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Meet up list for Terminal 5- NYC-2/2/08!!!

I <3 MIKA!!!

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austin! we finally talk (well post hehe) r u coming to the meet up??


Do you want to talk to me or Austin :mf_rosetinted:


He said he still does not know! It is still up in the air...BUT possible! :wub2:


....he told me to ask you if you are still coming to Florida?

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Do you want to talk to me or Austin :mf_rosetinted:


He said he still does not know! It is still up in the air...BUT possible! :wub2:


....he told me to ask you if you are still coming to Florida?


i am coming friday but leaving sunday so i probably wil only have time to see my brothers:thumbdown: though i still dont want to see them:naughty: I talk to them enougn online!hehehe but i go down there alot! like at least twice a year so we WILL meet up i promise!:thumb_yello:

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i am coming friday but leaving sunday so i probably wil only have time to see my brothers:thumbdown: though i still dont want to see them:naughty: I talk to them enougn online!hehehe but i go down there alot! like at least twice a year so we WILL meet up i promise!:thumb_yello:


Austin said, don't let the Alligators bite :mf_rosetinted:

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u know i have a great idea!!!!!!i will just lock myself into the hotel room till i go to the plane and back to new york so nothing happens to me !!!!!!!!!!!or better yet i just skip the plane trip:roftl: !hehehe



any way i have sent everyone that is on the meet up list on the last page of this thread a meet up confirmation pm if you didnt get it pm me or post it here and i will send u it!!!!!:wink2:

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wait in the pm i sent:blink: i just looked back on it and it says kate is collecting numbers


You are so complicated :mf_rosetinted:


:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


She just sent a PM and said that she is NOT doing it!

It should be a individual thing. If you want someone's number

PM them. There is not gonna be a *so called list*


MAKE your own :mf_rosetinted:



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:roftl: I NO!!!!!!!!!!!!:roftl: and is it just with me cuz of me living in ny but every one is active during the middle of the night (in ny) and when i wake up and go online and check my account there are like 10 pages on each thread that are new and it takes me forever to go through them all and then no one is on during the day!!!!!!!!!did i just confuse everyone even more:shocked: i tend to do that!hehehe the mfc has forced me to sleep during the day (school) and stay up at night!:roftl:
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