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This Ones for Us Girls (Part 9)


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Yes but I'm at university and they are more difficult i guess !!:blink:

I had 6 exams at high school last year too but I'm sure you're gonna do it well !

How many exams will you have ?

I know Mika always makes me happy :biggrin2:

Cool !What color are they ?:biggrin2:


Thanks, i will have 5 exams..

One is black with red, one is green,one is white with brown and last one- blue. Oh and my bag is black with pink!:naughty:

Sooo you now you feel better?:thumb_yello:

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Thanks, i will have 5 exams..

One is black with red, one is green,one is white with brown and last one- blue. Oh and my bag is black with pink!:naughty:

Sooo you now you feel better?:thumb_yello:


What subjects do you need to learn at ?

Sounds cool !!I'm curious to see them !:naughty:

I feel better now but in the morning i feel awful

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What subjects do you need to learn at ?

Sounds cool !!I'm curious to see them !:naughty:

I feel better now but in the morning i feel awful


Then it's good.. till evening you'll feel wonderful:naughty:

Hmm..i could take a photo..?:naughty:

I need to learn economics,latvian, russian, english and history.. :thumbdown:

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Then it's good.. till evening you'll feel wonderful:naughty:

Hmm..i could take a photo..?:naughty:

I need to learn economics,latvian, russian, english and history.. :thumbdown:


how are you? :mf_rosetinted:


Yes only if I get drunk i'll feel wonderful!:roftl:

If you want to do that :wink2:

How many languages do you know ?


I'm good but your existence annoys me :naughty

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Yes only if I get drunk i'll feel wonderful!:roftl:

If you want to do that :wink2:

How many languages do you know ?


I'm good but your existence annoys me :naughty



I need to let my brother to internet after 10 min,but later i can put in :biggrin2:

Then you need to drink something..:naughty:

I know latvian,russian, english(a bit) and in spanish i can tell-No te rajes!:biggrin2:

And you know many languages?

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oh goody.. looks like i'm gonna stay on longer than i intended then :mf_rosetinted:


I need to let my brother to internet after 10 min,but later i can put in :biggrin2:

Then you need to drink something.

I know latvian,russian, english(a bit) and in spanish i can tell-No te rajes!:biggrin2:

And you know many languages?


So you wanna annoy me more ?:sneaky2::naughty:


I'm gonna drink a bit of Red Bull !

Maybe you can teach me some russian :biggrin2:

I know romanian ,english and spanish :biggrin2:

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