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Meet up list for Terminal 5- NYC-2/2/08!!!

I <3 MIKA!!!

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So what do you think 'bout what I just posted? :fisch:


well, since i have a kinda big chance that im gonna be late (not for the show! :shocked: ) just for the meetup. So, i cant really say :bleh: Holly will come back on and tell ya, Lucy too :thumb_yello:

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i'm hoping some others will come on, too... This thread is getting so big, I think it's hard for some to keep up. That's why I'll do the PM, but still.


dont worry, about the thread getting big, me and holly are working on it :thumb_yello:

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OK, girls -- I finally have my train ticket! :thumb_yello:


But it looks like I won't get in to Penn Station until about 11:45 a.m. :blink:


So... I may not be able to meet beforehand, may just meet you in the

queue at the venue, if you're going to be there that early.


But, the good news is that I actually have a ticket! I'm really going

to NYC! :woot_jump: (Yes, I've had my doubts...)



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Got research!


With this plan, we can keep warm, eat well, be near the venue, and stay in contact!


1. I will be PMing those on the sign-up list to exchange cell phone numbers.


2. We will be meeting at PAX Wholesome Foods around 11:30/Noon time for lunch- 1776 Broadway (Corner of 57th St, near Columbus Circle).


3. We'll stay there for a bit, then go to Boston Market, maybe around 3 if nobody's lining up yet. It's 2 blocks from the venue, and we'll be able to stay there to keep warm/ "buy food."


4. Then we'll get in line or something...


Sould like a good outline for a plan?


Like I said, if you're not totally sure for yourself, personally, we don't need to migrat twenty strong, and we'll all stay in touch anyway, so we can break up a little bit as long as we're not totally alone.


Sounds good to me....


How big a place is PAX? *just sounds 'small' to me*???


My ONLY concern is:

When we line up....


say, we do not ALL migrate together.... some line up and then there are *what I like to call stragglers* ...okay, so other people are lining up that are not MFC... then the stragglers com along walking up.... what are the people going to think that have already been there waiting in line, and here comes 5, 10 people *in their minds* skipping them.


Bare with me, as this is my first Mika gig- so I am totally clueless. That i just how I picture it. I know if I were the people behind the MFC... I would be ready to fight! :mad3:

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Well we may not all be next to eachother in line- we certainly don't want to cut! At least we'll be together for some time, and we'll be calling eachother so we'll be as close as possible, I'm sure. And as for "straggling," that totally depends on the weather...


But honestly, like Jack said earlier, people probably won't line up before 5 PM. Just our estimate from experience.


PAX seems like it's probably similar in size to a Boston Market/ McDonalds type place- sizewise. Carrie has been there so she would know.


Does that answer your questions? :)

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Well we may not all be next to eachother in line- we certainly don't want to cut! At least we'll be together for some time, and we'll be calling eachother so we'll be as close as possible, I'm sure. And as for "straggling," that totally depends on the weather...


But honestly, like Jack said earlier, people probably won't line up before 5 PM. Just our estimate from experience.


PAX seems like it's probably similar in size to a Boston Market/ McDonalds type place- sizewise. Carrie has been there so she would know.


Does that answer your questions? :)


Yes, thanks :)


I just had these horrible images in my head..because so many people have been asking *begging* me to "save them a spot in line" .............

thank you for clearing up my head! :lmao:


And thanks for all your research! Great Job :thumb_yello:

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That could cause trouble... the saving spots. Esp. if there's so many people. They might even have a fence up. I've had a decent amount of Generasl Admission concert experience. 8Shrugs*



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hey everyone!!!!!!!i cant believe how big the thread got sooo big!hehehe i am so proud of myself:roftl: any way now so far a month before the concert half of the mfcers that are going to the concert are going to the meet up (well they say they are/might) this is getting really exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mf_lustslow::shocked::mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:

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Sould like a good outline for a plan?


Like I said, if you're not totally sure for yourself, personally, we don't need to migrat twenty strong, and we'll all stay in touch anyway, so we can break up a little bit as long as we're not totally alone.



Sounds pretty good Kate! :thumb_yello: Just PM me if you want my

cell for the list... I won't be getting in to NYC until 11:45, then I'll

have to drop my suitcase off at the hotel, then will make my way to

wherever you'll be at that point -- maybe Boston Market by then?



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me and my friend are 2 people.....i am standing w/ Holly and Aimee :mf_rosetinted:


hells yeah!!!!!!! o and u cant forget about my friend grrr:naughty: omg i am soo mean to her wat am i talking about i love her to death she is like my sis but sometimes i kind of just wanna break away from chappaqua!!!hehe and hang out with my fellow mfcers!:wink2:

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hells yeah!!!!!!! o and u cant forget about my friend grrr:naughty: omg i am soo mean to her wat am i talking about i love her to death she is like my sis but sometimes i kind of just wanna break away from chappaqua!!!hehe and hang out with my fellow mfcers!:wink2:


I KNOW :roftl: :roftl: i was talking w/ my mom today and i was telling her a little plan i had but then she was like "...but...meg's gonna be there, and shes kinda too small, dont ya think? she wont like that.."


and i was just like -blinks- "oh yeah, meg."




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hehehe i have been lazy with my posts the past few days so i have to catch up and try to get 700 tonight!yay but revica u r doing great also soon u will catch up to me and holly!


Oh no! :shocked: i forgot my aim of 100 per night :lmao:


ohwell, i was sick, thats my excuse :mf_rosetinted:


THANKFULLY i am actually feeling better today! (finally :naughty: )


my stomach still hurts but i think i dont have a fever anymore :thumb_yello:


maybe i will be able to eat finally :mf_rosetinted::roftl:

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