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Meet up list for Terminal 5- NYC-2/2/08!!!

I <3 MIKA!!!

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To be honest with you, I didn't see a Boston Market around. Maybe I missed it!!! I went last night and I don't see correctly sometimes:blush-anim-cl: :blush-anim-cl: IF that restaurant is closer,; I prefer to go there then


Last night Ada was blind....and now you too Lucy!!!! :lmao:


I agree... on the map it is closer...... better.... and I do not know about up there but down here BM's are relatively LARGER than McD's.... :naughty:

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Last night Ada was blind....and now you too Lucy!!!! :lmao:


I agree... on the map it is closer...... better.... and I do not know about up there but down here BM's are relatively LARGER than McD's.... :naughty:


-squints- what you say 'bout me? :bleh:

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Me TOO.... and *if you haven't noticed by now* I use that line WHEN EVER the opportunity arises! :lmao:


Kinda like my FAVE smiley!


:roftl: :roftl: My friend just told me to stop procrastinating....but i read it as prostituting....:cool::roftl: :roftl:

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Last night Ada was blind....and now you too Lucy!!!! :lmao:


I agree... on the map it is closer...... better.... and I do not know about up there but down here BM's are relatively LARGER than McD's.... :naughty:


Oh GOD MIKA is making me go blind; literally!!

So, have we changed the meeting place?

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Oh GOD MIKA is making me go blind; literally!!

So, have we changed the meeting place?


Mika is like Madusa or something......


Yeah, I guess we are .... everyone agrees it is for the better! :punk:


I need the freakin address......

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Mika is like Madusa or something......


Yeah, I guess we are .... everyone agrees it is for the better! :punk:


I need the freakin address......


me too, lol, was JUST about to ask for it too...but i didnt wanna sound dumb....thanks Holly :bleh:

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I say yes as well. But where is Boston Market located?

This will be my first time going there!!


rather...both adresses...of Terminal 5 and Boston Market.... though i can go look for Terminal 5 myself...im too lazy to change tabs....:roftl:

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