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The Oldlings Thread (Part 7)!!!


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MM, thanks for the B-day wish. Glad you like my avatar. :) It's everywhere..my office, my phone, myspace..both of them. LMAO!! I can't get enough of it. Everytime I look at it, I just think how kind he was to take a pic with me. And, then, it leads me back to the MFC. LOL


Gee, I gave up on the forum and came back to 3 pages. When it decides to behave, you have to be quick around here. LOL!!


I'm still at work. Will this day ever end? I want to get dressed up and go to the Queen Mary tonight. I think I'm even going to wear a Holiday velvet dress.


Goodnight MM! Pleasant dreams.

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Night MM - enjoy the Pernod bath:naughty:


Hi Ruth, I bet you're pleased to have Nell back? How long is she home for?


I got over-pleased about her being home - and she didn't realise how much - I rushed home to see her after work yesterday, only to find her leaving to go and meet up with b/f. I kind of flipped - bigstyle - and shrieked at her. I'm not proud of myself and we both ended up in tears. I remembered a similar row with my mum when I stormed off. (35 years ago!) I've worked SO hard not to be like her and in one minute I wrecked our relationship.


So today has been a day of building bridges and being more realistic about what I can expect. So we all had a meal together after the afternoon telly fest and things seem better now.


<enough of that>


So, what's everyone doing this weekend?


Oh dear, scared everyone off? soz.

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Hello, everyone.

Happy Birthday Charlotte!

This forum has been strange today. Ever since I've been fiddling with the cookies in order to vote for ROTY. I wonder if all our multiple votes are even being counted?

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Hi...just a quickie..no time to stop but just wanted to say a quick hello...only had time to read this page..sorry to hear that Ruth..will send you a pm.....Happy Birthday Charlie........Hi everyone else!


Bad bad bad news..my lap top has died! I am totally gutted as it will be very difficult for me to spend evenings on the forum...I will simply have to get another one but may not be around much until I do. Can't be on anyway tonight as busy...so I hope you all have a very good day xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Evening Oldlings. Not that there's anybody here, but I'll still say it anyway. We hit our download limit yesterday and have been speed limited, so my comp was slow anyhow, never mind to forum playing up. It's so frustrating! Just spent $1500 this week getting the head gasket on the car replaced. Apparently we were this close (picture thumb and index finger about 1/8th inch apart) to blowing up the motor. We knew from May that this work needed doing, but didn't have the money until now. Very lucky escape that, cos as expensive as it was, blowing up the motor would have been dearer lol!

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Hiya fellow Oldlings! Not much chatting for a Friday night! Was everyone having a life?


Ruth, I think rows like that are 'good' to have sometimes. I remember me and my parents having similar issues in my first year at uni when I came home in weekends or holidays. It's all about expectations... I'm sure you will have a nice time with Nell being home!


Kath, sorry to hear about your laptop... :sad:


Charlie, happy birthday! :punk:


OK, off to my own Real Life in a few minutes!

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*pops hand up in air* Add me please. :D I wish to be a fellow "Olding" ;)


WELCOME! Certainly you should join us here - I think you might have to PM dcdeb as she created the thread and can edit the list and add you! :thumb_yello:

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Hello everyone. HI Skullyrox! Welcome!


HMMM took the laptop to the computer shop...it is dead. I am so cross as I was just sorting out my files just in case that may happen and now I am too late..to get them off would cost me about £50 and I am not sure that I can justify that for what is essentially a load of Mika stuff..most of which I probably have on the PC anyway...but not all. I am a bit gutted about losing some of my fave pics.


I have just been bidding on ebay for a laptop but it got very silly and i hate that...so I gave up. However, I will have to persevere or I will be like a bear with a sore head all over Christmas!


Hope everyones day is going well! x

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How old are you Skully..may we call you that? It is just that we are essentially lazy and don't want to have to type too much! Please excuse the very direct question and the answer doesn't matter anyway..we will have anyone in here that is mad enough to enter!

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Hi Kath, thanks for the PM. Much better now.


What a bu**er about your laptop. Don't they do a service that gets stuff off the hard drive?

Any chance of Father Christmas comming up trumps?


Hi SkullyRox, nice to have you.


And hi Suzy.

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Hi Kath, thanks for the PM. Much better now.


What a bu**er about your laptop. Don't they do a service that gets stuff off the hard drive?

Any chance of Father Christmas comming up trumps?


Hi SkullyRox, nice to have you.


And hi Suzy.

Hi ruth, yes that is what will cost me £50 and I just don't think I can justify it as most of my stuff is also on here (my PC) I bought my laptop when I was maternity nannying four years ago..now iti s more of a luxury really...but I would hate to be without it. The PC is in another room and I don't think I would get away with spending most evenings on MFC if I was in another room!


I am just looking at a buy it now one on ebay as most of the bidding ones have loads of bids and it just seems to lead to bidding wars...can't be arsed with that!

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Thanks for the welcome!

I'm 30. :D


Major sucky about your laptop Kath. :( My harddrive died on me, but in my case there is nothing that could be done. It's a hardware failure not software *sobs* :( I thought I backed everything up-but a lot of my discs weren't finalised and they're rendered useless because they couldn't be finalised on any other system other than the one that they were burnt on. Silly me!


And you can pretty much call me anything. Most call me Skully, so that's ok. :) My real name is Amanda-but people call me Mands. I don't answer to Mandy though! ;)

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Welcome Skully -- I've added you to the list! :thumb_yello:


Kath -- sorry about your laptop :( I'm sure all of us would be willing

to send you any photos that we have to build your collection back up!

Just let us know how we can help! :)


Hi Ruth! Read back a bit about your dust-up with your daughter and

your recovery -- very impressed with how you handled it. My mom

and I still have a prickly relationship, so I admire you for being able

to work it out! :thumb_yello:


Hi Suzy, Carri, anyone else?


Right... I'm really not here, I'm afraid. It's 10 days before Christmas and

I have to buy gifts for nearly everyone, I'm so behind. Plus cards, baking,

decorating... I'm very last-minute this year! So I'll try to pop in now

and then today in between doing things!


See you later!



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Welcome Skully -- I've added you to the list! :thumb_yello:


Many thanks. :thumb_yello:


I'm pretty much finished now with my Christmas stuff. Just waiting on some stuff "stuck/lost" in the mail. I've wrapped as I've bought, done all my cards-I expect I forgot some people... still time to 'remember' though!:thumb_yello: Usually I leave everything until Christmas Eve-literally, cards, gift buying-end up going into town, walking around in a major huff and coming home with nothing!:badmood:

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Hello again. I am back. Tree is now up.....there are only five gifts under it though...I have some major wrapping contracts to do! Deb, I think most of us are way behind this year and we might as well blame Mika because it IS his fault...I really think his mother ought to point out to him next year that Oct/Nov is NOT a good time to tour...I am sure she is way behind too!


Ok then Skully, Skully it is, I have great difficulty in remembering one name for everyone let alone two but I will try and remember that your real name is Amanda! A lot of us Oldlings met up in Glasgow recently for Mika's gig..even Deb, Tootch and Charlie from the States..there were loads of us and mostly we used forum names. Of course some of us are boring and just use our real names on here anyway...but some have gone identity mad....others have just gone mad!


Oh well, haven't bought a new computer yet...but I really MUST do.


Have a good evening everyone x

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