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Freddie and Sasjes Butterfly bar (new beginning..)


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Ironic... yeah... more like bloody annoying (I'd swear more but the forum won't let me...)


If he did a concert in the UK while soangel and I are there we could go and ask him when he's coming to Oz... and how disappointed we are about him cancelling...


Then I can kick him...


*puppy dog eyes to Freddie* If he's nearby can we please go?


Oh... righto... might see about starting one...



That' d be great if you could come ! :blink2:


Yeah.. right..:roftl:


I thought we were both owners.. shouldn't that be discussed first?? :sneaky2:


And what about the younglings?? :blink:


Or is it 16+ day today?? :doh:


Hey! yeah! think about me! I'm still a youngling! :shocked:

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I just dont care , Ive had too many serious days on the MFC , now I want to frolic naked around the threads:wub2:




Do we want to see that?? :blink:


Here, do some of us a favour and wear this than instead:





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I just loveeeeeeeeee serving the drinkies naked! :biggrin2:




I just dont care , Ive had too many serious days on the MFC , now I want to frolic naked around the threads:wub2:


I'm sorry hun... but I have to say this... It was the first thing that came to mind...


Maybe you should warn people before you do that...

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That' d be great if you could come ! :blink2:


It would be great... I was talking about it to Freddie a little while ago...




Do we want to see that?? :blink:


Here, do some of us a favour and wear this than instead:






I could live with that...


<changes into hunky bar owner costume>


Drinkies anyone?:biggrin2:


Oooooh! Yes please!

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Thanks Freddie..:wub2:


ehm.. only MALE barowners need to dress.. ehm.. hot today, right?? :fisch:




Thanks Niki!


Kelzy made it... If Mika does a concert somewhere close by when soangel and I are in England, we're going to wear t-shirts with that pic on them...

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Thanks Niki!


Kelzy made it... If Mika does a concert somewhere close by when soangel and I are in England, we're going to wear t-shirts with that pic on them...


It isn't very kind to look at me when you are talking to Niki, Nico..:blink:

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Thanks Niki!


Kelzy made it... If Mika does a concert somewhere close by when soangel and I are in England, we're going to wear t-shirts with that pic on them...


The whole MFC should wear such a shirt in february... to put some pressure on his shoulders ;)


Hi Niki..:huglove:


Hi luv :wub2: How's you?

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It isn't very kind to look at me when you are talking to Niki, Nico..:blink:


Ooooh... you're right....


Sorry... but I only saw her post when I was replying to yours...




*looks at everyone in the bar*


I'm going to go to bed... it's 11:45pm and I need to get up and work in hte morning...


Night all...

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The whole MFC should wear such a shirt in february... to put some pressure on his shoulders ;)



Ooooh... I love that idea!!!


At the very least, green and gold ribbons to signify that everyone else cares about the Aussies plight! :naughty:


Now I'm going! Night!

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