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Meet up list for Terminal 5- NYC-2/2/08!!!

I <3 MIKA!!!

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revica congrats:yay: u r already at 417 posts!!!!!! holly revica and any one else who wants to help i have to do a 2 page (double spaced) journal and we have to find 2 songs about love one should be a current song and one should be popular during my parents era (aka 60s-70s-can be queen beatles...) and they have to do about love! :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: :wub2:

i am gonna have sooo much fun with this journal but i have a feeling it will turn out about loving mika and not a connection between the songs and love!hehe:roftl:

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Okay, Noon-ish at that Boston Market? We could be there until 5 PM! Perhaps I could start at PM with numbers and crap. Sound good?


Yep. Alex and I are going to be earlier. So....when ever people arrive, we will be there! I know alot of people are arriving in the city at different times..so....we will be waiting for all you.




If a rat so much as runs in front of the venue, I am lining up.... I do NOT think I will be waiting until 5 :lmao:


Numbers sound great Kate! ...hey - that rhymed! :naughty:

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