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American Thread Part II


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i want to see that movie soooo bad LOL


I've been waiting for weeks now. I saw commercials about it non-stop and the theatre up here and near my college didn't have it in. I'm going back to college tomorrow and the theatre there got it in today. Monday's a holiday so I'm going to go see it, even though it'll just be me oh well. :naughty:

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I saw Juno on my birthday. It was okay...I didn't think it was extraordinary or anything.... worth a watch, nevertheless.


Yeah, 27 Dresses oozes of chick flick. That's why Chris has been avoiding it like the plague. However, the other day he called me and said "If you come see me right now I'll watch 27 Dresses with you." Of course it was too late in the night to go watch a movie, but I thought it was sweet he would see it just so he could see moi. :)

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I've been waiting for weeks now. I saw commercials about it non-stop and the theatre up here and near my college didn't have it in. I'm going back to college tomorrow and the theatre there got it in today. Monday's a holiday so I'm going to go see it, even though it'll just be me oh well. :naughty:


i loooove watching movies by myself :thumb_yello: once my dad and i wanted to go to across the universe but my twin wanted to go to the nightmare before christmas in 3D so she went by herself and she was the only one in the theater

i wish i would've seen that instead LOL

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I want to see Juno too! My friends who saw it said it was really good...except for one that's a boy who got dragged there by my other friend (his girlfriend). He thought it was stupid. But then again...from the previews I can see that girls would probably like it better.


...So I ignore his opinion and still want to see it.

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I saw Juno on my birthday. It was okay...I didn't think it was extraordinary or anything.... worth a watch, nevertheless.


Yeah, 27 Dresses oozes of chick flick. That's why Chris has been avoiding it like the plague. However, the other day he called me and said "If you come see me right now I'll watch 27 Dresses with you." Of course it was too late in the night to go watch a movie, but I thought it was sweet he would see it just so he could see moi. :)


Aw that's too cute! :wub2: Too bad it was too late to see the movie though. Raincheck it and make him see the movie with you! :naughty:

I wonder why guys avoid chick flicks. I mean I can kind of see it if you two are just friends, but being bf and gf? Hmm. You'd think they'd want to go see it because the girl will be all mushy lets love ya know? Maybe I'm way wrong. :naughty:


i loooove watching movies by myself :thumb_yello: once my dad and i wanted to go to across the universe but my twin wanted to go to the nightmare before christmas in 3D so she went by herself and she was the only one in the theater

i wish i would've seen that instead LOL


I've gotten used to seeing movies by myself because none of my other friends would want to see them, so whatever. I'm not going to miss a movie I want to see just because they don't want to go. :bleh:

I also like seeing chick flicks alone because sometimes it's just too awkward with other people around. I watched the Notebook with a guy friend and had a big awkward moment at the end haha.

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I've gotten used to seeing movies by myself because none of my other friends would want to see them, so whatever. I'm not going to miss a movie I want to see just because they don't want to go. :bleh:

I also like seeing chick flicks alone because sometimes it's just too awkward with other people around. I watched the Notebook with a guy friend and had a big awkward moment at the end haha.


once i get my license i'll be seeing a LOT of movies by myself.. i have to have sonmeone go with me because i always need a ride :bleh: all the sex scenes were AWKWARD with my mom when we saw 300 and then when i saw across the universe with my dad they had sex in the water :roftl:

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Aw that's too cute! :wub2: Too bad it was too late to see the movie though. Raincheck it and make him see the movie with you! :naughty:

I wonder why guys avoid chick flicks. I mean I can kind of see it if you two are just friends, but being bf and gf? Hmm. You'd think they'd want to go see it because the girl will be all mushy lets love ya know? Maybe I'm way wrong. :naughty:




I've gotten used to seeing movies by myself because none of my other friends would want to see them, so whatever. I'm not going to miss a movie I want to see just because they don't want to go. :bleh:

I also like seeing chick flicks alone because sometimes it's just too awkward with other people around. I watched the Notebook with a guy friend and had a big awkward moment at the end haha.


I agree with you! Although, my boyfriend just puts up a fight because he likes to ruffle my feathers. LOL One time I got into his car and saw a copy of Sweet Home Alabama in his back seat. He had rented it from the video store. I said "AHAH! You DO like chick flicks!" He said "Naw, it's for my mom."



