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This Ones for Us Girls (Part 9)


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Helloooo :biggrin2: How's everyone??

I'm so psyched! :woot_jump: I got an acoustic guitar!!!! and they bought the one i liked and also a hoodie that i loved...ahhh i mean i love all my other gifts but these two esp the guitar : i so didn't think i was getting either cause the guitar's way too expensive at the moment for us and the hoodie was also expensive - $250!! i'm soooo happy they bought them for me :woot_jump: now i'm gonna learn to play some mika songs and annoy them to death :naughty: if only i can find the tabs now


Ok- I must go now! See you later:thumb_yello:


Hello Kavi !!!!

I feel like a big balloon today !!!!

That's a nice gift :biggrin2:

You're so happy :naughty:


Bye bye Bab!

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yeah i guess so :bleh: but at the time it seemed pretty late.. and it was soo empty, and look the mfc now! it's great! :biggrin2:


Did you talk with someone in that period here?

Well MFC now is so full !!!!It makes me tired :roftl: :roftl:

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It's amazing! Did you like the documentary?


Yeah. When he's on stage and has those loose bits of curly hair dangling down onto his face, you kind of feel tempted to move them away so they don't get into his eyes.


Awwww if only.:wub2:

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Lol, yeah everythin about that party looked fun, and I so wished I was there partying with Mika everytime I see that vid. The whole scene is crazy and thats one thing I love about Mika, his craziness and how hyper he can be!!!


yeah.. everytime I listen to GK i always think about myself being in the vid (with other MFCers of course, i'm not that selfish :wink2: lol)


yep same.. it just makes the atmosphere so much better.. imagine if he wasn't hyper at all :shocked: that'd be quite boring :naughty: i'd prob still like him.. just not as much

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Helloooo :biggrin2: How's everyone??

I'm so psyched! :woot_jump: I got an acoustic guitar!!!! and they bought the one i liked and also a hoodie that i loved...ahhh i mean i love all my other gifts but these two esp the guitar :woot_jump: i so didn't think i was getting either cause the guitar's way too expensive at the moment for us and the hoodie was also expensive - $250!! i'm soooo happy they bought them for me :woot_jump: now i'm gonna learn to play some mika songs and annoy them to death :naughty: if only i can find the tabs now :


wow that's great! what $250 for a hoodie? or do u mean the hoodie and guitar together? lol.


woopee!! I have the mika music book.. maybe i could scan the pages for ya? or is that illegal.. wait yes it is :fisch::naughty:

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Did you talk with someone in that period here?

Well MFC now is so full !!!!It makes me tired :roftl: :roftl:


u mean in this thread? nah, it wasn't created til like april :)


i know! i'm bare tired now man, u people are typing too fast, trying to catch up :roftl:

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u mean in this thread? nah, it wasn't created til like april :)


i know! i'm bare tired now man, u people are typing too fast, trying to catch up :roftl:


In what threads did you post then ?

I came here in April but i actually post from May and look at me now !!!:roftl:


I try to catch up too !I feel so slow in typing :roftl:

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wow that's great! what $250 for a hoodie? or do u mean the hoodie and guitar together? lol.


woopee!! I have the mika music book.. maybe i could scan the pages for ya? or is that illegal.. wait yes it is :fisch::naughty:


nope hoodie alone is $250. lol see wat i tell yall everything here is expensive...well atleast the stuff i like!! the guitar was $1,9?? lol.


u do?!?! wait he has a bk out with all the notes 4 all the songs?


:tears: i was reading the last 10 pgs...reminiscing on the ole days and about gigs.....the first time i saw him was the ending of GK on mtv but i didn't pay attention, then i was on youtube and i saw LT and well the rest is history!!!

and Danika, i know wat u mean...now he's even more famous and then there'll just be ppl who want to meet him to get his autograph cause of his popularity...and then there's his hardcore, genuine fans who like him for who he really is (well all that we know of him) and we won't get a chance to meet him :tears:

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In what threads did you post then ?

I came here in April but i actually post from May and look at me now !!!:roftl:


I try to catch up too !I feel so slow in typing :roftl:


I don't actually remember tbh :blink: but it was mostly like oh mika was really good on that show he did.. or the radio or wherever he was performing, there weren't much of these threads where we play games, or talk about something in particular.


yeeah 2nd top poster :naughty::naughty: btw.. still keeping track of your posts til friday :bleh: mwahaha


yeah same.. and i'm usually a quick typer, but with the whole 'wait 35 seconds before posting' sooo annoying lol

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