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Mika's Personal Life


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:naughty: :naughty:

He's already going to court for stealing's someone else's artist name, do you really wanna make things worse sara? :roftl:





What would Symbol look like, I wonder?:blink:

It's hard to know, cause we're not allowes to reproduce it either...

So nobody knows....



Erm...sooo yes, I was saying...nobody KNEW, LOL!


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I meant to reply to this when it was only 20 pages long. :roftl: Oh crap. Anyway, I'm just not into analyzing Mika like that- i'm not personally beating around the bush. Not only wouldn't I care if he came out or whatever, and then be like, "Oh, he's still the same musician!" I think that's a given. But I just have no interest in knowing, prior to the fact. It's not even just about the music. I think he's secure with himself and it's just chill. That's what's behind my "we don't care" face.

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Anal Oral Genital

I've got a degree in psychology ;)

Then you and I can have fascinating discussions on the Freudian theories of Penis Envy and the Oedipus Complex and the patriarchal, sexist, even possibly misogynistic nature of Victorian Psychology. :naughty:



Oh no, you're done for, you've revealed his secret symbol. :shocked: *awaits with abated breath for the thread to be closed down since it's gone against "wishes" that Mika has never stated himself and people only assume that he has without any real evidence at all*



We may be sarcastically joking but there's sadly a grain of truth in the joke, some things really are foundationless overreactions.

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I do love the monkeys here in the forum. Very special people they are....in fact it was Scut Monkey who first taught me the art of "multiple quoting"....very good teacher as you can see (sorry).


I was thinking the same thing before but I didn't want to write a long, berating post about it.


Oh..my post was a bit long, but I hope it wasn't too berating. :bleh:


My hypothesis has always been that for Mika, "Are you gay" isn't a question he can answer with a yes or no response. My (completely unsubstantiated) guess is that his sexual identity is more complex that simply gay or straight.


I have a friend who is openly gay, yet who finds the female form sexually attractive and has had his share of female encounters. If he were a popstar and were to answer a question about his orientation, it certainly wouldn't be a straightforward "yes or no" response. I think people are moving away from the black-or-white-and-nothing-in-between perception of sexuality.

I agree, thank you.


Lilmot I agree....! There are MORE options than just Gay, Straight or Bi!


A whole lot more!


Post of the night! very well put :biggrin2:

:blush-anim-cl: Thank you, CM and FD.




Does that make it a new form of sexuality: women who like sexual ambiguity who for some reason call them selves monkeys who like women? I guess I won't go there. :roftl:


Yeah, Am-Sim-Wo sexuality - haven't you heard of it? :mf_rosetinted:


There is a label I might put on my forehead...except I am a women who likes sexual ambiguity who for some reason loves the people who call themselves monkeys. Which label is that Babs?




Hey hey we're the MFC Monkeys! And we certainly don't monkey around!

There is a good theme song!!!

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I meant to post ages ago, haven't had time to read this thread in all 45pages or so, but this Is how I stand:


people can talk about whatever they want to, It just doesn't have to involve me, I don't really need to know the private lives of anyone, even my closest of friends, I dont really feel the need to know, or pass speculation on their sexuality, and I havent even met my friends brothers and sisters and she has 5 of them! the fact is you can be friends with someone without really knowing what goes on behind the bedroom door, and without really knowing the family of that person! you can also be a outright fan without needing to speculate and gossip,

as you raised on the first page (haven't read past pg 1 as yet) I think we can speak openly about DaWack and Alla (whatever the spelling) because they are a big part of his business his job, what he does for a living like a bank and associates! but posting about the rest of his family just because they are related to him, we have enough in this world of instant fame in the shadow of a "famous" relatives as it is! we should leave those people who are not involved in his career for whatever reason out!


Im sorry if Im saying anything wrong to you, I am not preventing anyone from doing anything,


as I said, I havent read the whole thread yet *begins at page #2* this could take a few hours,

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I do love the monkeys here in the forum. Very special people they are....in fact it was Scut Monkey who first taught me the art of "multiple quoting"....very good teacher as you can see (sorry).

Yes, you've clearly learnt that lesson. :naughty:


There is a label I might put on my forehead...except I am a women who likes sexual ambiguity who for some reason loves the people who call themselves monkeys. Which label is that Babs?

It's easier to just call yourself Monkeysexual, like Mika. :mf_rosetinted:

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Has anyone in any interviews asked him straight out if he is bixesual? Many people ask if he is gay. Maybe he's not gay in the strictest sense of the word.


It's the public scrutiny like this that makes me glad I am not famous :D

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I've yet to hear a Mika lyric and think "oh, wow, that's deep" that's something I reserve for the likes of Bob Dylan (on the contrary some of Mika's lyrics make me cringe like "I tried to live alone, but lonely is so lonely alone or repetitive fillers like in HDYL or LT). But I have sat down and reread his lyrics from time to time and thought "that's less superficial than I thought it was before". At the moment (i.e. the start of his career) Mika is inconsistent (or just wide-ranging?) in his lyrical depth, there are things which are quite deep (like SITM) then somethings which seem much more superficial.


