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Two major forms of abortion are

1.) Inserting a syringe into the fetus' skull and sucking out the brains.

2.) Making a slice in their neck / spinal chord and cutting the limbs off one by one.


Only at later stages of pregnancy.

I don't know how typical any given year is, but in the UK in 2004, 88% of abortions were carried out at under 13 weeks gestation; 60% were at under 10 weeks, and the procedure for abortion at this stage does not include sucking out brains or cutting off limbs.

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Ok well than why do you believe they are not people?


Because they're not fully developed yet, their brains are not developed.


Two major forms of abortion are

1.) Inserting a syringe into the fetus' skull and sucking out the brains.

2.) Making a slice in their neck / spinal chord and cutting the limbs off one by one.



WARNING: these are extrememly graphic... and THEY LOOK LIKE PEOPLE TO ME



I think the both of you are focussing on the extremes.

The most common form of abortion is performed within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and they insert a little suction tube which they use to clean out the uterus.

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WTF? In what country?


The most common methods are suction:



And "D&E":



The aftorementioned methods, while still gruesome, aren't what you described. I'd like to see where you got this info about sticking a syringe into a fetus' skull and sucking out the brains. From a medical perspective, that wouldn't be practical.



I've been in Catholic schooling all my life...last year we learned about all of the methods...They are real and they are effective.



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Because they're not fully developed yet, their brains are not developed.






I think the both of you are focussing on the extremes.

The most common form of abortion is performed within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and they insert a little suction tube which they use to clean out the uterus.


WEll, what else is there to focus on...if your for abortion, than you must be for abortion at "THIS EXTREME"

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I've been in Catholic schooling all my life...last year we learned about all of the methods...They are real and they are effective.




In all honesty though, Catholic school has nothing to do with it. Because if you say you learned it in Catholic school, all the "religion is dumb" people on here will just find another reason to call us "stupid". It's dumb, but it makes them feel better.


I went to public school for years before I was homeschooled, and this is always what was taught.

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In all honesty though, Catholic school has nothing to do with it. Because if you say you learned it in Catholic school, all the "religion is dumb" people on here will just find another reason to call us "stupid". It's dumb, but it makes them feel better.


I went to public school for years before I was homeschooled, and this is always what was taught.


Yeah but I meant that it was really talked about because I go to Catholic school...


I don't care if people use the excuse of religion to say its dumb...They can say what they want, but It doesn't change the fact that these methods are used.

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I've been in Catholic schooling all my life...last year we learned about all of the methods...They are real and they are effective.




Sounds a bit like brainwashing to me, sorry, but it does. I know the Catholic Church schools will teach their beliefs, but , well.

Anyway, I envy your faith. Sincerely.

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Apparantly, they don't use them...




And yes. That's like saying it's okay to kill a person who's mentally retarded. Just because their brains aren't formed to the fullest possible stage.

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Sounds a bit like brainwashing to me, sorry, but it does. I know the Catholic Church schools will teach their beliefs, but , well.

Anyway, I envy your faith. Sincerely.


WEll, I mean how is it brainwashing?


They only present the facts of the procedures... Obviously the site is pro life..

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WEll, what else is there to focus on...if your for abortion, than you must be for abortion at "THIS EXTREME"


That's nonsense.

I'm for what's considered legal abortion in this country.

As far as I know, aborting a baby after a certain period is only allowed when there are good reasons for it (the fetus have some kind of illness which makes life unbarable etc).


I find it hard to hear that a baby is not human because their brains havn't developed fully... according to everyone, even if they had a brain they wouldn't be able to express themselves...What does having a brain have to do with anything? Apparantly, they don't use them...


Well you're entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.

A fetus is not a baby. A fetus is an undeveloped bunch of cells in my view.

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Alright, let's change it around:

What makes a fetus NOT a human?




Yes, I can.:fisch:

My mother chose to keep me until I actually developed speaking skills.




reading this thread is interesting and eye opening


but i'm not going to try to defend my views/ opinions/interpretations because i'll get myself and (everyone else) all confused.


but i can say this, would you like abortion (all forms) to be illegal and have women getting rid of their fetuses in other non-medical, unsanitary, and much more dangerous ways?:blink:


Because if Roe v. Wade is overturned, everyone is not going to all of sudden change their opinions and decide to keep their babies or give them up for adoption.


They will find ways of having it done if they are forced to


(ex. meeting a creepy person with a hanger in an alleyway)


there was this really interesting article on abortion in Time magazine a couple months back. It talked both sides of the argument and it was really interesting


The cover was a person holding replicas of fetuses at different stages in their palm.


does anyone know what i'm talking about?



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Yeah but I meant that it was really talked about because I go to Catholic school...


I don't care if people use the excuse of religion to say its dumb...They can say what they want, but It doesn't change the fact that these methods are used.

No, I understand what you meant.

The point is that we could make the same argument and say "Oh, you only have your opinion because you were brought up in a public, non-religious school setting."


Apparently religious people are stupid, bitchy, selfish, and pushy.

And we smell like clams.:mf_rosetinted:


Sounds a bit like brainwashing to me, sorry, but it does. I know the Catholic Church schools will teach their beliefs, but , well.

Anyway, I envy your faith. Sincerely.


See, Melanie?


And it has nothing to do with Catholic schools...

My friend goes to a Catholic school, and she's taught all kinds of brainwashing things. But at the same time, I know plenty of people who go to Catholic schools and are highly intelligent, and not naive.

