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From Big Girl to Lollipop Girl, Mika's Fat Club


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I'm sorry to read you have all had bad days today. The weekends are very hard I know. Don't give yourselves such a hard time with eating chocolate (or nutella in Robi's case)

Overall it's only been just short of 2 weeks. The first part of any diet is hard. When you know how you'll look in the future, it will be worth the hard work.

Kittie, I did my ankle falling a couple of years ago, I know how painful it is. I hope it will be much improved soon.

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I'm sorry to read you have all had bad days today. The weekends are very hard I know. Don't give yourselves such a hard time with eating chocolate (or nutella in Robi's case)

Overall it's only been just short of 2 weeks. The first part of any diet is hard. When you know how you'll look in the future, it will be worth the hard work.

Kittie, I did my ankle falling a couple of years ago, I know how painful it is. I hope it will be much improved soon.



Thanks Shari, I am jus taking it easy and hoping the swelling will go down so and the pain eases more I hope!!

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my ruin is the nutella jar that has a special place in this house....for my two sons!


.............how can i resist, tell me!


Urgh! Something I even like less than chocolate is nutella. Baaaah! I would die for a bag of crisps now though :naughty:



I'm sorry to read you have all had bad days today. The weekends are very hard I know. Don't give yourselves such a hard time with eating chocolate (or nutella in Robi's case)

Overall it's only been just short of 2 weeks. The first part of any diet is hard. When you know how you'll look in the future, it will be worth the hard work.

Kittie, I did my ankle falling a couple of years ago, I know how painful it is. I hope it will be much improved soon.


That's right. The weekends are really bad. I went to my grandma's birthday today and I did quite well. I only had one piece of cake and only tried tiny bits of others. Now I still have a little salad with tuna and a few vegetables waiting for me. I only exceeded my points limit with 6. Still a lot but it could have been worse. And I saved quite a few points during the last days. Tomorrow will be another temptation as some friends of my bf's will come over and they will very likely order some pizza :blink: . So I think I'll go for another salad :naughty: . Maybe with chicken :wink2: .

Kittie, I hope your ankle will be fine soon. And having some chocolate in these circumstances is really not bad at all. Treat yourself and you will be better in a few days notice :thumb_yello: .

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Urgh! Something I even like less than chocolate is nutella. Baaaah! I would die for a bag of crisps now though :naughty:





That's right. The weekends are really bad. I went to my grandma's birthday today and I did quite well. I only had one piece of cake and only tried tiny bits of others. Now I still have a little salad with tuna and a few vegetables waiting for me. I only exceeded my points limit with 6. Still a lot but it could have been worse. And I saved quite a few points during the last days. Tomorrow will be another temptation as some friends of my bf's will come over and they will very likely order some pizza :blink: . So I think I'll go for another salad :naughty: . Maybe with chicken :wink2: .

Kittie, I hope your ankle will be fine soon. And having some chocolate in these circumstances is really not bad at all. Treat yourself and you will be better in a few days notice :thumb_yello: .



Thanks, I am now enjoying the chocolate and not feeling so guilty as there is a reason for the chocolate!



Now I know why I came on mfc. Thankyou guys i am feeling happier thanks to all your lovely messages! You are all really fab, so thanks!! :wub2:

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Thanks, I am now enjoying the chocolate and not feeling so guilty as there is a reason for the chocolate!



Now I know why I came on mfc. Thankyou guys i am feeling happier thanks to all your lovely messages! You are all really fab, so thanks!! :wub2:



that's why i bumped this thread tonight...i needed YOU!:wub2:

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My boyfriend and I are doing the CSIRO diet. He just found out he has high cholesterol so we are cutting out all the crap until he gets it under control. That means no junk food for me, either. And how I love a greasy burger!


