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I am merely saying that some of the political leaders we have are a male version of Karen Walker.. IMO..

I do also know that there are some well respected female leaders out there..

and Male leaders. just .. IDK.. the worlds screwy and too many power trippers are in charge.. *shrugs*

at least with Karen Walker you'd get the truth! (blunt and sarcastic)

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Children with autism are generally above average intelligence.. *hides cause uni education is coming out*


I'm not sure I agree with that completely, but what Sarie said was that the kid had communication problems, which is very common in children with autism, not necessarily that he wasn't intelligent.

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Exactly... Catholic high schools here teach evolutionist theory in Science, and in religion teach creationist theory... and allow students to belive what they like (I only know this because I went to a few catholic high schools)


Do they just teach about the creationist theory or do they endorse it? (I'm not being snotty, I'm actually genuinely curious because Catholicism doesn't endorse Creationism as Truth.)


And do they teach Creationism or Theistic Evolution or both?

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I'm not sure I agree with that completely, but what Sarie said was that the kid had communication problems, which is very common in children with autism, not necessarily that he wasn't intelligent.


I think you'll find Sarie also said that the boy had average intelligence for his age. I was pointing out that children with autism can have above average intelligence as well. I didn't even say anything about communication skills so I don't understand why you mentioned it in the first place.


Do they just teach about the creationist theory or do they endorse it? (I'm not being snotty, I'm actually genuinely curious because Catholicism doesn't endorse Creationism as Truth.)


And do they teach Creationism or Theistic Evolution or both?


Okay... in the diocese I am in they do teach it, but they allow students to believe it or disregard it (this is only going from my own experience in schools which was about 8 yeas ago). They certainly don't say "You have to believe this or you're going to hell!" It's more like "This is what we should believe as Catholics."


We generally don't use Theistic Evolution as a term in Australia, but from what I understand of it it means that the two thories (creationist and evolutionist) are sort of intertwined together. If that's the case, then no. Creationist theory is taught seperately from Evolutionist theory. I'm only speaking from experience in my own diocese, I can't say what other dioceses here do.

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I think you'll find Sarie also said that the boy had average intelligence for his age. I was pointing out that children with autism can have above average intelligence as well. I didn't even say anything about communication skills so I don't understand why you mentioned it in the first place.


I meant that because of his poor motor skills and ability to communicate, most people assumed he was severely mentally retarded. I didn't mean that all autistic people are stupid... you don't need a "uni education" to know that many savants are autistic.

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Why is it that people assumed that I thought that he was stupid because he was autistic?


Or assuming I said something other than what I actually did say?


I was pointing out something that I knew about autism... nothing more, nothing less...


And the whole uni thing? I said it because, surprisingly enough, I actually learnt something while I was there (not that it helped me get a job or anything)

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I didn't say that YOU thought autism = stupid.


I made the original comment about a special I'd seen on tv. I found it interesting and was sharing it with others. You said that most autistic people were intelligent, insinuating that I had said they weren't. I didn't say he was stupid because he was autistic. If you just agreed with me, there was really no point in making a post stating the exact same thing, then reminding everyone you went to a university.

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And the whole uni thing? I said it because, surprisingly enough, I actually learnt something while I was there (not that it helped me get a job or anything)


Oh, and before someone thinks I'm having a go at them... I was actually having a go at myself...



*goes and hides in corner*

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Okay... in the diocese I am in they do teach it, but they allow students to believe it or disregard it (this is only going from my own experience in schools which was about 8 yeas ago). They certainly don't say "You have to believe this or you're going to hell!" It's more like "This is what we should believe as Catholics."


We generally don't use Theistic Evolution as a term in Australia, but from what I understand of it it means that the two thories (creationist and evolutionist) are sort of intertwined together. If that's the case, then no. Creationist theory is taught seperately from Evolutionist theory. I'm only speaking from experience in my own diocese, I can't say what other dioceses here do.


If those churches are indeed preaching that as Catholics, we should believe in Creationism, then those churches are going against Catholic doctrine. (My mom works for the Archbishop in my archdiocese so I know a thing or two about Catholic law :bleh: ) While the Church doesn't necessarily endorse Evolution as the ultimate truth, they say that Catholics can accept it because it is scientific, and religious people shouldn't shy away from science.


What the Catholic Church does preach as a fact is that the Creation stories in Genesis are myth and not to be taken literally. Not to mention that there are two different Creation stories and they contradict each other in some ways. The Catholic Church does not condone the Fundamentalist interpretation of the creation stories (or any of the Bible's stories), therefore, they do not agree with Creationism.

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I didn't say that YOU thought autism = stupid.


I made the original comment about a special I'd seen on tv. I found it interesting and was sharing it with others. You said that most autistic people were intelligent, insinuating that I had said they weren't. I didn't say he was stupid because he was autistic. If you just agreed with me, there was really no point in making a post stating the exact same thing, then reminding everyone you went to a university.


Sarie, I did not read that as her insinuating anything about you thinking the boy being stupid in the slightest. Her original comment was obviously just her providing information, her other comments just as obviously agreed with you. You may to be a little less defensive... you seem to think people are insulting you when they aren't a lot.



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The handling of 9/11


There's a bunch...


I'll start with President Bush:

I think he's done a terrible job... I don't feel safe with him as my president and I think we have lost alot of foreign relations because of him.


I'm curious to know what others from all over the world think of him:naughty:

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The handling of 9/11


There's a bunch...


I'll start with President Bush:

I think he's done a terrible job... I don't feel safe with him as my president and I think we have lost alot of foreign relations because of him.


I'm curious to know what others from all over the world think of him:naughty:

I'm currently interested in seeing how American/Australia relations change due to our prime minster changing. Because Johnnie was Bush's man through and through, Kevin Rudd (our prime minister), however, is not.

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