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American Thread Part II


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WFT?! :shocked:


:roftl:it reminds me when i was at my friends birthday and we were watching superbad and during the part where mc.lovin is ummm you know her dad walked in it was SOOOOOO awkward lol

once i walked in on my dad watching some documentary about strippers :mf_rosetinted:

................................................................why don't you like me?

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true. We liven things up with our canadian-osity and australian-osity ness.


Go the Canadian-osity and Australian-osity ness


Randomness: try saying Canadian-osity and Australian-osity ness three times really fast (its really hard)

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:roftl:it reminds me when i was at my friends birthday and we were watching superbad and during the part where mc.lovin is ummm you know her dad walked in it was SOOOOOO awkward lol

once i walked in on my dad watching some documentary about strippers :mf_rosetinted:


Superbad! That movie was funny. I saw it when our school was showing it. Our theatre was pretty full that night.


Chicka Chicka Yea! :naughty:


Wow... that must have been an uh interesting documentary hah. : P


Jen, sounds like a plan. I haven't watched it in such a long time, I'm bound to tear up at one point or another. And trust me, I won't give you any grief! LOL ;)


Guys on the other hand....well, it's just in our nature to tease them about these sort of things....*giggle*


I won't give you any grief either! :huglove: We should get some ice cream too. :naughty:


Yeah, I suppose it is in our nature I mean it's fun and all to pick on them.... oh well tough luck for them! :wink2:

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Haha don't you love it when parents come in and sit down at the worst possible time? You kind of turn around and look at them nervously. :naughty: I don't think I've had many of those awkward moments though thank goodness. The main awkward moments that happen is that the tv will be on and it'll have some funky show on that I'm not even watching and I don't want them to think that I'm watching it haha.


Whenever that happens to me I'm like, "Wow, that is SO inappropriate, isn't it?!" Or I just quickly change the channel and say I didn't know that was going to happen. Even though I knew that would happen.


I also hate when I watch a show and will be doing something else at the same time (I can never just sit and watch T.V.) and a different show comes on that's bad or weird and I'm not paying attention. People walk by the living room and look at what I'm watching and give me a weird look. All of my brother's friends think I am a Hannah Montana fan and make fun of me for it. In reality, I honestly haven't watched a whole episode of it. :naughty:

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Jen, ice creams sounds good. Mine's gotta be neopolitan.... ;)


Yeah, I agree. Guys are just asking for it...even if they don't know it....


The other day I was griping at Chris about how I never saw The Nanny Diaries because he wouldn't go with me. He said "You should have gone with your sisters!" and I said "No! I can only watch new movies with you!" Which is a complete lie, but still...

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Whenever that happens to me I'm like, "Wow, that is SO inappropriate, isn't it?!" Or I just quickly change the channel and say I didn't know that was going to happen. Even though I knew that would happen.


I also hate when I watch a show and will be doing something else at the same time (I can never just sit and watch T.V.) and a different show comes on that's bad or weird and I'm not paying attention. People walk by the living room and look at what I'm watching and give me a weird look. All of my brother's friends think I am a Hannah Montana fan and make fun of me for it. In reality, I honestly haven't watched a whole episode of it. :naughty:


I normally look up, look at the tv and then say, "I don't really know what's on tv it was just on for background noise." :naughty:


Hannah Montana haha... I like her show. :fisch:

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Jen, ice creams sounds good. Mine's gotta be neopolitan.... ;)


Yeah, I agree. Guys are just asking for it...even if they don't know it....


The other day I was griping at Chris about how I never saw The Nanny Diaries because he wouldn't go with me. He said "You should have gone with your sisters!" and I said "No! I can only watch new movies with you!" Which is a complete lie, but still...


Neopolitan is fine with me! Just as long as it's not plain vanilla or coffee flavor I'm fine!


Did Chris believe you? :naughty:

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