The diet is quite good, includes lots of meat and veg. It's very basic actually - there's minimal snacks and the food portions are smaller than what we normally have :P


For example yesterday we ate:


Breakfast: Oats or Weet Bix (I had 2 weet bix)

Snack: 1 piece of fruit

Lunch: 2 hard boiled eggs in bread with salad leaves

Dinner: 200grams baked marinated fish with vegies (I had 2 corns and he had cauliflower, onions, sweet potato and carrots)


I was SO hungry during the day! I normally eat if I am hungry. I had to try and ignore it.


But I hopped on the scales and I lost half a kilo already :D I am feeling good, too, as I am not eating any crap. It's only been 1 day - lets see how I feel in a week :naughty:

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Hang in there everyone.

How about this to cheer you all up. I posted a pic a few days ago of Mika saying "NO CAKE"

Some one suggested that I put it on a fridge magnet. Well I have..........

I will have about 20 in a few days time and I would like to offer 1 per household FREE.

The first 20 people who e-mail me will get one.

It's not an official piece of merchandise so please don't get me into trouble. Please also wait 14 days for delivery.

Thank you, and good luck.

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Hang in there everyone.

How about this to cheer you all up. I posted a pic a few days ago of Mika saying "NO CAKE"

Some one suggested that I put it on a fridge magnet. Well I have..........

I will have about 20 in a few days time and I would like to offer 1 per household FREE.

The first 20 people who e-mail me will get one.

It's not an official piece of merchandise so please don't get me into trouble. Please also wait 14 days for delivery.

Thank you, and good luck.


Is a PM ok? (I have pmed u that is why I ask?)

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bad day today....

having an ill husband at home is a disgrace: in doubt whether killing him or eating chocolate, i decided for the second.


i'm sorry, but i need a working husband!


I reckon a moaning boyfriend with a sore throat counts the same? :wink2:

Just because I need a pretext for myself :naughty:

I have eaten everything and anything I should not eat today :thumbdown:

And I didn't even enjoy it, just ate...:boxed:

The good thing is, now there's barely any unhealthy food left and as I've also been to the supermarket I made sure to have only the good things at home now:mf_rosetinted:


BTW: Has anybody of you ever tried ostrich steak? Got some in the freezer and will try that tomorrow...


I have been bad and am currently eating some chocolate but hopefully u guys will tell me I am allowed to after the day I have had! I went ice skating and I fell, twisted my ankle and sprained it and was at hospital for 2 hours to make sure it wasnt anything worse! So, now I have to rest it for the next 24-48 hours and it is still swollen! Please tell me it is ok for me to eat chocolate, even jus to ease the pain in my ankle and that I shouldnt feel guilty about eating it!


If you have a craving for chocolate, it's perfectly okay to have a bit.

Usually, whenever it happens to me (which is quite often), I try to distract myself by doing something- preferably something I like doing - and check if after a while, the chocolate need is still there... and if so, I have a bit. The trick is just to not entirely ban it. I have tried that before and failed miserably. Even worse, after having a tiny bit, I was like "Oh ****, now it is all down the drain anyway, so I can as well eat another piece... and another... "

So don't feel guilty about it, you're not supposed to torture yourself.

And of course, in your special situation you're entitled to have a treat.

I hope your ankle doesn't hurt too much and will be okay soon!


I am not doing good at all.

I do not know what is wrong with me.

You do not even want to know what I have eaten today!


Same here but, tomorrow is another day, let's just start over!


I went to my grandma's birthday today and I did quite well. I only had one piece of cake and only tried tiny bits of others. Now I still have a little salad with tuna and a few vegetables waiting for me. I only exceeded my points limit with 6. Still a lot but it could have been worse. And I saved quite a few points during the last days. Tomorrow will be another temptation as some friends of my bf's will come over and they will very likely order some pizza . So I think I'll go for another salad . Maybe with chicken .


