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Mika's Personal Life


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Well thanks :wub2:


Sorry for making it random , we are taking it 100% serious .. we have to have a weee laugh though dont we :biggrin2:


I like the direction this thread has taken, in terms of sharing ideas and perspectives. I must admit that I'm against the outright banning of any one topic that isn't blatantly offensive, and I still maintain that the subject inspires enough interest that it should be given a thread - but it's nice to see all the different viewpoints. I appreciate that you and dcdeb and others have your own positions, but are willing to listen to and consider other points of view.


As a token of my appreciation, may I add a drop or two of this to your coffee?



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I like the direction this thread has taken, in terms of sharing ideas and perspectives. I must admit that I'm against the outright banning of any one topic that isn't blatantly offensive, and I still maintain that the subject inspires enough interest that it should be given a thread - but it's nice to see all the different viewpoints. I appreciate that you and dcdeb and others have your own positions, but are willing to listen to and consider other points of view.


As a token of my appreciation, may I add a drop or two of this to your coffee?




Ohh are you trying to get me tipssyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :naughty:


What we do .. like <hic> closing a thread when a newbies posts is just done as thats what weve always done ... sadly sometimes ..


I love threads like this , if none of us really cared we wouldnt get so passionate and we are all friends .. generally and when we meet get on fantastic ..


Passion like what we have here is fine and we always always listen :biggrin2:



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Ohh are you trying to get me tipssyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


What we do .. like <hic> closing a thread when a newbies posts is just done as thats what weve always done ... sadly sometimes ..


I love threads like this , if none of us really cared we wouldnt get so passionate and we are all friends .. generally and when we meet get on fantastic ..


Passion like what we have here is fine and we always always listen




ditto, fred! see? we do care... :fisch::mf_rosetinted:



am I wicked or not??!!?? :roftl::naughty::roftl::naughty::biggrin2:

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:bleh: But I find the Mikagasmic thread offensive. I also find people debating on whether Mika scratching his nose meant he was signaling to us that he's straight, and whether his frowning meant he was uncomfortable with being called gay or maybe just had gas that morning offensive as well. What is offensive?


I'm not sure what my point is, except... we ban other offensive things. A poll would at least let us see the majority position here. I wouldn't want any subject to be shut down from an authoritarian perspective, but if people vote and agree that most of them don't want to see something on here because they don't feel it's appropriate... I could be all right with that.



really?? I find the drools-on-mika thread pretty hylarious:mf_lustslow: The man himself sometimes act like an attention whore:naughty:..and why this world should be focused only on the women's body commercialization?:mf_rosetinted:


Imo is not a matter of what the mfcrs want to see here {just stay away from the thread you find annoying/boring/offensive} we have to mind that this is a public forum...until we'll have a real protected section with password...even if nothing is really safe on the web:cool:


in any case it's not in my nature to speculate behind people that i respect...I find more acceptable funny gossip rather than serious debates about issues we cannot fully comprehend like others personal lives

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and why this world should be focused only on the women's body commercialization?:mf_rosetinted:


Well it shouldn't! But I hardly think doing the same thing to men helps any! :roftl:


in any case it's not in my nature to speculate behind people that i respect...I find more acceptable funny gossip rather than serious debates about issues we cannot fully comprehend like others personal lives


I agree here, far as it concerns public forums.


I also think this may be the best idea:


We resurrect Yop's efforts at creating an FAQ section. We sticky it and put it in the "Introductions" thread. We put in a question "is Mika gay?" We then link to one thread created for the purpose of discussing this.


The first post in that thread should be a factual and informative overview of the topic. It should outline how there has been speculation over Mika's orientation ever since he began to be noticed, but that he's never announced anything concrete regarding his sexuality.


I envision it starting with a direct quote from Mika - maybe where he said "I never talk about anything to do with my sexuality. I just don't think I need to. People ask me all the time. But I just don't see the point."


It should then invite people to ask questions, share thoughts, etc. It should state that we don't intend to have a "Eureka!" moment where suddenly it all becomes clear. In addition, I think it should state outright that there's no tolerance for attacks or homophobia.




Franky, people want to discuss this. If you read the first 36 hours this thread was open, people came from all over to add their opinions on the "free speech" topic; but then people started tossing in their opinions on the sexuality issue. As long as it's done in a mature, respectful manner, I think people could learn from it. Not learn as in, learn suddenly whether Mika prefers birds or bees, but learn about sexuality as a concept.


