putting my london tickets in a xmas box and leaving it under my xmas tree and opening it in front of hubby on xmas morning IS a good idea...but not so sure 100% it would turn my xmas day into a horrible nightmare of divorce! :shocked::naughty:

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hi FD!

i've just been aware that my boss won't be here until midday...so i can take some time to post!

(not a good example to younglings...:wink2: )


how are you dear?

busy busy as all of us, i know!


i'm trying to convince myself that putting my london tickets in a xmas box and leaving it under my xmas tree and opening it in front of hubby on xmas morning IS a good idea...but not so sure 100% it would turn my xmas day into a horrible nightmare of divorce! :shocked::naughty:


Im soo busy!!! yeah its an insane time of year :biggrin2:


Divorce on xmas day is soo not good , Im sure he will understand , hes a great guy :biggrin2:


Im still ill from that chest infection from Torino!!!! , had blood tests and xrays last week!:boxed:

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Im soo busy!!! yeah its an insane time of year :biggrin2:


Divorce on xmas day is soo not good , Im sure he will understand , hes a great guy :biggrin2:


Im still ill from that chest infection from Torino!!!! , had blood tests and xrays last week!:boxed:

now tell me whose the fault is for that...:sneaky2:

are you wearing something warmer now? :sneaky2:


ah you young males...always in lack of undershirt...take MIKA! he's always ill, but he never wears properly!:naughty:


*trying to be a good mother*

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now tell me whose the fault is for that...:sneaky2:

are you wearing something warmer now? :sneaky2:


ah you young males...always in lack of undershirt...take MIKA! he's always ill, but he never wears properly!:naughty:


*trying to be a good mother*


Okk you are my Italian mam!!! . I have alos had lectures from my English mum!!


Glasgow was just silly!!! , twas my own fault :boxed:


So whats your plans for xmas?

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oh....xmas time is magic!:wub2:


i'm setting all our nativity village downstairs in my daddy's house, with lights, water falls...i'll post pics in the xmas thread when it's finished!

on xmas eve, we go to Mass at midnight, then to a village party with spumante and panettone all together (and hot chocolate for me and kids! :wink2: )

then on xmas morning we open santa presents under the xmas tree and have lunch at home (good moms cook a lot...as mika's one!:sneaky2: )


after 2/3 days...to the mountains! till jan 5th, great fun with snow and friends on new year eve! :thumb_yello:


no mfc though.............sigh :shocked:


what about you?

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helloo helloo hello - all ok??


Fd - am still ill - rumbling in my chest!!!


Robi - yes Golden Compass was amazing - I cried!!! and am now reading the book!


The personal Thread - hmm - v v difficult _ I can see there are a lot of dissollusioned young girls that obviously madly in love with our boy but.... I suppose we are here for the music and the entertainment factor - which is obviously helped by the fact tha he is sooo photogenic - - but the younger ones seemed to be upset about the "we dont care " attitude.


Maybe we have nt explained it properly - but I really cant be ar**d to ! maybe we should

say - "We don't mind" or "it doesnt matter"


or even


as its not going to affect any of us either way - "We're not Bovvered!!" ha ha ha :)


off to put the kettle on - orders pl . . . . .

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oh....xmas time is magic!:wub2:


i'm setting all our nativity village downstairs in my daddy's house, with lights, water falls...i'll post pics in the xmas thread when it's finished!

on xmas eve, we go to Mass at midnight, then to a village party with spumante and panettone all together (and hot chocolate for me and kids! :wink2: )

then on xmas morning we open santa presents under the xmas tree and have lunch at home (good moms cook a lot...as mika's one!:sneaky2: )


after 2/3 days...to the mountains! till jan 5th, great fun with snow and friends on new year eve! :thumb_yello:


no mfc though.............sigh :shocked:


what about you?




aw - lovely Robi - where in the mountains?? will you be ski ing??



We will go to midnight mass on Christmas eve - pressies form santa in our bed on christmas morning - then down for break fast and our presents to each other - crips walk in park with hounds then to my mum and dads for lunch and MORE PRESSIES!!

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Hi all! Is it as cold there with you as it is here in Holland? It's freezing (not too much though: minus 1 Celsius) and there is a cold sharp wind and no sunshine at all!

You are pretty excited about Christmas, aren't you Carrie? Do your children know about Santa, I mean: do they know who is buying their presents?

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Hi all! Is it as cold there with you as it is here in Holland? It's freezing (not too much though: minus 1 Celsius) and there is a cold sharp wind and no sunshine at all!

You are pretty excited about Christmas, aren't you Carrie? Do your children know about Santa, I mean: do they know who is buying their presents?



he he - just a bit - they are 12 and 9 Anna - 12 yr old girl is pretty clued up but plays along - Theo is 9 0 he has got an idea - keeps asking questions - but I manage to cover it - need to keep it going as long as possible!!


what about yrs?

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he he - just a bit - they are 12 and 9 Anna - 12 yr old girl is pretty clued up but plays along - Theo is 9 0 he has got an idea - keeps asking questions - but I manage to cover it - need to keep it going as long as possible!!


what about yrs?


In Holland we give presents with Sinterklaas. On the fifth of december. Normally the children know that he doesn't exist round the age of 7. My oldest who is almost 12 now, found it out by herself. Asking question and wondering about it. My middle (8) one has got no clue whatsoever! All her classmates now and they are so sweet not to tell her anything. They don't even laugh about it or tease her... My youngest is 5 and ofcourse a believer. I tell them though that there is no such man as Santa Claus, that he is just a dressed up man. And still they don't ask me any questions about Sinterklaas...:blink:

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Hello everyone..activity in the Oldlings at last! Had a text from Wendi, she had a better night and is feeling a little better...good news indeed!


Yes,I guess we need to try and remember what it is like to be a besotted teenager and everything that brings...we are looking at it with entirely different eyes. I guess age does have some advantages! Poor Fred, I hope you survive!


Robi, your Christmas sounds an absolute delight and it is so lovely as I know exactly where you live so I can picture it all!


Bye again

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Hello everyone..activity in the Oldlings at last! Had a text from Wendi, she had a better night and is feeling a little better...good news indeed!


Yes,I guess we need to try and remember what it is like to be a besotted teenager and everything that brings...we are looking at it with entirely different eyes. I guess age does have some advantages! Poor Fred, I hope you survive!


Robi, your Christmas sounds an absolute delight and it is so lovely as I know exactly where you live so I can picture it all!


Bye again


Can you PM me Wendos address please , I would like to send her a xmas card


And yeah .. the sexuality thing is hard work .. but Im sure we will get there , it would be easier to talk it through over a few drinks :biggrin2:

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I think a lot of them wont accept any thing re the sexuality unless they see it for them selves - actaully thats not a good mental image is it!!

and as I said in the other threads - if he gets marroed and has j=kids there will still be people saying thats just a front - as well as a lot of sobbing girls!! !

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Will do Fred.

Not sure about the talking it through over drinks ....could lead to tears...or something!


Robi...I forgot to comment...I am doing that for my Christmas gift...but needs to be handled sensitely I feel!

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Good Morning!


Kath - thank you for giving us updates on Wendi...it almost seems unfair for me to be bothered by so many trivial things around her - need to priortize and remember the more important things in life.


Carrie and Robi - so your kids have seen (will see) the Golden Compass? Wondered about that too...


Robi - your Christmas holidays sound amazing. It might be a good idea that there is no MFC for a little while...family time you know. (Should tell myself the same thing)


Hi Freddie *waves*


Hi Debbie *waves*


Hunnyangel - you're welcome here too. Even at 17.

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