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This Ones for Us Girls (Part 9)


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i saw so many 2 weeks ago, i just wanna take them and put them on my wall lol.. and there's also a MASSIVE poster of LiCM in Shephards Bush :mf_lustslow:


*bites vanessa*


yucky.. you don't taste nice :tears:




I've seen that poster :mf_lustslow: I have a pic in my photobucket :biggrin2:


Haha I taste like perfume !!!:mf_rosetinted:

You're mean !

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You mean i smell as "poison" by Dior ?:roftl::naughty:


I'm never mean or bad or however !!

And this is what i've seen on Shepard Bush !



i had a feeling u were gonna say that lol .. *sigh*



really? i didn't see that bit :bleh: there's a massive one though on a building.. i must go there and take a pic of it.. hmm and how do i get there *rubs chin*

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i had a feeling u were gonna say that lol .. *sigh*



really? i didn't see that bit :bleh: there's a massive one though on a building.. i must go there and take a pic of it.. hmm and how do i get there *rubs chin*


:shocked:I haven't seen it !!! I need to see that one !!!

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:shocked:I haven't seen it !!! I need to see that one !!!


i'll see if i can go there tomorrow.. although its quite far away.. and i don't remember where in shephards bush it was :blink: great i'm so gonna get lost :roftl:

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i'll see if i can go there tomorrow.. although its quite far away.. and i don't remember where in shephards bush it was :blink: great i'm so gonna get lost :roftl:


I always feel like stealing them!:naughty:


You should have known your city by now !!

You're gonna get lost like me !!:blink::roftl:


Good girl !!!But have you stole one ?

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No!! They're stuck on a wall! I wouldn't get one in one piece!


why can't they like stick it on with blue tack at least or summin.. its not like they need the posters really, so it wouldn't matter if people stole them :fisch::naughty:

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No!! They're stuck on a wall! I wouldn't get one in one piece!


it's a big city :sneaky2: i'm still learning my way around lol :bleh: by next year i could take u anywhere with my eyes closed :biggrin2:


But you should try !!I think no one will make you pay a fine !!!:naughty:


It's not big it's huge :shocked: you learn quite slow !!!

For how many years have you been living in London ?

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It's not big it's huge :shocked: you learn quite slow !!!

For how many years have you been living in London ?


yeah its huge, do u expect me to go to every part of london in 17-18 years? lol.. i've only been able to go out by myself properly for like 3 years.. literally.. then with school in the way, i can't exactly be travelling london lol, and the only reason i'm going most of london now is cos of mika lol.. so technically.. i've only had less than a year to see the london side i haven't seen yet.

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yeah its huge, do u expect me to go to every part of london in 17-18 years? lol.. i've only been able to go out by myself properly for like 3 years.. literally.. then with school in the way, i can't exactly be travelling london lol, and the only reason i'm going most of london now is cos of mika lol.. so technically.. i've only had less than a year to see the london side i haven't seen yet.


I understood now !!!

You go outside because of Mika and school !!I'd do the same :bleh:

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