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And yes. That's like saying it's okay to kill a person who's mentally retarded. Just because their brains aren't formed to the fullest possible stage.


You know full well that this isn't what I meant.

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This definitely turned into a "let's talk abortion" thread, but I'm also guilty of bringing up why I'm pro life. haha


About the whole suffering, not suffering thing, I believe I have seen footage of a child being aborted a while back, the camera was in the mother's womb. It shows the doctor performing the procedure, and before the child is aborted it turns toward the camera and screams, causing me to believe that the child suffers during abortion.


I personally am against any type of abortion, even taking that pill before it develops into a child because I still believe that you are depriving the child of having a life. The fetus has potential to become a human being, so I am still against taking a pill to terminate the fetus.


And I'm also against the death penalty. I know it's easy for me to say right now because I've never had someone who I know murdered, but I believe in compassion and forgiving, no matter how hard it can be. You're still robbing a person of life by putting them to death, and who are we to condemn anybody for what they've done wrong? I don't believe one has the right to judge whether a human being's life is worthy of living or not.

Sure, if someone I knew was murdered I would be extremely furious and in incredible pain, but I don't believe putting the murderer to death would relieve that pain.

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The most common form of abortion is performed within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and they insert a little suction tube which they use to clean out the uterus.


Only at later stages of pregnancy.

I don't know how typical any given year is, but in the UK in 2004, 88% of abortions were carried out at under 13 weeks gestation; 60% were at under 10 weeks, and the procedure for abortion at this stage does not include sucking out brains or cutting off limbs.


I've been in Catholic schooling all my life...last year we learned about all of the methods...They are real and they are effective.




Ahh, that's the disconnect; the difference in methods based upon the stage of pregnancy.


But as Babs quoted, the vast majority of abortions are first trimester; I think that psychologically, the removal of a infant-like, recognizable-as-human later-stage fetus is probably more jarring, and more gruesome, than the disposal of a bunch of unrecognizable tissue - even if that unrecognizable tissue would have become a baby.


At odds with late-stage abortions is the fact that premies are surviving at earlier and earlier; I bet that it has happened where in one room, doctors fight valiantly to save a premie, while a late-stage abortion involving a fetus of similar gestation is being performed nearby. That's food for thought, no doubt.


That said, aren't some jurisdictions introducing legislation against late-stage abortions?

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In all my years, I've never been around people who were pro choice...I guess I don't understand how anyone could agree with it...


Well, here we are now!

I can understand how someone can disagree with abortion, but not how they can expect others to live by their beliefs.

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That's nonsense.

I'm for what's considered legal abortion in this country.

As far as I know, aborting a baby after a certain period is only allowed when there are good reasons for it (the fetus have some kind of illness which makes life unbarable etc).




Well you're entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.

A fetus is not a baby. A fetus is an undeveloped bunch of cells in my view.


How is it nonsense though? I understand that what is considered legal abortion you agree with... but I don't see what the difference is killing a baby at 12 weeks as opposed to killing a baby at 24 weeks.


MY VIEW: A fetus is a baby. Here's one definition

an unborn baby from the eighth week after fertilization until delivery But I don't go by what science presents me...


That group of cells was meant to be born...

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I've noticed alot of the pro-choice people are saying "Well you can have your own opinion."


But at the same time, they're not really confronting Melanie and I with facts... they're more-so saying that we only think the way we do because we're Catholic, American, or whatever.


It's like you think we're too dumb to actually explain your reasoning to. Melanie and I are offering our opinion with our heart on our sleeves. Telling you what we think, and why we think it.

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Well, here we are now!

I can understand how someone can disagree with abortion, but not how they can expect others to live by their beliefs.


I mean I don't expect anyone to live by my beliefs... Im just sad that people actually kill unborn babies and try and justify that... I know i'm not going to change anyone's mind, but saying what I believe has nothing to do with my religion... In fact, anti abortion is one of the few things I agree about with my faith.

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This definitely turned into a "let's talk abortion" thread, but I'm also guilty of bringing up why I'm pro life. haha


About the whole suffering, not suffering thing, I believe I have seen footage of a child being aborted a while back, the camera was in the mother's womb. It shows the doctor performing the procedure, and before the child is aborted it turns toward the camera and screams, causing me to believe that the child suffers during abortion.


I personally am against any type of abortion, even taking that pill before it develops into a child because I still believe that you are depriving the child of having a life. The fetus has potential to become a human being, so I am still against taking a pill to terminate the fetus.


And I'm also against the death penalty. I know it's easy for me to say right now because I've never had someone who I know murdered, but I believe in compassion and forgiving, no matter how hard it can be. You're still robbing a person of life by putting them to death, and who are we to condemn anybody for what they've done wrong? I don't believe one has the right to judge whether a human being's life is worthy of living or not.

Sure, if someone I knew was murdered I would be extremely furious and in incredible pain, but I don't believe putting the murderer to death would relieve that pain.

At what stage in its development was it?

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No, I understand what you meant.

The point is that we could make the same argument and say "Oh, you only have your opinion because you were brought up in a public, non-religious school setting."


Apparently religious people are stupid, bitchy, selfish, and pushy.

And we smell like clams.:mf_rosetinted:




See, Melanie?


And it has nothing to do with Catholic schools...

My friend goes to a Catholic school, and she's taught all kinds of brainwashing things. But at the same time, I know plenty of people who go to Catholic schools and are highly intelligent, and not naive.


No one said that people who went to catholic schools were unintelligent!

In my experience, though, people who have strong faith, don't question as much.

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