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This Ones for Us Girls (Part 9)


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yeah i was thinking about that cos I would really like to meet him but as time goes on and Mika becomes bigger it will be harder to meet him so I jus hope I can in Feb! Do you reckon MFC will get the status of official Mika fan club, I really hope so!


yeah exactly.. and there are so many loyal fans who deserve to meet mika, then u get the fans who are just like 'omg its mika, omg he's famous i need to get his autograph', which isn't really fair on others :thumbdown:


honestly i don't know, but i really do think we should be official.. i went on the mikasounds forum once and there was only ONE person online, that one person being me lol and that was like 1 week ago, literally like a year after mika has made it :bleh:

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Really? And how it goes?:naughty:



I wish I had joined in January.. just to kinda like show off a bit :naughty:


wow, 830!!! that is early, I really wanna be at the front though. I may start queueing in the morning but not sure what times, need to speak to Barunka as we cannot start queueing on 26th until about 3 as she is arriving in england in afternoon! What wld u reccomend the latest to queue if we wanna get a decent place?


well ursula is in love with someone :naughty:


Mee too but you joined in february which it's very early



Well you need to come to all gigs very early otherwise it's no way to get the 1st row i guess :boxed: !

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yeah exactly.. and there are so many loyal fans who deserve to meet mika, then u get the fans who are just like 'omg its mika, omg he's famous i need to get his autograph', which isn't really fair on others :thumbdown:


honestly i don't know, but i really do think we should be official.. i went on the mikasounds forum once and there was only ONE person online, that one person being me lol and that was like 1 week ago, literally like a year after mika has made it :bleh:


That's so stupid, there is never a time on here where there is onle one person online, there are always loads online here, due to the variety of countries and time zones we are in! I really hope we become official and I agree with everyone I hope Mika does not start performing at arenas, the London gigs are big enough, we dont really want any bigger!!! Also, more intimate gigs are nicer, they tend to have a better atmosphere!

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I agree with you! I don't like really big venues with loads of people!


yeah, it's just.. i don't know.. it's just nicer when its smaller.. even if i got front row at a big arena i just.. i don't know.. it's odd :blink:

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well ursula is in love with someone :naughty:


Mee too but you joined in february which it's very early



Well you need to come to all gigs very early otherwise it's no way to get the 1st row i guess :boxed: !


Oh,:naughty: And he is a good pretender?:roftl:

I saw her.. She's cute:)

You like Lilly Allen?

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You joined pretty early though! I was lurking for a good 6 months!


i know lol.. but still :fisch: i wa sthinking, argh i'm gonna be such a loser if i join a fan club, i shoulda joined anyway and just kept it a secret, like i'm kinda doing now :naughty:

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Yeah definitely my fave Mika vid of all time, it jus suits the song so much, and it looks like it was so much fun to make!


high 5! :biggrin2:


i know! i wish i was in that vid :wub2: or had those kinda house parties :naughty: lol.. yes even with old people.. i like those kinda things :wub2:

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high 5! :biggrin2:


i know! i wish i was in that vid :wub2: or had those kinda house parties :naughty: lol.. yes even with old people.. i like those kinda things :wub2:



Lol, yeah everythin about that party looked fun, and I so wished I was there partying with Mika everytime I see that vid. The whole scene is crazy and thats one thing I love about Mika, his craziness and how hyper he can be!!!

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That's so stupid, there is never a time on here where there is onle one person online, there are always loads online here, due to the variety of countries and time zones we are in! I really hope we become official and I agree with everyone I hope Mika does not start performing at arenas, the London gigs are big enough, we dont really want any bigger!!! Also, more intimate gigs are nicer, they tend to have a better atmosphere!


exactly! even yesterday when it was christmas (time people should spend with family and friends *cough cough* lol) and there were still people online :naughty:


yeah exactly.. jee i might have to be going to USA instead to see him, smaller venues and more of a chance to see him :bleh:

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Helloooo :biggrin2: How's everyone??

I'm so psyched! :woot_jump: I got an acoustic guitar!!!! and they bought the one i liked and also a hoodie that i loved...ahhh i mean i love all my other gifts but these two esp the guitar :woot_jump: i so didn't think i was getting either cause the guitar's way too expensive at the moment for us and the hoodie was also expensive - $250!! i'm soooo happy they bought them for me :woot_jump: now i'm gonna learn to play some mika songs and annoy them to death :naughty: if only i can find the tabs now :roftl:

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Helloooo :biggrin2: How's everyone??

I'm so psyched! :woot_jump: I got an acoustic guitar!!!! and they bought the one i liked and also a hoodie that i loved...ahhh i mean i love all my other gifts but these two esp the guitar :woot_jump: i so didn't think i was getting either cause the guitar's way too expensive at the moment for us and the hoodie was also expensive - $250!! i'm soooo happy they bought them for me :woot_jump: now i'm gonna learn to play some mika songs and annoy them to death :naughty: if only i can find the tabs now :roftl:


Hi Kavi!


Ok- I must go now! See you later:thumb_yello:


Bye bye!!!

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