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Meet up list for Terminal 5- NYC-2/2/08!!!

I <3 MIKA!!!

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It's not very common to ever see rats on the street. Maybe on the subway, on a hot stanky day in the summer.


But 40 degrees would be a DREAM for that day!


*starts praying*

It would be nice if we got May weather around that time like we got this week.:naughty:

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yay!!!!!!!!!!!!:woot_jump: :woot_jump: :woot_jump: i am bouncing off the walls right now its really coming to life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!all my dreams are coming true!now all mika has to do is pop the question! hehehe:roftl: holly revica i probably will get there early too!!!!with my friend:thumbdown: (still kindof wish i could just leave her in chappaqua:naughty: and i honestly am afraid for her cuz she knows absolutly nothing about him other than life in cartoon motion!:shocked:)

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That's okay, Aimee! I'm sure she'll have a blast anyway!

The first show I went to with my friend, the only songs she knew were Grace Kelly, Love Today, and Lollipop, but she had a great time at the gig! She still danced and sang along, and afterwards she told me it was one of the best shows she's ever been to!:D

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yay!!!!!!!!!!!!:woot_jump: :woot_jump: :woot_jump: i am bouncing off the walls right now its really coming to life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!all my dreams are coming true!now all mika has to do is pop the question! hehehe:roftl: holly revica i probably will get there early too!!!!with my friend(still kindof wish i could just leave her in chappaqua:naughty: and i honestly am afraid for her cuz she knows absolutly nothing about him other than life in cartoon motion!:shocked:)


I dont know how early i'll be coming but DEFFINITLY before 5 :boxed:


i'd die if i didnt come earlier....




ANYWAYS' date=' i need to friggin sit my parents down and get them to plan out details for it. i dont want any [i']unpleasant[/i] surprises ... not that i mind good surprises..

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revica do wat i did to my parents tell them that u have to meet everyone at 8:30 so they will have to come on time!hehehe:roftl:


:roftl: :roftl: make it 6:30 :lmao:



nahhh, i will soon find out! ..i still dont know who the third person is going to be...-SIGH-

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Since we're almost done planning our trip to New York, you can add us crazy canadian girls on the list: Cassiopée, sunshine931, Becks and loulou!




Yay!!!! We cannot wait to meet our Canadian friends!!!! :huglove:

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Guys, I'm rethinking all this right now. Even if we buy stuff, I really don't think we can sit in Boston Maket for more than an hour or two, and it'll likely be extremely cold. Especially in our big group of people


I like Carrie's suggestion. What if we meet at Pax Wholesome Food around 11:30 or so? I'm gonig to research which one is closest to the venue/ best. That way we can go to Boston Market later in the afternoon, to pretend we're eating, stay warm inside, and be closer to the venue. If anyone actually wants to head towards the line, we'll have our cell #s so we can communicate and stuff. We don't need to migrate, twenty strong. Does that make better sense as a plan?


*Goes to research* Thoughts...? This is for everyone signed up- let's all talk. :)

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Got research!


With this plan, we can keep warm, eat well, be near the venue, and stay in contact!


1. I will be PMing those on the sign-up list to exchange cell phone numbers.


2. We will be meeting at PAX Wholesome Foods around 11:30/Noon time for lunch- 1776 Broadway (Corner of 57th St, near Columbus Circle).


3. We'll stay there for a bit, then go to Boston Market, maybe around 3 if nobody's lining up yet. It's 2 blocks from the venue, and we'll be able to stay there to keep warm/ "buy food."


4. Then we'll get in line or something...


Sould like a good outline for a plan?


Like I said, if you're not totally sure for yourself, personally, we don't need to migrat twenty strong, and we'll all stay in touch anyway, so we can break up a little bit as long as we're not totally alone.

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