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American Thread Part II


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LOL I will upload the picture of his belt....and hopefully I won't get a reputation around here for being infatuated with his *ahem*... :P


And just so you all can see what a dork I look like, I will upload the picture of me looking in awe of him. ;)


Jen...yeah, it is so hard taking pics at shows! Thank goodness Chris is so tall and that he's fairly skilled in taking them. I am so short, all the pics I take always come out with tons of heads in front of me! LOL

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LOL I will upload the picture of his belt....and hopefully I won't get a reputation around here for being infatuated with his *ahem*... :P


And just so you all can see what a dork I look like, I will upload the picture of me looking in awe of him. ;)


Jen...yeah, it is so hard taking pics at shows! Thank goodness Chris is so tall and that he's fairly skilled in taking them. I am so short, all the pics I take always come out with tons of heads in front of me! LOL


Nah, you won't get that reputation because Fmbm clearly holds that one. :wink2:


Hahah well uh... even though I was tall enough to see over the people in front of me (the slant to the floor helps) I did get a lovely picture of some guys shirt, two arms that got in the way, err the audience with someone's arm and hand...yeah I don't know how I managed that when I SWORE it was pointing towards the stage. :naughty:


I can't wait to see the pics! :original:

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Nah, you won't get that reputation because Fmbm clearly holds that one. :wink2:


Hahah well uh... even though I was tall enough to see over the people in front of me (the slant to the floor helps) I did get a lovely picture of some guys shirt, two arms that got in the way, err the audience with someone's arm and hand...yeah I don't know how I managed that when I SWORE it was pointing towards the stage. :naughty:


I can't wait to see the pics! :original:







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Oh wow! :shocked: I would have been spazzing out if I lost my coat AND purse. I cannot believe security wouldn't help you find it. :doh: It's not like you were using that as an excuse to try to sneak backstage. :boxed: That's really odd how they ended up on the railing by the entrance, at least you got them back!

Yea, it was really weird. I thought I was gonna have to go to lost and found. I felt bad because I didn't want to make Holly, Lucy, and Alex wait for me to find my coat and sweater, but thankfully I found them.

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Yea, it was really weird. I thought I was gonna have to go to lost and found. I felt bad because I didn't want to make Holly, Lucy, and Alex wait for me to find my coat and sweater, but thankfully I found them.


Must be security or someone saw the stuff on the floor and decided to pick it up and put it there or either give it to security and that's where it ended up.


I was worried about losing stuff at the gig because my mom dropped her camera and I dropped my wallet and my cell phone. Every time something fell it ended up under your seat or under the persons seat in front of you.


My uh... glow stick bracelet well... I was clapping during one of his songs and having a great time until I saw it suddenly pop off and nearly hit the person diagonally in front of him. :boxed: it ended up under her seat and I picked it up since there wasn't anyone next to me. :naughty:


True, but you don't need to tell the world :sneaky2::naughty:


I haven't told the whole world... yet.

and you were the one posting the pics


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:lmfao:That's right.



Gabbly... weren't those the days?

Now we've all upgraded to messengers and texting. :roftl:


"yet" being the keyword...


Very good! Supah job on picking out the keyword! :roftl::wink2:

So tell me, what does the line, "a little bit of heaven but a little bit of hell" mean to you? :blink:

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Must be security or someone saw the stuff on the floor and decided to pick it up and put it there or either give it to security and that's where it ended up.


I was worried about losing stuff at the gig because my mom dropped her camera and I dropped my wallet and my cell phone. Every time something fell it ended up under your seat or under the persons seat in front of you.


My uh... glow stick bracelet well... I was clapping during one of his songs and having a great time until I saw it suddenly pop off and nearly hit the person diagonally in front of him. :boxed: it ended up under her seat and I picked it up since there wasn't anyone next to me. :naughty:




I haven't told the whole world... yet.

and you were the one posting the pics


hahaha that would've been funny to see flying passed your head.

My flashing heart broke outside.:tears:

I was trying to get it to flash, and it unscrewed and the battery popped out and I couldn't find it.

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Gabbly... weren't those the days?

Now we've all upgraded to messengers and texting. :roftl:

Funny, I was just thinking about gabbly.

I didn't use it that much because every time I did I would walk in on an ongoing conversation that was hard to jump into, and it went waaay fast.

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LOL ooooh, do I sense blackmail taking place here, ladiesss??


Nah... not.... yet. :fisch::naughty:


hahaha that would've been funny to see flying passed your head.

My flashing heart broke outside.:tears:

I was trying to get it to flash, and it unscrewed and the battery popped out and I couldn't find it.


Aw! I thought I saw a pic of you messing around with your flashing heart. I saw Titty's flashing heart and I thought it was SO cool how it would kind of flash and then randomly flash really fast. I want to get one now. :cool:

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Funny, I was just thinking about gabbly.

I didn't use it that much because every time I did I would walk in on an ongoing conversation that was hard to jump into, and it went waaay fast.


I read your mind, muwhaha. :wink2:

I'd sit there until I found the perfect time to jump in. I do that with threads around here too. That's why some days I'll post in one thread and then miss a couple of days haha.

Gabbly helped me stay awake at work. :wub2: I remember rilo would stay up all night with me sometimes while I was working and we'd chat. I don't know how she did it because she didn't have to but it really helped keep me up once I hit a point at 5am. :naughty::wub2:

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Nah... not.... yet. :fisch::naughty:




Aw! I thought I saw a pic of you messing around with your flashing heart. I saw Titty's flashing heart and I thought it was SO cool how it would kind of flash and then randomly flash really fast. I want to get one now. :cool:


:lmfao: Yea, and I'm making the worst face ever in that picture!

Aw, too bad about your heart, Jess. I just got one from the Meyer Twins. I loves it. But I find myself becoming dizzy when I stare at it. :S


Aww, that was sweet of them.

haha I guess I just need another battery, because mine will randomly flash, but only for a few seconds and if you move it the slightest bit, it'll stop.

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I read your mind, muwhaha. :wink2:

I'd sit there until I found the perfect time to jump in. I do that with threads around here too. That's why some days I'll post in one thread and then miss a couple of days haha.

Gabbly helped me stay awake at work. :wub2: I remember rilo would stay up all night with me sometimes while I was working and we'd chat. I don't know how she did it because she didn't have to but it really helped keep me up once I hit a point at 5am. :naughty::wub2:


Yea, I remember being on Night Owls when you'd work those late night shifts.

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:lmfao: Yea, and I'm making the worst face ever in that picture!


Aww, that was sweet of them.

haha I guess I just need another battery, because mine will randomly flash, but only for a few seconds and if you move it the slightest bit, it'll stop.


I would be too if my flashing heart was given me problems! :roftl:


Yea, I remember being on Night Owls when you'd work those late night shifts.


Yeah... never again I tell you. :naughty:

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