Well done! Weekend plus bday challenge mastered :naughty:

Good luck for the non-pizza day tomorrow (maybe bf will be so kind as to save a piece for you :wink2: )

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I reckon a moaning boyfriend with a sore throat counts the same? :wink2:

Just because I need a pretext for myself :naughty:

I have eaten everything and anything I should not eat today :thumbdown:

And I didn't even enjoy it, just ate...:boxed:

The good thing is, now there's barely any unhealthy food left and as I've also been to the supermarket I made sure to have only the good things at home now:mf_rosetinted:


BTW: Has anybody of you ever tried ostrich steak? Got some in the freezer and will try that tomorrow...




If you have a craving for chocolate, it's perfectly okay to have a bit.

Usually, whenever it happens to me (which is quite often), I try to distract myself by doing something- preferably something I like doing - and check if after a while, the chocolate need is still there... and if so, I have a bit. The trick is just to not entirely ban it. I have tried that before and failed miserably. Even worse, after having a tiny bit, I was like "Oh ****, now it is all down the drain anyway, so I can as well eat another piece... and another... "

So don't feel guilty about it, you're not supposed to torture yourself.

And of course, in your special situation you're entitled to have a treat.

I hope your ankle doesn't hurt too much and will be okay soon!




Same here but, tomorrow is another day, let's just start over!




Well done! Weekend plus bday challenge mastered :naughty:

Good luck for the non-pizza day tomorrow (maybe bf will be so kind as to save a piece for you :wink2: )

Thanks, cos of all you guys I feel a lot less guilty now for the chocolate! After all I need it for the pain!

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The friends of my bf won't come over today. So no pizza temptation for me.

BUT!!! And that is even worse. I brought a huge plate full of cake from my grandma's yesterday for bf's friends today. And now they won't come. And I have plenty of cake only waiting for me :blink: . What can I do? I love cake and I fear that when I start eating one piece I will eat the whole plate sooner or later. I already had some yesterday and I have to be really careful today. I guess I have to hide it somewhere. Or hide myself somewhere. I think I should leave the country until the cake crisis is over :boat: . It's so annoying!

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The friends of my bf won't come over today. So no pizza temptation for me.

BUT!!! And that is even worse. I brought a huge plate full of cake from my grandma's yesterday for bf's friends today. And now they won't come. And I have plenty of cake only waiting for me :blink: . What can I do? I love cake and I fear that when I start eating one piece I will eat the whole plate sooner or later. I already had some yesterday and I have to be really careful today. I guess I have to hide it somewhere. Or hide myself somewhere. I think I should leave the country until the cake crisis is over :boat: . It's so annoying!


Throw it away (after eating a just a tiny piece of course). Or...

Give it to your neighbours. Or...

Do you have a dog?

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The friends of my bf won't come over today. So no pizza temptation for me.

BUT!!! And that is even worse. I brought a huge plate full of cake from my grandma's yesterday for bf's friends today. And now they won't come. And I have plenty of cake only waiting for me :blink: . What can I do? I love cake and I fear that when I start eating one piece I will eat the whole plate sooner or later. I already had some yesterday and I have to be really careful today. I guess I have to hide it somewhere. Or hide myself somewhere. I think I should leave the country until the cake crisis is over :boat: . It's so annoying!


*whispers* the freezer :wink2: put it into the freezer :naughty:

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Throw it away (after eating a just a tiny piece of course). Or...

Give it to your neighbours. Or...

Do you have a dog?


No, I don't have a dog but a boyfriend :naughty: . But he's on a diet as well so its not such a good idea to feed him the cake.

I don't have the heart to throw it all away :tears: .


*whispers* the freezer :wink2: put it into the freezer :naughty:


I thought about that as well. Guess I might do it. Have to do it fast though or otherwise I will end up bathing myself in cake :blink:

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Hi all, I've not been on for a while and there are too many pages to read back.


How's everyone getting on? I hope you are all coping well and resisting temptation.....


are you mocking us?:wink2: you are in perfect shape, i saw you!!! :naughty:


get off this thread! :naughty:

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