I don't believe that his lyrics are strictly autobiographical, but some songs more than others reflect his personality (and not only his sexuality). Like the songs discussed in this thread: Billy Brown possibly shows that he's intrigued by the concept of sexual ambiguity, Big Girl possibly shows that he's intrigued by the concept of the underdog and challenging image perceptions, Love Today may mean that he classifies different forms of love equally, Lollipop may show that he's a bit of a protective brother. Some of those are stretches more than others, but it'd be naive to think that his lyrics are completely detached from his life when he claims to write songs to help him digest life, but conversely it's assuming way too much to say that the songs are autobiographical (e.g. Billy Brown or Holy Johnny) and ignores the concept of fiction anyway.


I'm surprised of how well you express yourself Scut. Totally read my mind, and it seems to me you're really mature, even being younger than me!

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Has anyone in any interviews asked him straight out if he is bixesual? Many people ask if he is gay. Maybe he's not gay in the strictest sense of the word.


It's the public scrutiny like this that makes me glad I am not famous :D


I don't think so. It's always been either straight, gay, or they go for the "do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" question.


For those of you that think that Mika is bisexual, I'd love to know your opinions on it. You may have posted them, but I didn't read through the 10 or so pages that I missed this afternoon with great detail. :naughty:


And I agree very much with whoever said that sexuality is not as easy as saying "gay, straight or bi," and that there are LOTS of gray areas and lots of sexualities that people choose to identify with.

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I have a question...Mika in an interview he was asked about his real name, he said that his name was "Mica" with a C, but he changed it, so...my question is, why in google sites and even magazines they reffer as him as Michael if he said that he wasn't Michel....just Mica.?


and other thing is....is it possible that he has to change his name? because of the oter girl named like her? I find that so wrong, I mean...she is not the only one named Mica...in that case I should demand everyone named Cecilia as well....I just want to know if that's racional...to demand someone because he or she has the same name as you.

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I'm surprised of how well you express yourself Scut. Totally read my mind, and it seems to me you're really mature, even being younger than me!

Thanks, but I prefer to call it "over-philosophising and being unnecessarily verbose". I'm only a few months younger than you anyway. :naughty:


For those of you that think that Mika is bisexual, I'd love to know your opinions on it. You may have posted them, but I didn't read through the 10 or so pages that I missed this afternoon with great detail. :naughty:.

I don't know if I should explain it here, because like any interpretation it ultimately probably says more about myself than it does about Mika. I will say, though, that part of it is his lyrics (most especially SITM), part of it his imagery in this artwork (some in the DVD artwork in particular), part of it is his personality (both verbal and non-verbal cues), part of it is an understanding of bisexual people and part of it is an understanding of his cultural context (especially his Lebanese heritage). If you want me to elaborate further, hop on MSN.


I don't think that one can take any single statement or example and say "this means that he is so and so", one needs to consider a person's entire social and emotional context to firstly work out the personal significance attached to that statement/example then figure out whether that statement/example has any real implications. Since we have no way of working out his entire contexts, we can never even come close to knowing, but we can have hunches (and I'll add that so far in my life I've been pretty successful at picking out bisexual people and that's not by following stereotypes; but hey, Mika might be the exception and I may be completely off the mark).

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Wonder if it's too late to add monkey to my nick


I wonder the same...could I be part of your animal family? :biggrin2:

You seem to know quite much about freud Scut...:roftl: for me the worst part is that I'm really CONSCIOUS about some of that things...:boxed: So I'm used to be complex and analyse everything :wink2:






I don't think so. It's always been either straight, gay, or they go for the "do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" question.


For those of you that think that Mika is bisexual, I'd love to know your opinions on it. You may have posted them, but I didn't read through the 10 or so pages that I missed this afternoon with great detail. :naughty:


And I agree very much with whoever said that sexuality is not as easy as saying "gay, straight or bi," and that there are LOTS of gray areas and lots of sexualities that people choose to identify with.


well, today a Monkey asked me if I was gay or bi...:rolleyes: Nobody asks me if I'm straight, but...


Well, as you have the same Grey Scale theory than me, I'm gonna say:

maybe he was attracted to men when he was younger, so I think he can feel attracted to men currently. But it seems to me that he had a girl crush in his life, and he perfectly could fall in love with a girl in the future. I don't know if it fits with the 'Bi' definition or what, it's hard to put it in a label. If I had to, I'd choose a 1 or 2 of the Kinsey classification...

Perhaps you Hannah see that today he seems to be rather gay, 'cause he could be wishing to find a man to love soon, but tomorrow...

