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The Australian Thread: Part Six

Rainbow Sky

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Hello! :biggrin2:


I'm so addicted to Guitar Hero.


Even thought I've already told you my first celebrity crushes I want to post pictures because I'm a bit bored.



Aww. Nobody can say that's not cute! And I was about 9 at the time.



This was an obsession brought about by my cousin!


Hi SD! Far out... Daniel Radcliffe.... I have a small obsession about him... I'm so glad he's 18 now and I don't feel like such a perv for thinking about him in that way...


Confession... I have no idea who the second picture is of...???

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Just out of interest, has anyone heard (most likely on Triple J) the song called 'I'll Kill Her' by a French girl called Soko? I love it!


My new favourite song is called 'I Will Never Love You More' by her. It's on my myspace if anyone wants to check it out..! :biggrin2:


No. Don't know the song. Then again, don't listen to Triple J. (Ha Ha, I was at high school when triple j first started. That makes me feel old.)

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Hi SD! Far out... Daniel Radcliffe.... I have a small obsession about him... I'm so glad he's 18 now and I don't feel like such a perv for thinking about him in that way...


Confession... I have no idea who the second picture is of...???


It's Chad Michael Murray. He's an actor and stars in the show 'One Tree Hill'. He's also from a few movies such as 'Cinderella Story' and 'House Of Wax'.


I'm not the slightest bit interested in him anymore.

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Just out of interest, has anyone heard (most likely on Triple J) the song called 'I'll Kill Her' by a French girl called Soko? I love it!


My new favourite song is called 'I Will Never Love You More' by her. It's on my myspace if anyone wants to check it out..! :biggrin2:

My new favourite song of hers instead is "I Think I'm Pregnant". :lmao:

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Hi ladies (and DC if you're around), I haven't been on this thread for a few days.... Hope you are all doing well and not having too many fires or too much heat or too much alcohol (I'm sure these all apply to at least some of you:wink2: )


So.... what have I missed? Anything earth shattering?


No, nothing at all!


Quiet lonely and boring (no offence anyone!) at the moment, as there is no new Mika news going on........


We have to rely on RL to keep us entertained!!

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I am kind of fine.... Finding that having MIL here is nowhere near as much of a hassle as I was anticipating, but it still cramps my computer time and I'm resenting that. It's a silly stupid thing, but I'm missing the MFC a lot. And I do still manage to get on here for snatches, but I'd been avoiding coming on the Aussie thread cos I'd want to catch up and wouldn't have time to. So I decided, no catching up!

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It's Chad Michael Murray. He's an actor and stars in the show 'One Tree Hill'. He's also from a few movies such as 'Cinderella Story' and 'House Of Wax'.


I'm not the slightest bit interested in him anymore.


I think I may have heard the name before but know/knew nothing about him...

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The lyrics to 'I Think I'm Pregnant' are here: http://www.lyricsandsongs.com/song/908250.html I won't quote them here, though. :lmao:


Hmmmm. Different... Would be interesting to actually hear it. I was thinking that maybe she had a tumour or something when I read the line that she wasn't actually expecting a baby, but no. Nothing as prosaic as that.

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OMG!!! I knew I liked you for a reason! I love Tripod! They came to uni a few years ago and I gots a photo with them... and my bro got a drunk pic of them at the ARIAS after party!


Yay, I saw them twice this year at the zoo, in March and on the 15th. I have two photos with Yonnie (damn elusive Scod and Gatesy), but have their signatures x3. But my true comedy-obsession was with Lano and Woodley :crybaby:


He got scared when he had that interveiw with rove... honestly... I would have left the country and never returned after that one if I was him...:biggrin2::naughty:


Aww, I love that interview, when they all tease him about his tea-habits. Poor darling.


I'm so addicted to Guitar Hero.


Eurgh, I played that for the first time today ... for a number of hours. I am now convinced I would be able to play guitar ... and am on the verge of buying one. lol.

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You may (or may not) remember that one of the things I suggested for the Mika showbag was to change the lyrics to a classic Australian song like Waltzing Matilda. I know that we're not working on the showbag at present cos we don't know when he's coming, but I started coming up with lyrics for this, just cos they bubbled up in my head.