Those that genuinely don't care have many, many other threads to contribute to. Those that do want to talk about this then have a safe but monitored space to do it in.





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should i try and add my 50 cents ? hell why not :mf_rosetinted:


i agree with jack (what a surprise) that on a public large broad-banded private-ruled forum with mods to keep things civilized, freedom of speech is already biased. and that's normal, using the arguments she used about racism or anything else people wouldn't talk about those topics spontaneously. that's called self-censorship, and in the statements of the forum, it's mentioned that we can't talk about that, and that's called censorship. once again : NORMAL.


so freedom of speech isn't really the point here, cause the fact is that unlike those topics, mika's sexuality isn't self-censored since people want to know and ask about it all the time, which ends up in long long threads in which everybody fight (shortcut, exageration). because everybody don't agree about the answer to the question (which we'll never have, did i already say that). would be too simple.


the point of the hypothetic poll (vote) would be to find out the proportion of people that would be shocked about conversations/threads about the sensible subject to see how strong the moderation toward these threads should be. and what really is the problem about it : just the fact that people talk about it OR the fact that people assume one of the possibility is the "bad one".

the point wouldn't be to "reduce" freedom of speech at all.

that's different.


and we'll never say it enough : if you're not interested about something in a thread, don't read it, don't post in it ! and let people discuss about it if there is their fun ! that, you can do, and it's not self-censorship, it's self-control :wink2:


we haven't said it enough, being a mod is a hard thing cause they have to cope with everyone opinion, and i truely think it's something good that FD and some others consults the "public opinion" before making a decision... that's the best way to deal with the private-forum-implied censorship we can't suppress.


about the mika-privacy thing, we have experimented enough fight situations to realize that we need some artificial barriers, cause we're too divergent to self-censor ourselves : proofs in the 19467 previous threads dealing about it... so the poll/vote is not such a bad idea, so the newbies know exactly what they can discuss or not, we had also a lot of newbies saying they didn't dare to post their threads cause they didn't know how it would be welcome...


signed : a non-carer and pro-freedom of speech :wink2:

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[serious apology]


Sorry to intrude your discussion here.

After multiquoting roughly 80% of all posts that have been made since I left last night & participated in RL as far as possible, I decided to delete every quote again and just write the following things (in case anyone is interested (I wrote "interested", not "cares" )):


to those that have been complaining about me saying "I don't care" or "we don't care": That "I don't care"-thing is a running gag here (at least to my mind) - well, maybe running gag is not the right word. please apologize the lack of appropriate terms; i do neither possess Jack's gift of writing nor am i a native speaker. what i want to say is the following: "I don't care" is just like the chicken, the apples or the knitters. We (meaning those that have been here for quite a while) know what another MFCer means when he or she states that she/he that she is not going to have chicken tonight while an 80-post-newbie will probably just ask him-/herself why the heck this MFCer is talking about his/her dinner in the Mikagasmic-thread (random title).

so if i state my "I don't care" for the tenth time on 5 pages, it is not necessarily meant to emphasize the fact that i'm not interested in the topic (whatever topic that may be). it is also a way of participating in the thread without stating something specific, of, well, trying to write something funny (a very poor attempt of course :naughty: ) or of just saying ":mf_rosetinted: :mf_rosetinted: :mf_rosetinted:". me writing "i don't care" was a mixture of these three possibilities and not, i repeat: NOT, an attempt to mock anyone, to convince anyone of my opinion or to hurt somebody because he/she is of another opinion. when i wrote that "we don't care. quite easy." i was just answering to someone's question about what was going on in this thread here. and my post was also NOT meant serious. I've been at home all day yesterday and instead of working for uni, which was my original plan, i got stuck here in these two personality-threads. hurray. so i have been observing and discussing the thread for quite a long time and when that someone (whoever it was) turned up and asked what had happened, it was just as if somebody came into a room where a gigantic conference was held that had already been going on for hours and hours without getting to any kind of solution. so imagine me standing at the door, taking a break and listening to / observing FD talking to Scut while Kata was saying something else to mariposa or so (random names) and then just telling that person in a sarcastic tone with a slight shake of the head while rolling my eyes in a sarcastic and sarcastically exaggerated ennerved manner "oh well.... they've been talking for hours and hours now and haven't gotten to a solution yet and it's so frustrating and annoying (not the right word, sorry) that it's almost funny again." my "we don't care" was NO attempt to put us all into a bag. it was just an, obviously stupid and not appropriate, attempt to say something satirical about the whole situation. It was, above all, NOT an attempt to "make assumptions and abuse the term "we"." I hope you don't think I'm THAT simpleminded :boxed: . anyway, I'm sorry if anyone felt hurt by this.


it's the same with my proposed poll (the "do you care?" - "a) yes b) no"-one). i did NOT mean serious business with that. of course this poll would not have been the solution to everything. i know that.


