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This Ones for Us Girls (Part 9)


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It doesn't work on mine either! Haven't you got a normal radio?


nope lol.. hmm.. i might just listen to it on my tv then.. which means i need to go allll the way downstairs.. great.. right i'm gonna go off now so i don't miss it.. bye! x x

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I was shopping:biggrin2: And then i was in the city long time..

Why are you stressed and boring ? :fisch:


Cool !Have you bought something nice ?:biggrin2:

I'm stressed because I need to learn for my exams and bored because i have nothing to do

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Cool !Have you bought something nice ?:biggrin2:

I'm stressed because I need to learn for my exams and bored because i have nothing to do


Oh.. I think school sucks:thumbdown: It's my last year at high school so i will have many exams in june too:(

Maybe you can watch some Mika's videos? It's always helps me when i'm sad or boring:thumb_yello:

I bought some shirts, gloves and bag.:)

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Oh.. I think school sucks:thumbdown: It's my last year at high school so i will have many exams in june too:(

Maybe you can watch some Mika's videos? It's always helps me when i'm sad or boring:thumb_yello:

I bought some shirts, gloves and bag.:)


Yes but I'm at university and they are more difficult i guess !!:blink:

I had 6 exams at high school last year too but I'm sure you're gonna do it well !

How many exams will you have ?

I know Mika always makes me happy :biggrin2:

Cool !What color are they ?:biggrin2:

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