An Ode to the Internet (Alternative title: The Ballad of how I discovered Mika)


Once a jolly fangirl sat by her radio,

Bored with the dross that she did hear,

So she turned it off and went to check her MySpace

Will you come a searching with me my dear?



Search the computer, search the computer,

Will you come and search the computer with me?

So she turned it off and went to check her MySpace

Wil you come and search the computer with me?


Page by page she traipses through the internet,

Then spots a pic of a guy so twee,

Who's this strange man who leaves his image as a comment?

Will you come and search the computer with me?




Checks out his MySpace then hops over to YouTube,

That's where she first hears Grace Kelly,

Follow up with Big Girl, Relax and Lollipop,

Will you come and search the computer with me?




Downloads clips, looks at pics and reads interviews,

Then she discovers the MFC,

Obsession takes hold and switches into overdrive

Will you come and search the computer with me?










Now, it's not finished, I need one or two more verses. I'd like the last one to have the line "And her ghost may be heard...." like in the original Waltzing Matilda. And each chorus follows the original in that the third line of each verse is the third line of the chorus immediately following that verse. I just wanted to see what people thought...


Oh, and yes, it's autobiographical. It is the story of how I discovered Mika.


I forgot to mention but it's probably obvious. This is sung to the tune of Waltzing Matilda.

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You may (or may not) remember that one of the things I suggested for the Mika showbag was to change the lyrics to a classic Australian song like Waltzing Matilda. I know that we're not working on the showbag at present cos we don't know when he's coming, but I started coming up with lyrics for this, just cos they bubbled up in my head.


An Ode to the Internet (Alternative title: The Ballad of how I discovered Mika)


Once a jolly fangirl sat by her radio,

Bored with the dross that she did hear,

So she turned it off and went to check her MySpace

Will you come a searching with me my dear?



Search the computer, search the computer,

Will you come and search the computer with me?

So she turned it off and went to check her MySpace

Wil you come and search the computer with me?


Page by page she traipses through the internet,

Then spots a pic of a guy so twee,

Who's this strange man who leaves his image as a comment?

Will you come and search the computer with me?




Checks out his MySpace then hops over to YouTube,

That's where she first hears Grace Kelly,

Follow up with Big Girl, Relax and Lollipop,

Will you come and search the computer with me?




Downloads clips, looks at pics and reads interviews,

Then she discovers the MFC,

Obsession takes hold and switches into overdrive

Will you come and search the computer with me?










Now, it's not finished, I need one or two more verses. I'd like the last one to have the line "And her ghost may be heard...." like in the original Waltzing Matilda. And each chorus follows the original in that the third line of each verse is the third line of the chorus immediately following that verse. I just wanted to see what people thought...


Oh, and yes, it's autobiographical. It is the story of how I discovered Mika.


I forgot to mention but it's probably obvious. This is sung to the tune of Waltzing Matilda.


Yes! That is great! And coincidentally, exactly my story also - found MySpace - Youtube searched - etc.

Hee hee, and I also wrote a Waltsing Matilda version like that once, but about - er, Human Sacrificing Quokkas ...

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Great song CD! I am hopeless with lyrics, Michael does a good job at changing them, usually to something dirty and perverted though :shocked::naughty:


Yes! That is great! And coincidentally, exactly my story also - found MySpace - Youtube searched - etc.

Hee hee, and I also wrote a Waltsing Matilda version like that once, but about - er, Human Sacrificing Quokkas ...



Yes, I too know what a quokka is but also want to hear more.......

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BTW, grew up in Perth, so you don't need to explain what a quokka is, just why they are human sacrificing???


Well, now don't expect this to make any form of sence ...


But, we were preparing for a school trip to the US to a "youth environmental conference" and we had to do a project, and so here we are taking pictures of this place in Wellard, and one of the ditzier of the group asked what some footprints were of, and ... we managed to convince her (in all seriousness) that they were quokka footprints, from quokka's that swim across from Rottnest to accept human sacrifices from the people of Kwinana.


Yeah, and then we were going to perform Waltzing Matilda there, and were bored on the plane (or was it on a bus somewhere? I can't really remember), and ... that song resulted.


Damn, now I really want to find it again ... where could it be ...

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