Of course it's hard to say if a post is meant in a satirical way or not - as yoppapop said, satire does not cross the screen (or something like that. i hope you know what i mean; i'm not so sure how she said it). i never know in what way a post is meant, i just suggest from what i "know" about the poster, how she or he might have meant it.


finally: Jack, you are right (as usual :naughty:) and i don't think that you are exaggerating. self-censorship is the word here but after all, not all of us self-censor themselves by the same degree. there are some who don't have a problem with going on and on about semi-naked photos in the mikagasmic-thread whereas others just look at the photos, probably download them and feel bad because they think about what mika's grandaunt might say if she saw these posts. or if anyone of us takes pictures of family members at the gigs and posts them on this forum or posts pictures from the facebook - most of us know this is "not allowed" (meaning not appropriate due to numerous reason) but it is, however, done by some. these are very stupid and very random examples, sorry. i just cannot get anything else up my mind at the moment (as i have to leave the house in 10 minutes and want to finish this here before that).


as i've already said yesterday - we should all try to imagine it would be us the people were posting those things about. i wouldnt like my parents to read other peoples' thoughts about my bellybutton or about my sexuality and i wouldnt like pictures of my sister to be posted here. however, i do have some friends who say that they don't care (sorry) what other people think/write about them. and these friends would in the same way also have a lower self-censorship (if one can say that in english) than i have.


thank you for reading.


[/serious apology]

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My slightly-optimistic prediction is that if we were to create a thread about Mika's sexuality, instead of trying to pretend that it's of no interest to anyone, it would go like this:


1) Everyone who has an opinion that they want to share would do so


2) Once people got it out of their systems, the direction of the thread would move into chatter about something else - my bet is that it would be some other aspect of the topic of sexuality, which would be quite an interesting read. I envision an enteraining discussion about how falsettos and flicky wrists became "gay" symbols in the first place.


3) Newbies would find themselves on a forum where the topic is considered and discussed, but would learn from the very first post that there's no official statement (which is what a lot of people want, at first - just to know if there's been any official statement one way or the other).


The sexuality issue has been a pink elephant for far too long. Instead of trying to shush it, let's bring the elephant out, let anyone who wants have a ride to have one, then see how it goes from there.


I don't believe that anyone on here will want to ride the elephant continuously. You get on, take him for a spin, see how it feels, then move on.


I certainly don't see this topic getting out of hand and taking over the entire forum. :thumb_yello:

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My slightly-optimistic prediction is that if we were to create a thread about Mika's sexuality, instead of trying to pretend that it's of no interest to anyone, it would go like this:


1) Everyone who has an opinion that they want to share would do so


2) Once people got it out of their systems, the direction of the thread would move into chatter about something else - my bet is that it would be some other aspect of the topic of sexuality, which would be quite an interesting read. I envision an enteraining discussion about how falsettos and flicky wrists became "gay" symbols in the first place.


3) Newbies would find themselves on a forum where the topic is considered and discussed, but would learn from the very first post that there's no official statement (which is what a lot of people want, at first - just to know if there's been any official statement one way or the other).


The sexuality issue has been a pink elephant for far too long. Instead of trying to shush it, let's bring the elephant out, let anyone who wants have a ride to have one, then see how it goes from there.


I don't believe that anyone on here will want to ride the elephant continuously. You get on, take him for a spin, see how it feels, then move on.


I certainly don't see this topic getting out of hand and taking over the entire forum. :thumb_yello:



AMEN to the above.

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whereas others just look at the photos, probably download them and feel bad because they think about what mika's grandaunt might say if she saw these posts.




But yes, of course people have different standards--this is why I try to aim my posts at persuading people into agreeing with me rather than forcing them to do what I say... and which is why, even if I hate where the Mikagasmic thread goes sometimes, and don't think that detailed public speculation on Mika's sexuality is appropriate, I don't think I could tell people to cut it out unless they agreed themselves it was for the best...



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I envision an enteraining discussion about how falsettos and flicky wrists became "gay" symbols in the first place.


Completely off-topic: I actually know why! :biggrin2: I doubt anyone cares, but I do know.


