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This Ones for Us Girls (Part 9)


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I take it you don't watch it!


not at all lol, i watched it a very very very long time ago.. then i stopped.. and now it's just hollyoaks and neighbours for me.. well looks like its just hollyoaks, i haven't watched neighbours in a month.

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Congratulations! You've won alot of stuff this year!


ha ha.. yeah .. err.. well :fisch: well not won won.. but like outbidded the person.. but hey still won the item :bleh: cost me £6.50.. right in 2008 i gotta find myself a job

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Ah OK! But still well done!


thankoo :blush-anim-cl: i'm keeping an eye out for an LT promo cd now.. i'm mainly getting it cos of the art design.. and since those 2 are my fave artworks i will stop at those, otherwise i really will be broke :blink:

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