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If you guys need the first post in this thread updated, feel free to PM me and I can edit it for you.


On that note...is Humphrey still with Finkster, or has he moved on?


Thanks for your help. :)

Can you put LadyGodiva before lilmot on the list?



.....and can you unban Pink?:sad:

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Sorry guys, I still have Humphrey. :blush-anim-cl:

I'm hoping to have him sent out by the top of the week.

(Which for me means the weekend, most likely Friday).

I'll PM you when he leaves for Florida.



yay!!!! then hes coming to me wooo hooo!!!! im so excited!!!

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:shocked::shocked: Shock shock me!!! :roftl:




hmmm, well if you put LG before me, then it seems like she will be sending me Humphrey via Peter Mail :das::thumb_yello::mf_rosetinted:


works for me!


<signed> tinerslutslutbell


oops, just kidding =}


tinKerslutslutbell ooooops. haha.

well she is....and i've been in love with Peter since i was 5, first poster ever to hang in my room was of Mr.Pan what a hottie. I think it's the flying that gets me. Still on my quest for a only peter t-shirt (they all have tink as well. pah)

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This is in no way an attempt to sound rude or anything but




try to send Humphrey off after 5 days.


If everybody keeps him for longer

(even if it's just a few days) then it will need



AGES (or so)


until he finally reaches Australia (for instance).




And no one here (right now) will stop you from posting pictures or telling us what Humphrey and Alfred have experienced while they were staying at your house. :naughty:

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...i have started naming everything humphrey, my car, my rabbit, a penguin someone drew on the chalkboard(which is ironic since there really is a penguin named humphrey)....

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This is in no way an attempt to sound rude or anything but




try to send Humphrey off after 5 days.


If everybody keeps him for longer

(even if it's just a few days) then it will need



AGES (or so)


until he finally reaches Australia (for instance).




And no one here (right now) will stop you from posting pictures or telling us what Humphrey and Alfred have experienced while they were staying at your house. :naughty:


Well said. :naughty:

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It's so disturbing because you cannot concentrate anymore then ! I don't know why but I can only be creative when I dont have time to be !


I know! And now I have time and I can't think of anything :blush-anim-cl: and I have too many things on my "things that I put off" list.


But shouldn't we put that on the first page of the thread ? I guess it is easier.But on the other hand, if people find the site without knowing squat about MFC, that'd be more complicated (although I highly doubt people will know about Humphy without knowing about MFC ) Bt as you've pointed out,Pink isn't here so we can't change the front page...


Haha, yeah I don't think anyone would find it without MFC, good point. We should write a good clear intro (bsically what Petra had) and get Mana to add it on for us :biggrin2:


Urm, I'm not so sure about that. For me , goodies are banners, MSN buddies, screensavers, things like that.... But we could change "goodies" into "extras" so that we could put more things in ( like the game_ IF WE STILL DO IT ??)

but would the "Elephants around the world fit in more ? Or are extras and goodies exactly the same ?


I don't know! Goodies, extras, my brain has stopped functioning. I think the game could still fit under goodies, I don't know :P


hmmm, well if you put LG before me, then it seems like she will be sending me Humphrey via Peter Mail

works for me!


<signed> tinerslutslutbell


oops, just kidding =}


:lmfao: Okay :P


yay!!!! then hes coming to me wooo hooo!!!! im so excited!!!




This is in no way an attempt to sound rude or anything but PLEASE try to send Humphrey off after 5 days. If everybody keeps him for longer (even if it's just a few days) then it will need fricking AGES (or so)2until he finally reaches Australia (for instance).


And no one here (right now) will stop you from posting pictures or telling us what Humphrey and Alfred have experienced while they were staying at your house.


Yes, exactly :thumb_yello:



...i have started naming everything humphrey, my car, my rabbit, a penguin someone drew on the chalkboard(which is ironic since there really is a penguin named humphrey)....


Yay! Where are you? Ohh, we do need to hurry and make that proper way of signing up :P

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Okay! Lets fix the intro up! Here's what Petra had, which is pretty much what Pink had to start with but then took down for reasons unknown/un-understood. I guess some of it could be changed a bit, especially because it's going to be under a post by Pink :naughty: and a bit of stuff has changed (ie. he isn't travelling alone anymore).


Okay, I've changed a bit of it, add to it/change it/comment what you think :bleh:

I guess we need a bit of an explaination of his friend Alfred, because I guess people who weren't really in the thread when we/Petra decided to give him to Humphrey would be a bit like "wtf is this?" when they open his box :naughty:





So get acquainted with Humphrey! Humphrey has been chosen to travel the entire MFC-Empire in which the sun never sets! He also has his own MySpace & welcomes new friends from all over the world! Check him and his blog about his adventurous travels out here:



<<picture that I can't copy because thread is closed>>

(we could change these to some more "landmark-y" pictures of Humphrey - with the Eiffel Tower and such?)



Pink's idea was the following:

Since we have such a world wide fan base, why not make a travelling bear
(edit: elephant)
who can be sent to each member? If we have a bear
(edit: elephant)
complete with his own USB stick, he can travel amongst members who can leave photos of his journey, or comments and their usernames on this USB stick for the next member.