And yes, again, I think your idea is really good, and a nice compromise.



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I don't mind people discussing Mika's sexuality, sharing their ideas and their speculation, I just don't like it so much when people disagree with other people simply because they think they are right. The topic of sexuality is a large one and is not to be discussed with a limited perspective, but rather with an open mind. However, I believe that it's because of this that the discussion can sometimes turn out catty, which may lead the thread to be closed or even deleted; not because it's "banned" out of respect for Mika's privacy, but rather because the amount of arguments and fights it may cause.


If someone is to talk about it then I think it should be moderated. That's what I think, anyway.

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My slightly-optimistic prediction is that if we were to create a thread about Mika's sexuality, instead of trying to pretend that it's of no interest to anyone, it would go like this:


1) Everyone who has an opinion that they want to share would do so


2) Once people got it out of their systems, the direction of the thread would move into chatter about something else - my bet is that it would be some other aspect of the topic of sexuality, which would be quite an interesting read. I envision an enteraining discussion about how falsettos and flicky wrists became "gay" symbols in the first place.


3) Newbies would find themselves on a forum where the topic is considered and discussed, but would learn from the very first post that there's no official statement (which is what a lot of people want, at first - just to know if there's been any official statement one way or the other).


The sexuality issue has been a pink elephant for far too long. Instead of trying to shush it, let's bring the elephant out, let anyone who wants have a ride to have one, then see how it goes from there.


I don't believe that anyone on here will want to ride the elephant continuously. You get on, take him for a spin, see how it feels, then move on.


I certainly don't see this topic getting out of hand and taking over the entire forum. :thumb_yello:


This seems eminently sensible to me :thumb_yello:

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Very well said Mana. I completely agree (i like the pink elephant part), except i didn't uderstand the part in which falsettos make you, more gay?? :naughty: For me that I love singing falsettos, that sounds...well, strange hehe




:roftl: :roftl: oh I was forgetting you're Diana the pornprincess superstar...

anyway, it's a good way to fight! Just like the Mikagasmic pillowfight...:naughty:


Seriously, I think that if Mika knew about what we said here before, he'd giggle as always and after a short pause, he'd say: "well...whatever...". And that's all...I don't think he's not gonna be badly offended...

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My slightly-optimistic prediction is that if we were to create a thread about Mika's sexuality, instead of trying to pretend that it's of no interest to anyone, it would go like this:


1) Everyone who has an opinion that they want to share would do so


2) Once people got it out of their systems, the direction of the thread would move into chatter about something else - my bet is that it would be some other aspect of the topic of sexuality, which would be quite an interesting read. I envision an enteraining discussion about how falsettos and flicky wrists became "gay" symbols in the first place.


3) Newbies would find themselves on a forum where the topic is considered and discussed, but would learn from the very first post that there's no official statement (which is what a lot of people want, at first - just to know if there's been any official statement one way or the other).


The sexuality issue has been a pink elephant for far too long. Instead of trying to shush it, let's bring the elephant out, let anyone who wants have a ride to have one, then see how it goes from there.


I don't believe that anyone on here will want to ride the elephant continuously. You get on, take him for a spin, see how it feels, then move on.


I certainly don't see this topic getting out of hand and taking over the entire forum. :thumb_yello:


I like this. :thumb_yello: If talking about Mikas sexuality is going to be allowed on this forum, I think it would be much better if it were restrained to the one main thread. Yesterday when that "joke" thread surfaced I had a horrible image of the whole board being filled with inane threads about him being gay. I don't have a problem with discussing it but I don't want it to be the main thing everyone posts about. How boring!


Can't we just keep this thread open (as it has a lovely working title, thanks to whoever the original poster is that opened this can of worms) and leave it at that? The newbies can come in here, read and add their 2 cents without getting flamed and they can move onto another thread.

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Can't we just keep this thread open (as it has a lovely working title, thanks to whoever the original poster is that opened this can of worms) and leave it at that?


We could, but my preference is to create a new thread that, within the first post:


1) Outlines what we do know about Mika's sexuality (i.e. that yeah, the media and others have speculated, but that he prefers not to talk about it, and that he's never confirmed anything),


2) Emphasizes the need for decorum and maturity, and


3) Points out that we can analyze until our fingers fall off, but it's mostly for the learning process associated with exploring the issue - that no one is going to get a definitive answer from something Mika said/did on TV/at a gig.


PS: The original opener-of-the-worms? Yeah. *points to self*.

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