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I haven't been following this thread, are we not supposed to post pictures?

(I wasn't gonna post any others anyway :bleh: ).


And it's this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm4MXwrXXgo


Pink prefers to keep the pix for the site only (I think). Look :

*coughs loudly at picture posting*


Yes, right ! *sings and dance along*

I'm on the road again....

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Aww! Hot Humphy! He is such an accomplished fella! Now he can also drive a car! :naughty: (but how did he manage to see the street and reach the pedals? :blink:)


(PICTURES!!! MORE!!! :das: who dares to cough?? :sneaky2:)


Melman - I'm pretty busy trying to make myself learn for the exam on Tuesday. I do read the threads but I don't always have the time to MQ and post :tears: . Jimmy is the rooster I got from Ana (~Ana~)!! He is pretty damn cool and his feet are as big as Humphy's (if not bigger :das:)! I named him Jimmy, hehe :wub2:.

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Melman - I'm pretty busy trying to make myself learn for the exam on Tuesday. I do read the threads but I don't always have the time to MQ and post :tears: . Jimmy is the rooster I got from Ana (~Ana~)!! He is pretty damn cool and his feet are as big as Humphy's (if not bigger :das:)! I named him Jimmy, hehe :wub2:.


Good luck with your exam! I keep my fingers crossed for ya! :wink2:

:roftl: bigger feet ? Is that possible ? :roftl::das:

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*tries to touch feet on screen* TZZZZZZ *burns finger*

(you really have a special folder in your photobucket for humphreygasmic pics? hehe)



(you don't?)


Guess who just knocked on my door...






On the road again tralalala on the road again. *sings*


:mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:

Awww, Humphrey is adorable, is he a good driver?

Tee hee, the wheel is on the wrong side :bleh:

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:mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:

Awww, Humphrey is adorable, is he a good driver?

Tee hee, the wheel is on the wrong side :bleh:


Eh, I would call it the right side!:naughty:



And that leads to a question….what nationality is Humphy, is he an Englishman?:wink2:

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[ ] Elephants

[3] MFC stripes

[3] Mika cardboard

[-1] Plain colour #1

[-1] Plain colour #2


*votes for the MFC STRIPES :wub2: first*

*votes for cardboard pattern*


*thinks that Humphy is a citizen of the world*


[ ] Elephants

[5] MFC stripes

[4] Mika cardboard

[-1] Plain colour #1

[-1] Plain colour #2


Is anyone else going to vote?


Oh yes, that sounds so sweet!


Little Humphy!


I think he’s been travelling more than any of us!:wink2:


He has! Lucky little bugger :sneaky2:



Who thinks he should have a facebook account or a facebook group?

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Who thinks he should have a facebook account or a facebook group?


Doesn’t you have to have a face book account yourself to be able to see others?:boxed:


Or can it just be open with a link from this site?

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[ ] Elephants

[6] MFC stripes

[4] Mika cardboard

[-1] Plain colour #1

[-1] Plain colour #2


Is anyone else going to vote?




*feels so stupid because she doesnt get that voting thing*

What numbers am i supposed to fill in the brackets??


Yes, it's okay, I did it for you :cheerful_h4h:

And I forgot to say - your avatar is adorable! :wub2: :wub2:


Doesn’t you have to have a face book account yourself to be able to see others?:boxed:


Or can it just be open with a link from this site?


Um, I'm not sure, I don't know much about facebook at all. Pink does. Pink likes making facebook groups :naughty:

I guess it could just be an extra advertising thingy, so people who have got facebok can add him on it :blink:

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How is Humphy doing? Where is he going today?


Awww!!! he's name is Jimmy?:wub2:Jimmy I is going to be very happy!:blush-anim-cl:


I think the background is already decided innit? STRIPES it is!


ok, bye, *goes to make map*

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