We have plenty of members so it can be an ongoing project, at the end of the year (or when the usb is full) it can be put on here so everyone can see, and even make a book about the travels 'A year in teddy
(edit: elephant)
motion' or whichever you feel is appropriate.

(We could probably cut this out / put the info of it into the other sections?)


Rules to the MFC Elephant:


Everyone must abide by these rules. They are NOT guidelines and it would be very much appreciated that everyone stuck to them so that Humphy doesn’t get lost. These rules should also be with Humphy on the USB so that people are aware of the rules when it is posted on.


To Join:

To join, please send a PM to Petra complete with your location. We do not need addresses!



Stick to the list which has been posted, unless you PM one of us with why you will not be able to post to the person following you on the list (such as lack of money, etc and we will slot you somewhere on the list which is more suitable for you).


When posting Humphrey, please put a 'Please Return To' address on the back of the box. The address will be Pinkunicorn's - we don't want Humphy to get lost while travelling! When you post him, please make sure that Humphy and his friend Alfred are comfortable and are traveling in style! Humphy loves colourful parcels and likes being wrapped in soft things. And he loves chocolate while being en route.


Please post in the thread as well as PM the member following you on the list when you have sent Humphy, so we know where he is at all times. As soon as you have received Humphy, please post it here in the thread and PM one of us as well so that we can change his status here and on his MySpace.


What to do with Humphrey:

Have fun.

Humphrey can accompany you to school, to work, to uni, to day trips, to shopping trips, to what ever you do in the time he is visiting you!


Take pictures while you are having fun!

Save the pictures in your folder on the USB! It might be great if you also uploaded some pictures somewhere and sent them to us so that we can put them on Humphy's MySpace!


Before posting the elephant onto the next person, sign the USB file - have him write a blog about his fabulous time with you!


PM the person following you on the list to get their name and address, unless you are handing Humphrey over to the next person at a concert, a meet, etc.


You are allowed to keep him for up to 5 days and then you have to post him on. If the day lands on a local holiday or a half day where your local post office is only open for a certain time, then please try to arrange that he is sent off to the nearest time of 5 days, whether that be before or after. There are a lot of members to get around and every day counts!



Please keep these rules in mind when having Humphrey. We want this to be as much fun as possible, but we do not want to lose it. In the interest of safety, the person on the list before hand will ask you directly for your address.


The List:

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Just wanted to let you all know that Humphrey, Alfred and some other cool dudes are now up on my customers page on the Fishie website


http://www.babzz.nl go to photo's and then customers and scroll down :thumb_yello:




Awww! :wub2: :wub2:


Can I just say, should it be: Humphrey with Alfred :blush-anim-cl:


:biggrin2: See, there should definately be an introduction of Alfred in the intro too (with link) :cheerful_h4h:

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Just wanted to let you all know that Humphrey, Alfred and some other cool dudes are now up on my customers page on the Fishie website :wink2:


http://www.babzz.nl go to photo's and then customers and scroll down :thumb_yello:


HAHA!!! I LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!!


:woot_jump: Satisfied Customers.. how cool is that?? :punk:

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From what I understood, Alfred is a little fish that is now travelling with Humphrey. You can see him on this link : http://www.babzz.nl/klanten.php if you scroll down a little. :thumb_yello:


ooooo...:roftl: i thought it was the lion!! i was like holy crap i havta package that!! it's going to be soo $$!.


okay wow that fish is soo cute:thumb_yello:

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ooooo...:roftl: i thought it was the lion!! i was like holy crap i havta package that!! it's going to be soo $$!.


okay wow that fish is soo cute:thumb_yello:


:lmfao: It would have been a little unpratical indeed. :naughty:

Nonetheless,Humphy is given more and more things as he travels!:naughty:

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ooooo...:roftl: i thought it was the lion!! i was like holy crap i havta package that!! it's going to be soo $$!.


okay wow that fish is soo cute


awww.... Alfred is so cute!!! i cant wait to see him and Humphrey!! im next!


Yes! :lmao: Alfred is a fish bag! He carries Humphrey's belongings and keeps him company so they can have parties in the parcel and not with the postmen :doh:


Nonetheless,Humphy is given more and more things as he travels!:naughty:



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Sorry guys, I've been really busy with exams lately (which ended today! :kachinga: ) and wasn't able to let you all know that

Humphrey is on his way to Florida and should be there any day! :yay:


:groupwave::woot_jump::pbjt: i can't wait!!! me and foalbaby14 hopefully will have it by sat. for my BDAY PARTY!!! then humphrey can go to his very first bday party(unless he's already been to one) we get to go swimming and have a sleepover:punk:

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:groupwave::woot_jump::pbjt: i can't wait!!! me and foalbaby14 hopefully will have it by sat. for my BDAY PARTY!!! then humphrey can go to his very first bday party(unless he's already been to one) we get to go swimming and have a sleepover:punk:

Sounds fun!

I sent him first class, so he should get there by Friday the latest.:thumb_yello:

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