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once i get my license i'll be seeing a LOT of movies by myself.. i have to have sonmeone go with me because i always need a ride :bleh: all the sex scenes were AWKWARD with my mom when we saw 300 and then when i saw across the universe with my dad they had sex in the water :roftl:


Oh gosh... watching sex scenes with parents is pretty awkward. :naughty: It can be awkward enough with just friends. :naughty:


When I watched the Notebook the ending made be bawl. I didn't know my friend was crying and I was trying to hide the fact that I was because I didn't think he was and I figured he'd laugh at me because that's like one of the first movies that has ever made me cry so much so I said something then noticed that he was crying and he thought I was making fun of him and when I tried to make a joke and play it cool like nothing was going on it sort of turned into a hahawaahhhh. So at that point I just flopped over into my pillows.


I'm so awesome at creating the most awkward moments. Ever. Seriously. :lmfao:

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I agree with you! Although, my boyfriend just puts up a fight because he likes to ruffle my feathers. LOL One time I got into his car and saw a copy of Sweet Home Alabama in his back seat. He had rented it from the video store. I said "AHAH! You DO like chick flicks!" He said "Naw, it's for my mom."




Hahahaha! He didn't want you to see his soft side. :roftl:

I love it when you find something of a guys that shows his soft side and then they get all defensive like it's not theirs or it's for someone else and we're supposed to believe it. :naughty:

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Oh gosh... watching sex scenes with parents is pretty awkward. :naughty: It can be awkward enough with just friends.


When I watched the Notebook the ending made be bawl. I didn't know my friend was crying and I was trying to hide the fact that I was because I didn't think he was and I figured he'd laugh at me because that's like one of the first movies that has ever made me cry so much so I said something then noticed that he was crying and he thought I was making fun of him and when I tried to make a joke and play it cool like nothing was going on it sort of turned into a hahawaahhhh. So at that point I just flopped over into my pillows.


I'm so awesome at creating the most awkward moments. Ever. Seriously. :lmfao:


i'm better :roftl: if you've ever seen gilbert grape there's a part where this girl gives gilbert an aniversary gift that's sexual :bleh: and i had invited my friend over and i knew it was coming and then my dad walked in and sat down and i was like :shocked::blink: it was SOOO awkward it was awkward just being with my dad or just being with my friend but with both :lmfao: it was HORRIBLE!

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I've been wanting to watch the Notebook for a while now. I should see if Chris has a copy hidden under his bed cushion. :P


:lmfao: Let me know if you find it. If not we can watch it. ; ) I'll bring the box of tissues. I suggest silencing our phones too because the same friend I watched the movie with called me once and it was right as the credits were rolling and it was too easy for him to figure out what movie I just finished watching. So yes... *turns off phone*


i'm better if you've ever seen gilbert grape there's a part where this girl gives gilbert an aniversary gift that's sexual :bleh: and i had invited my friend over and i knew it was coming and then my dad walked in and sat down and i was like :shocked: it was SOOO awkward it was awkward just being with my dad or just being with my friend but with both :lmfao: it was HORRIBLE!


Haha don't you love it when parents come in and sit down at the worst possible time? You kind of turn around and look at them nervously. :naughty: I don't think I've had many of those awkward moments though thank goodness. The main awkward moments that happen is that the tv will be on and it'll have some funky show on that I'm not even watching and I don't want them to think that I'm watching it haha.


lol yeah, it was pretty funny, Jen. The funniest thing is, it's always been out in the open that he is soft-hearted AND a romantic.... but he just didn't want me to know about the video cos he knew I'd give him grief. Which....I did, of course... ;)


I'm guilty. I give them grief too. Such an easy target and a perfect chance to get back at the grief they give you sometimes. :fisch:

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I've never seen it :lol3:

WFT?! :shocked:

Haha don't you love it when parents come in and sit down at the worst possible time? You kind of turn around and look at them nervously. :naughty: I don't think I've had many of those awkward moments though thank goodness. The main awkward moments that happen is that the tv will be on and it'll have some funky show on that I'm not even watching and I don't want them to think that I'm watching it haha.

:roftl:it reminds me when i was at my friends birthday and we were watching superbad and during the part where mc.lovin is ummm you know her dad walked in it was SOOOOOO awkward lol

once i walked in on my dad watching some documentary about strippers :mf_rosetinted:

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Jen, sounds like a plan. I haven't watched it in such a long time, I'm bound to tear up at one point or another. And trust me, I won't give you any grief! LOL ;)


Guys on the other hand....well, it's just in our nature to tease them about these sort of things....*giggle*

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