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:pbjt: Woo! :plane:




Humphrey, I'm sorry!


I haven't done anything on your site in aaaageeees!

I really seriously need to catch up on my school work (:thumbdown:MFC)

And I wont be able to work on your site until after my exams, which is in a month :boxed:

But then in a month I will do it all right away and finish it! I swear!

BUT, if you guys are going to whinge and whine about it, and someone else wants to work on it or something, I can give you guys all the details.





usernames: humphreytheelephant

passwords: mikafanclub




(P.S. That picture is on the cover of my textbook and I think of you everytime I look at it :P)

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okay people! its ur turn to vote for humphrey's outfit!


im making it out of laminated pictures, so, u have to decide what the pictures will be of:


1.mika/the band live

2.just mika

3.MFC participants in the traveling bear project


4.pictures of humphrey

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okay people! its ur turn to vote for humphrey's outfit!


im making it out of laminated pictures, so, u have to decide what the pictures will be of:


1.mika/the band live

2.just mika

3.MFC participants in the traveling bear project


4.pictures of humphrey


Eeeek! :biggrin2: Brilliant! :biggrin2: But I don't know! :shocked:

I think not mika or mika/band though...


Another random idea - what about LiCM artwork?

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Eeeek! :biggrin2: Brilliant! :biggrin2: But I don't know! :shocked:

I think not mika or mika/band though...


Another random idea - what about LiCM artwork?


yes, but we could make it more humprey-esque? im not a good drawer. so if anyone would volunteer to draw it and send it to me, that would be cool. i dont know....maybe my friend rachel could help, she likes mika and is a great drawer!

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okay people! its ur turn to vote for humphrey's outfit!


im making it out of laminated pictures, so, u have to decide what the pictures will be of:


1.mika/the band live

2.just mika

3.MFC participants in the traveling bear project


4.pictures of humphrey



ooo! maybe mika/or mika and the band combined or something!!


great :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:

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yes, but we could make it more humprey-esque? im not a good drawer. so if anyone would volunteer to draw it and send it to me, that would be cool. i dont know....maybe my friend rachel could help, she likes mika and is a great drawer!


Maybe .. but what exactly does a laminated pictures jacket look like? I can't even begin to imagine it (but then again, I couldn't imagine a duct tape jacket either :naughty:) ... do you have a picture of something similar? :bleh:

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Hi guys!:thumb_yello:

What will happen to this thread and the whole travelling elephant buissness now that Punicorn is gone?


Wouldn't it be nice if we could have a place where things are posted, pictures and stories about Humphy:wub2: along the road.


I miss him and I want to know what he is up to!:wink2:

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Hi guys!:thumb_yello:

What will happen to this thread and the whole travelling elephant buissness now that Punicorn is gone?


Wouldn't it be nice if we could have a place where things are posted, pictures and stories about Humphy:wub2: along the road.


I miss him and I want to know what he is up to!:wink2:

Where are all those people? I'm pretty busy for uni right now and I know that Oakie doke is as well - but where is the rest? :blink:


And, cough, can we have some


PICTURES??? (please :wub2:? :naughty::naughty:)

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