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Meet up list for Terminal 5- NYC-2/2/08!!!

I <3 MIKA!!!

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i love hugging people too :wub2:

maybe its a Jersey thing :roftl::bleh:


Holly....you mean to say you buy perfume that DONT smell pretty? :bleh: i love ya, i do, its just too much fun teasing ya :roftl::wub2:


uh-hem... let me rephrase that.....

EXTRA PRETTY..... :naughty:

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gosh, everyone is up to their 1000 post! gotta catch up, i think i should be doin 100 posts a day, like Aimee said she was doin....i thing ill get to my next hundred tonight... (hopes) see, im doing my lab at the same time as being online....so...you know how THATS gonnna turn out :thumbdown:

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We do not want to get kicked out of the place!!!!!


BRING the glitter







the glue..... :cool:



nono, never, dont you know, thats what the underside of the table is for! :roftl: -imagines Mika a year later walk in sit down, by-accident drops something under the table looks up- :shocked:


:roftl: :roftl: Holly and Ada where here again :naughty::bleh:

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Man, my shopping list is getting BIGGER and BIGGER everyday....


Boots, coat, scarf, mittens, ....PERFUME .....


haha, boots..:blush-anim-cl:



i guess im just used to the cold -brings my jacket, zippered hoodie, and colorful jeans- :bleh:

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