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American Thread Part II


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PhotoJenic, yes, I have seen one before. It's scary...makes you realize just how small you are. The last time we had some around our house, my dad said he saw one forming right above our house....but it never hit the ground.


By the way, remind me what your name is, please! I feel so awkward calling you PhotoJenic each time. lol!


It's Jen. :bleh: I'm going to be a photographer so that's where the play of words comes from for my screen name. :naughty:


Oh gosh! I can imagine that you feel really small when you see one. I think I would pretty much be spazzing out if I saw one forming over my house though. I wouldn't have a clue what to do... like what to quickly grab from the house and where to go. I've always thought about if I could only grab one thing what would it be. In the end it ends up being my whole house. It's kind of silly to think about but I think about it when I hear of people only having so many minutes to get something and leave. It makes me think of what I would grab. I guess it's slightly helpful in a way if you're ever faced with that situation because you'd already know what you want to get.

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Gosh Amanda, it really is devastating!


I remember that one time during the summer Hilary! I was so scared for you.


It's really easy to think of what you'd say now, until the moment actually comes. I used to always so, "I'd grab all of my CD's and beloved posters! And my kitties!"

And then my house almost caught on fire and I stood there about to cry, frozen. I guess it goes with anything, but it really is hard to say unless you're put into the position.

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Yea, it must be really scary for people who live in areas where those sort of natural disasters occur a lot. I'm lucky the only thing we really get here is hurricanes, but they don't reach where I live, and floods, but they're not bad in my town.

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Gosh Amanda, it really is devastating!


I remember that one time during the summer Hilary! I was so scared for you.


It's really easy to think of what you'd say now, until the moment actually comes. I used to always so, "I'd grab all of my CD's and beloved posters! And my kitties!"


And then my house almost caught on fire and I stood there about to cry, frozen. I guess it goes with anything, but it really is hard to say unless you're put into the position.

i remember when you told me about that!


i think the most important thing is getting yourself out safely.


then my Queen record/posters. :naughty:

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I figured it was Jen, but didn't want to embarrass myself when you'd be like "Um...my name is Samantha" or something like that. ;)


Oh, and I have had that thought too. About what to grab first. I always tell myself it's family members first, then photo albums/videos.


Actually it's..... yeah you're right it's Samantha. :wink2: My Papa used to call me that when I was younger though. No clue why really haha.


Family is definitely the first choice, also along with my cat if I could catch her. Other than that I don't know what else. My laptop tends to be my life since I'm always on it and my major uses it all the time. It has a lot on it, but then there's always those little things here and there. See, that's why in the end I end up with the whole house!

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LOL Maybe I better stick with Jen.... :D


Sounds good. :naughty: There's so many Jen's around here I can't believe it. Out of five people at one point during my freshman year four of us were Jen's. :roftl: Now you've got me a little worried, you're Amanda right? I just want to double check. :naughty:


Is it bad that I never thought of getting my family out first?


My house is really small, so I figured they'd be able to get themselves out.

Unless they couldn't, then of course I'd get them out!


Well, I always assumed that they'd get out because they'd probably be the ones telling me to get out. But after it was mentioned then yeah, family is definitely on the top of the list.

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We're just lucky I guess! I think the head of residential live has fun putting together roommates and suites. My freshman suite had two Jen's living together luckily the rest of us had a roommate with a different name until they left. Then last year my guy friend was put with a roommate with the same name. I think they do it just for sh*ts and giggles. *rolls eyes*

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Jess, what I really want is lots and lots of presents...




LOL just kiddin. ;)


Actually, just being able to relax and enjoy the day is what I want. Since I am taking off my second shift of work, that should be fairly easy! :)


Hilary, thanks for the time reminder! :D

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