He can crazy love a person and that person turns out to be a woman, somebody said it's the person you fall in love, not the gender, and I completely agree, that's what I think about Mika....:thumb_yello:

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You seem to know quite much about freud Scut...:roftl: for me the worst part is that I'm really CONSCIOUS about some of that things...:boxed: So I'm used to be complex and analyse everything :wink2:

I'm a big fan of Sigmund Freud, while I think that his theories are biased and have zero applicability nowadays, they are so well-thought out and so well-stated that I can't resist. And ever since I took a Psychology course I've transplanted my pedantic habits from other areas into my analysis of people and their behaviors. It's a fascinating but time-consuming pastime. :bleh:


well, today a Monkey asked me if I was gay or bi...:rolleyes: Nobody asks me if I'm straight, but...

You were talking about people's reaction to you coming out, so I assumed that you weren't straight. I apologise for making that assumption whether it's incorrect or not.


it's the person you fall in love, not the gender

That's become a bisexual cliche, much like "you have so much love to give that you give to everyone regardless of their gender". :roftl:

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That's become a bisexual cliche, much like "you have so much love to give that you give to everyone regardless of their gender". :roftl:



hahaha wasn't that what somebody said to Freddie recently? :naughty: :naughty:


and yes, if you're bisexual, perhaps it depends of the person...I dunno, I'll have to ask to the Bi people here in the MFC...:mf_rosetinted:


and the monkey thing was because the girls were saying that nobody asks Mika if he's straight...:rolleyes: In that case he wouldn't be the only one. And it seems like something of what I said to you, you didn't like it. It doesn't matter really, you'll know my other traits better someday

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Thanks, but I prefer to call it "over-philosophising and being unnecessarily verbose". I'm only a few months younger than you anyway. :naughty:


You are very intelligent, Scut. I don't think that age has anything to do with it, you are just smart and seem to be very well-educated and knowledgeable on all things medical, philosophical and psychological. :thumb_yello: What are you studying?


I don't think that one can take any single statement or example and say "this means that he is so and so", one needs to consider a person's entire social and emotional context to firstly work out the personal significance attached to that statement/example then figure out whether that statement/example has any real implications. Since we have no way of working out his entire contexts, we can never even come close to knowing, but we can have hunches (and I'll add that so far in my life I've been pretty successful at picking out bisexual people and that's not by following stereotypes; but hey, Mika might be the exception and I may be completely off the mark).


I agree that it is very important to consider the big picture and not just parts. I don't really have much experience or knowledge from a personal standpoint when it comes to the subject of sexuality. I mean, of course there's my own sexuality, but I suppose from a straight girl, it's easier to pick out stereotypical "gay" traits in a man, then go in depth about the complexities of it all, simply because, other than what I've picked up over the years from having a homosexual friend, I'm really not that informed on the psychological aspects of sexuality. I do like to analyze, however, and pull things apart and look at them, but I don't think that I could form an entirely fair analysis, other than looking at what I see or observe, because I don't know that much about the Lebanese culture or how he was raised, or the tiny details on sexuality in general.


I'm going to be studying Human Sexuality next semester and I'm really excited about it. I really would like to learn more about Sigmund Freud. I did a paper on him in high school, but it didn't go in depth that much, as it was more biographical than analytical of his theories.


But anyway, I really am starting to think that maybe there is a bit more behind him than just homosexuality (I think we can all agree that he's probably not straight). I still find it a bit of a stretch for me, personally, to think that he may be strictly 50/50 bisexual, but I do think that it is possible that he may be a 4 or 5 on the Kinsey scale.


well, today a Monkey asked me if I was gay or bi...:rolleyes: Nobody asks me if I'm straight, but...


Well, as you have the same Grey Scale theory than me, I'm gonna say:

maybe he was attracted to men when he was younger, so I think he can feel attracted to men currently. But it seems to me that he had a girl crush in his life, and he perfectly could fall in love with a girl in the future. I don't know if it fits with the 'Bi' definition or what, it's hard to put it in a label. If I had to, I'd choose a 1 or 2 of the Kinsey classification...

Perhaps you Hannah see that today he seems to be rather gay, 'cause he could be wishing to find a man to love soon, but tomorrow...

He can crazy love a person and that person turns out to be a woman, somebody said it's the person you fall in love, not the gender, and I completely agree, that's what I think about Mika....:thumb_yello:


I think it's possible. Personally, just because I think that I have spent too much time with my opinion, I find it hard to think that he could just switch between going after boys and going after girls. If anything, I think that it would be more of an 80/20 bisexuality factor, if that. But like I said before, I'm not an expert on this, and I certainly don't know that much about Mika's psyche or the environment in which he has grown up, but that's just how I feel. :):thumb_yello:

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I don't think so. It's always been either straight, gay, or they go for the "do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" question.


