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Pink Pony Riders Chat Thread Part 2: because we're cool.


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I got a Laptop last year... It wasn't a brand new up-to-date one, because my mum and dad can't work but they always try and get what we want. It's really cool, I keep all of my novel ideas on there, my sims 1 game and Theme Hospital :biggrin2: My sister has a really good one, but thats for school only because of her eyes. What one did you get? (Well, not exactly, because if you said Dell 9080 I would have no idea what it would be:naughty: So like colour and Windows/Mac type. I so want to update my PC/Laptop to Vista but its expensive, so I probably won't anytime soon)




OMG that is beautiful!!! I wish I lived 'across the pond' *sulks* :naughty:




Yes, I'm actually quite surprised you two are still speaking to one another (touch wood), so try not to jinx it!


I feel like crap today. My neck hurts, my throat is sore, I'm trying my best not to cough because once I cough once, I'll end up having a coughing fit.

Sorry for not postinbg recently, but I've been busy Christmas-wise. I can't post today because I have friend duties (Me, my sister, Shanice and my sisters best friend Izzy are going shopping). They're staying over soon I'm so happy! They were round last night and we made a crew on Sims Castaway, it was so funny. We'll probably play it again today, and try and find ourselves:naughty:

Anyway, I'll shut up now because I'm babbling (a sign of my happiness :biggrin2: ). Anyone around?


Nope Not at all :bleh:


I will be here for about 10 more mins... I forgot how to spell minutes *sigh*

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I have flu. I feel like crap. I would be in bed if I felt like it but... I'm tired but I'm not. It's a pain in the neck. Literally.

*Stops complaining*

I went to get an iTunes card earlier because I couldn't find Maroon 5's album in the shops. Now I have £7 left, which isn't enough for an album. Hmmm.

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Still so annoyed at my laptop being dead (even if I couldn't use it for a week due to going away)


That thing is my lifeline and it has my stories on it :thumbdown:


Anyways, I am mostly packed to go away for a week for new years. You'll all 'see' me next year sometime (but I'm still around for 2 hours or so now)

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*wonders what she is on about*

i just mean when other ppl come on they get celebrations, and i used to also....now when i come on im lucky if i get a hi from becky! :crybaby:

Huh? Why? *Damn, she has foiled our plans girls* Joking! :naughty:


haha, i wasnt taliing about u!:roftl:

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I am rather happy aren't I... Though don't be fooled I have not always been :naughty:


*thinks about possibly hangin out with FD*


he is a bit happy, but let me just say dont get on his bad side, if u are on his good side, u will benefit LET ME TELL YA. PLAY HIM SOME DOLPHIN MUSIC!:roftl:

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