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From Big Girl to Lollipop Girl, Mika's Fat Club


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hi I need people's advice, I want to join a group like weight watchers but I am very nervous about going to the meetings as I would be scared I was the youngest so is there anyway I can jus get the leaflets and information about points and everything from weight watchers and jus not go to the groups???



Liz xxx


yeah. i did weight watchers several years ago and lost a stone. we had a weight watchers book and followed the points and stuff, i didnt go to any meetings, so it doesnt mean to say it wont work on your own, because it does. the group meetings are just there so that you have people to talk to, someoe you can relate to and express your problems and worries with. and also of course, to cheer each other one, which is basically what we do here!

dont be shy about going. you may even make new friends! think of it as a social gathering and a way to boost your confidence. no-one is going to judge you. after all, everyone's there for the same reason.



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hi honey


i know how you feel i went ot weightwatchers on my own and was terrified that everyone was gonna be looking at me and judge me but once you get throughthe doors you feel ok because everyone is in the same boat !!

if you really do not wanna go to a meeting you can join weight wachers on line or weightwatchers at home! i would strongly give the meetings a go the support you get from there and here on this thread is secondto none !!! plus if u do not like the meetings you can access on line services easier and cheaper !!! xxx good luck and go for it , best thing i ever did !!!




p.s morning :blush-anim-cl: all xxxx

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Thankyou for all the advice guys!!! I am thinking of joining when I get up to uni because I have found a meeting whi is about a 10 minute walk from the campus! I am going to try the meetings as it may be a good boost of encouragement as you all said! I really appreciate all the help u guys have given me and hopefully I can get back to exercising again soon( my ankle is stll painful and stil cannot put weight on it properly) as soon as it has healed I am back to my running!



Thanks again!

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Well done Jemma,You putting the equivalent in a money box for every 1lb you lose?

Kittie, I hope your ankle is improving?


Thanks, yes it is! I went to town today and bought a support bandage for it and it still hurts but nowhere near as much! Plus, I bought an exercise dvd today, I am feeling a lot more positive about things now!!! :wub2:

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I forgot to tell you that I have lost 2 pounds! Woohoo! (well i'm excited:blush-anim-cl:)



Well done Jemma :wink2:

I finally got round to joining WW with my friend last night !!

Have put on 6lbs over Christmas but still means i have lost 5.5lbs since i started! ( November)

I'm hungry tonight but must be STRONG!

I should be able to looose the six if i have a good week!

Here's hoping :thumb_yello:

How much you lost now Jemma?

hi to fellow dieters :thumb_yello:

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3 pound vicky LOL Only another 123 to go!


I have 3 pound in my money box now LOL but I want to get one where you have to smash it to open it so I don't spend it.


Good news! Well done :thumb_yello:

Just take it in small steps, break it down ,don't look at it like so far to go .... i'm the same , lots to go but just want to loose a bit to start with :thumb_yello:

How's you eyes and all ? You beter now? xxx

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Hey Y'all! Jemma! Congrats on the weight loss! Whoo hooo! I'm doing horribly today. I'm sitting in class with a migraine and I've just been hitting junk. This is my free day. I don't care today. :sneaky2:


I'll get back on the wagon tomorrow. :thumb_yello:


You need a day off !

Well done too !:thumb_yello:



How was S Girls Jem? :cool:

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3 pound vicky LOL Only another 123 to go!


I have 3 pound in my money box now LOL but I want to get one where you have to smash it to open it so I don't spend it.


nice plan!


I have a piggy bank that i never use cause it turns my money black, but its one of those that are a pain in the behind to open, you have to unscrew it and ugh...

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Hi folks, ones who have asked me for a mIKA fridge magnet, you will be pleased to know they will be on their way this coming Monday 21st Jan'08

Good and bad news!!!!!!!

Bad news/ They have printed out really well but they are far smaller than I had anticipated and the word MIKA id missing from the top to make it fit!

Good news/ you're getting them for free!!! I hope you won't be too disappointed. I have ordered some bigger magnets if anyone else wants one.

PM me and let me know, ok.

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Still nothing! I thought I'd lost 5lb as that is the reading I had on my scales but I weighed the next day and it was showing a GAIN!?! I have no idea.

I've started walking with my sister, we're doing 50 mins to an hour a day, with an incline about half of route-but looking on google tonight, it seems some say walking is the best exercise you can get, yet others say-you might lose a pound a month(!!) if you're lucky. :( Is it worth it? I'm getting myself down now well and truly, so I'm going to put off weighing myself for a fortnight and then see what's going on.

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Oh Amanda, I really wish I knew the answer to your dilema. In these days of fast everything, we even expect to lose weight as quickly. Please try to be upbeat and keep at that phase if you're happy with it. It IS worth it yes. Just think in the near future how GOOD you will look and more imoportantly, FEEL.

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Hi Jemma, I'm not doing well at all. Not lost a bean! I've just had a low calorie fruit jelly. It was lovely and would have gone nice with come ice cream!

Hope you enjoyed yours...what flvour?


I think I saw you on Somerset House gig yesetrday??? The girl with the multi colour feathers in her hair? I've been sorting out my Mika clips to put onto DVD.

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Hi Jemma, I'm not doing well at all. Not lost a bean! I've just had a low calorie fruit jelly. It was lovely and would have gone nice with come ice cream!

Hope you enjoyed yours...what flvour?


I think I saw you on Somerset House gig yesetrday??? The girl with the multi colour feathers in her hair? I've been sorting out my Mika clips to put onto DVD.

Oh yes thats me LOL

I had vanilla with strawberry sauce and chocolate sprinkles:naughty: :blush-anim-cl:

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How are your eyes now? All cleared up I hope. BTW, seeing as you started this thread, you have got the 1st one of my Mika fridge magnets. Posting it tomorrow..........


Ohhh thanks hun!:wub2:

My eyes are much better thankyou, I can't wait to wear eye makeup again :hypo:

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hey everyone!


so, remember my last weight?


9 stone, 11 Ibs and 4 ounces.


so, with the combination of NO chocolate, MORE exercise, and all that throwing up I did from the 24 hour bug (let me say now, I'd rather be fat than bulimic) my weight went down to...


9 stone, 8 Ibs and 8 ounces within a week!!!



i was like :shocked: !!!!!!


but the day after my sickness i was 9 stone 9 Ibs dead on lol :roftl:


but thats alright. but its nice to know im on the right track!

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Still nothing! I thought I'd lost 5lb as that is the reading I had on my scales but I weighed the next day and it was showing a GAIN!?! I have no idea.

I've started walking with my sister, we're doing 50 mins to an hour a day, with an incline about half of route-but looking on google tonight, it seems some say walking is the best exercise you can get, yet others say-you might lose a pound a month(!!) if you're lucky. :( Is it worth it? I'm getting myself down now well and truly, so I'm going to put off weighing myself for a fortnight and then see what's going on.


just keep trying to eat healthy; lots of fruit and salad (5 portions a day dont forget) and lots of water to keep flushing out your system.


You should pee 7 times a day and er, poop once a day. Go to the toilet whenever you feel you need to.


Also, let me please remind you that muscle weighs more than fat.


but don't give up - your determination is admirable!

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i congratulate you all loosing weight! well done!

i'm embarassed to say that my week has been awful...i ate whatever at any hour....

tomorrow is my scale day and i'm so scared! :shocked:

i know i will take my half a kilo back! :shocked:


but believe me..having a sick husband at home does not help! :sneaky2:

and i was worried for a medical check i had to do...so i ate....


i know, i'm trying to find reasons for my being so bad!!!



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