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Night-Owls (Part 3)!


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Tall. That;s fo sho. Annd having 3 parents. scarred :lmfao:


They will be giants! haha I'm tall, Mika's tall, are you tall?

I bet they'd like having three parents. :naughty:


*hugs all of you* I love yu guys....MFC is my family *cries* haha and mika...well...you know


:naughty: I know what you mean.There's many great people here on MFC.


People on queenzone are odd. I was never on their forums, but I got some weird e-mails from other users.:shocked:

I deleted all my information off there.

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Jess, no surprise there. That place is jacked-up and the really sad thing is, it didn't used to be. It really saddens me because I used to love it and everyone there.


I always go back and check just to see what's up and always leave disappointed. I saw a topic about Mika and everyone blasted him.

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I have never been there...it's for Queen fans


Yup, it's a Queen fan site.

Jess, no surprise there. That place is jacked-up and the really sad thing is, it didn't used to be. It really saddens me because I used to love it and everyone there.


I always go back and check just to see what's up and always leave disappointed. I saw a topic about Mika and everyone blasted him.


I hope this place doesn't get like that. That would break my little heart.



Wow, such a shame, although I'm a bit guilty of that. When I first heard of Mika from the newsletters Queenzone sent out, I didn't even give him a chance. I thought he was a Queen wannabe until my friend made me listen to him. SO glad I did.

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Yeah, sometimes I worry about the MFC becoming like that, but really this place and QZ are like night and day. So I can't imagine the MFC becoming like that....hopefully not anyway. :)


I can understand people having first impressions that Mika is similar to Freddie, but queenzoners tend to take things way too far. Reading the posts they said about him just remind me how low the place has gotten.

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Yeah, sometimes I worry about the MFC becoming like that, but really this place and QZ are like night and day. So I can't imagine the MFC becoming like that....hopefully not anyway. :)


I can understand people having first impressions that Mika is similar to Freddie, but queenzoners tend to take things way too far. Reading the posts they said about him just remind me how low the place has gotten.

Yea, hopefully it wont. Let's hope it'll stay the way it is. I think it'll be a bit different for us though, since we actually have the opportunity to watch him grow as an artist, you know?


I never really read their forums, and you're making me kind of curious to see what they're like. haha

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I think we are much more cohesive than that average forum. I have been on several and there's definitely something distinct about this place. Queenzone truly was a great forum many years ago and there was a sense of belonging for me and others....but it only lasted a couple of years.


Feel free to go there, but I did warn you! One problem is that Queenzone censors absolutely nothing. So basically people can talk as harshly as they want to you and get no punishment whatsoever. I got into a lot of arguments there and had some of the worst things spoken to me that I've ever had.

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They will be giants! haha I'm tall, Mika's tall, are you tall?

I bet they'd like having three parents. :naughty:




:naughty: I know what you mean.There's many great people here on MFC.


People on queenzone are odd. I was never on their forums, but I got some weird e-mails from other users.:shocked:

I deleted all my information off there.

5'8 and proud.

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I think we are much more cohesive than that average forum. I have been on several and there's definitely something distinct about this place. Queenzone truly was a great forum many years ago and there was a sense of belonging for me and others....but it only lasted a couple of years.


Feel free to go there, but I did warn you! One problem is that Queenzone censors absolutely nothing. So basically people can talk as harshly as they want to you and get no punishment whatsoever. I got into a lot of arguments there and had some of the worst things spoken to me that I've ever had.


I guess it's also that we all in a weird way have a lot of things in common with so many other people. I don't know if that makes sense. But a lot of people here seemed to be bullied, and a lot have the same musical interests

:wink2:, and just so many other things. It's crazy how much I can have in common with some of these people. haha


Wow, now internet fighting is just pathetic in my opinion. (Meaning when people start name calling, it's really unnecessary). People could be so rude sometimes.:thumbdown:

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Jess, those are good points. I do think that many of us have a lot of common interests and we definitely are a harmonious group of people. I'm just glad to have found a place where there are actually kind people who like the same things I do. :)


I also agree about the name-calling. I don't think any of our mods here would allow that sort of behavior, which is great. I remember one time a guy on QZ said something truly repulsive about me. I told Chris about it and then he logged on to QZ and said some words I had never heard him say before. LOL.... phew.

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