For those of you that think that Mika is bisexual, I'd love to know your opinions on it. You may have posted them, but I didn't read through the 10 or so pages that I missed this afternoon with great detail. :naughty:


And I agree very much with whoever said that sexuality is not as easy as saying "gay, straight or bi," and that there are LOTS of gray areas and lots of sexualities that people choose to identify with.

My opinion is that he is bi-sexual... I'll explain, but please no one refute me harshly lol...I can't take that tonight.


STUCK IN THE MIDDLE " This aint a greater plan to break your heart. I know that what I've started means that when we have parted, I can live in honesty..." I mean you can pretty much guess why I speculate because of this particular part in the song.


Hmmmm, I can tell you that I was in a room with him for about an hour at GMA...IT wasn't like he was putting on a show the whole time lol...he was with us for most of it chattin, messing around etc... and from what I observed, I just got this feeling...That he appreciated women...that he looked a second time and really made sure he was tender with us. Me included :wub2: It's hard to explain, because people will assume that I think Mika is in love with ME:roftl: You had to have been there, and in my place...It's the way he looks into your eyes with such genuine love(appreciation)


He says he flirts with everyone doesn't he? I CAN CERTAINLY SEE THAT...Look at the interviews he's done...that rocksersize or whatever it's called lol was pretty much mika flirting


And of course theres that interview where mika talks about his favorite things...it's an article I believe...does anyone remember it? I can't look up the link at the moment but he said something about his favorite cloud shapes being tatas:roftl:


I know gay men would say that too, but honestly... I think he's got a fascination with the female form...He's been caught looking lol


More than anything, It's my feeling and my own experience watching him observe people... so if you're looking for tangible evidence, I really don't have any... My gut tells me that he's bi.

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But anyway, I really am starting to think that maybe there is a bit more behind him than just homosexuality (I think we can all agree that he's probably not straight). I still find it a bit of a stretch for me, personally, to think that he may be strictly 50/50 bisexual, but I do think that it is possible that he may be a 4 or 5 on the Kinsey scale.

I think it's possible. Personally, just because I think that I have spent too much time with my opinion, I find it hard to think that he could just switch between going after boys and going after girls. If anything, I think that it would be more of an 80/20 bisexuality factor, if that. But like I said before, I'm not an expert on this, and I certainly don't know that much about Mika's psyche or the environment in which he has grown up, but that's just how I feel. :):thumb_yello:


sure, in the end we don't have idea about Mika!! :naughty:

and yes, I don't think it's a 50/50 things at all, and your opinion sounds quite accurate for me. I've been thru a lot of things as a teen, and when I see Mika I think about it again because I feel he lived something similar. Don' t know why, is a feeling I have.


I think I explained wrong perhaps (I hate my english, I'm a misunderstood creator :roftl: ). What I meant was: it's not about simply switching, sometimes you have a preference (as you said, it could be a Kinsey 4 or 5 , or a 1 or 2, who knows?..) , and even that way, something happen and you fall for a person with has not the gender you'd like the most. Some people is open in their lives to let it eventually happen. I think Mika could be one of them.

For example, if he were quite sure he's gay and then he realises he loves a girl, he would accept it.


hummm..it's really complicated!! :naughty: Sometimes I wonder if he analises his life and sexuality like we do here now...I hope not! haha Poor boy...

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it seems like something of what I said to you, you didn't like it. It doesn't matter really, you'll know my other traits better someday

Romis, I'm not sure what you mean. I didn't dislike anything that you've said, I was just apologising for making assumptions about you (especially since in this very same thread I've been saying that we shouldn't make assumptions). Have I misunderstood you?


You are very intelligent, Scut. I don't think that age has anything to do with it, you are just smart and seem to be very well-educated and knowledgeable on all things medical, philosophical and psychological. :thumb_yello: What are you studying?

I'm studying drug dealing. :mf_rosetinted:




... that is, Pharmacy. :naughty:


I do like to analyze, however, and pull things apart and look at them, but I don't think that I could form an entirely fair analysis, other than looking at what I see or observe, because I don't know that much about the Lebanese culture or how he was raised, or the tiny details on sexuality in general.

Even with a knowledge of the latter two all the we can ultimately do is observe and analyse. I'll add that some people say "you'll never know the answer so why bother speculating" but I disagree because it's the actual discussion and bouncing off ideas and possibilities that's enjoyable, not the act of knowing the truth. Not all questions have answers anyway, so if we stopped discussing anything that we'll never know the real answer to then we'd be refusing to discuss most of life...

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He says he flirts with everyone doesn't he? I CAN CERTAINLY SEE THAT...

That's a valid point, he flirts with anyone and anything. That may indicate that he's not straight, or it may just mean that he's straight with an irreverence towards normal rules of sexual behaviour. When taken alone that point doesn't say much, but when used as one piece in the puzzle I think that it contributes.

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