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From Big Girl to Lollipop Girl, Mika's Fat Club


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Yeah, I'm all about the fast food breakfast sandwiches. Those are my downfall. A&W's Bacon & Eggers tend to call my name very, very loudly when it's cold, dark, and I'm sleepy. :bleh:


6lbs in 3 days doesn't even make sense. They say you need to eat 3500 claories more than your body needs in a day to gain one pound - so based on that, you would have had to eat 7,000 calories extra each day. So, in your case, I blame water.


Maybe we should all make a pact to weigh ourselves once every two weeks or something, no more - that way we can better track progress (or lack thereof) without the frustration of daily fluctuations.


I'm going to weigh myself every wednesday morning:thumb_yello: just to let you know LOL


Tuesday for me since the 1st jan was a tuesday.

But i did it today due to some selfdoubt earlier - seems i was right too.

And im not even drinking that much, i was drinking around 3 litres a day, and now im drinking only a few pints (sorry for the change in measurements lol different shaped glasses). So its not even the water - god i dont get it - ah well.

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Maybe we should all make a pact to weigh ourselves once every two weeks or something, no more - that way we can better track progress (or lack thereof) without the frustration of daily fluctuations.

I learned somewhere its bad for you(mentally) to weigh yourself more than once a week if your trying to lose weight, because you will get upset if you don't see the improvement you want(or something like that)

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From Big Girl to Lollipop Girl

Mika’s Fat Club

As most of you probably know I’m quite a big girl but I have had enough. This year (hopefully with your help) I want to be thinner.

You might say ‘oh be big and proud’ well don’t get me wrong I am proud of who I am but I’m fed up. No one knows what it’s like to big unless they are or have been big and it’s a nightmare (for me anyway).

I can’t cut or paint my toe nails properly my boobs get in the way (thank god for beauticians lol), I can’t stand for long cos my feet hurt (not good queuing and standing at concerts), daily ridicule or nasty looks (whether intentional or not), I get hot and I can never find nice clothes or a bra to fit nicely.

So if you are big girl and want to loose weight I propose that we do it together.

You don’t need to say how much you weigh but I thought that every week we could see how everyone is doing. I personally have about 9 stone to loose to be at the right weight for my height (I’m a short arse) which I imagine is going to take a long time, but if I could get down a few dress sizes this year it would be amazing.

Let the transformation begin!

Lollipop girl here I come!:thumb_yello:


Mika Fat Club Members list






HelloKity Lucy




Big Girl









Holly D

Mika lover123



Charlotte christy




Mika's Fat Club personal trainer


Mika's Fat Club Supporter

Lollipop Leftie


pm me to be added


you go girl

im proud of you for making a choice and taking the step to change your life for the better

i am currently helping my mother to lose weight i go for walks with her i go to get my self fit and to lose a few pounds

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I suck lol i learn nothing - i realise this, having been putting ON weight by eating less i have now given up and then promptly ate:


Indian Takeaway

(butter chicken, kema rice, and kema nan all to myself - took two plates full - fat git)

2 pieces of fudge

some chocolate peanuts

a scotch egg (the whole ones)

3 clementines

2 yoghurts

2 christmas tree chocs

2 packets of whtie choc buttons

and some dolly mixtures


And that was just my tea.

God i do comfort food with style.

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I suck lol i learn nothing - i realise this, having been putting ON weight by eating less i have now given up and then promptly ate:


Indian Takeaway

(butter chicken, kema rice, and kema nan all to myself - took two plates full - fat git)

2 pieces of fudge

some chocolate peanuts

a scotch egg (the whole ones)

3 clementines

2 yoghurts

2 christmas tree chocs

2 packets of whtie choc buttons

and some dolly mixtures


And that was just my tea.

God i do comfort food with style.


wow you sure do to comfort food


what are clementines?


all i had for tea was garlic bread

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wow you sure do to comfort food


what are clementines?


all i had for tea was garlic bread


Yeah but i was kind of sulking, then topped it off by watching on demand repeats of new years eve shows alone at 4am on sunday morning - how depressing.


As for clementines, they are from the orange family, like mandarins, tangerines, satsumas, and kumquats.

Like a very small orange:



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Yeah but i was kind of sulking, then topped it off by watching on demand repeats of new years eve shows alone at 4am on sunday morning - how depressing.


As for clementines, they are from the orange family, like mandarins, tangerines, satsumas, and kumquats.

Like a very small orange:





sulking makes it allright


oh cool a small orange :blush-anim-cl:

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I'm not...damn...do you know what panettone is?


well its one of the most fatty italian cake ..and it's all{not a slice} in my stomach:boxed:


Well - its Sunday - that can be your day of rest from your diet!!!

It looks absolutely scrumptious though!!! :blush-anim-cl:

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Why is it that men can lose weight SO MUCH faster than women? My daddy is eating healthier and working out... and in JUST A WEEK he is getting into clothes that he could not fit before.... AND they are ALMOST too big. It is SO unfair. I guess, I really have to just take it one day at a time - and concentrate on the 'Long Run' ..... cause it is so frustrating! :sneaky2:

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Why is it that men can lose weight SO MUCH faster than women? My daddy is eating healthier and working out... and in JUST A WEEK he is getting into clothes that he could not fit before.... AND they are ALMOST too big. It is SO unfair. I guess, I really have to just take it one day at a time - and concentrate on the 'Long Run' ..... cause it is so frustrating! :sneaky2:


Hmmm someone tryed to explain it to me once but I don't remember...I think they even dragged the whole 'being-able-to-have-a-baby' with it... I couldn't care less probably :fisch: It's just unfair..


Now, after a very bad week I've been eating healthier again... But exams start tomorrow...Never a good time to lose weight:thumbdown:

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I have jus joined but I wanna lose about 3 stone this year and I am also in training for the 5km race for life which is a sponsored run for Cancer research. It is really personal to me cos my great aunt, uncle and a close family friend died from cancer last year and I also lost my granma to cancer! But I want to beat my time from last year which was 50 mins and I am so out of shape at the mo (not to mention overweight) so am going to try and eat healthily and run outside! I think this thread is a great idea as it will be motivation for us all!!!


Liz x x x

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hello, I haven't managed to get on here since subscribing but just thought I would pop in and say hope it is going well! Good luck with the Race for life Kittie!


I have not had a good week...still too much 'Christmas food' hanging about. Some friends dropped in yesterday afternnon and managed to deposit a large bag full of 'goodies' no doubt because they didn't want them in their house!


Have a good week everyone. x

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hello, I haven't managed to get on here since subscribing but just thought I would pop in and say hope it is going well! Good luck with the Race for life Kittie!


I have not had a good week...still too much 'Christmas food' hanging about. Some friends dropped in yesterday afternnon and managed to deposit a large bag full of 'goodies' no doubt because they didn't want them in their house!


Have a good week everyone. x


I know what u mean we have still got lots of xmas food in our house and is very hard not to eat it! But, jus gotta stay strong and resist! Thanks Kath, I hope this week goes better for u! I need to start my healthy eating and go out for more runs this week! So hope u all goes well for everyone! xxx

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i think i may have said this before but i wish i were a big girl!!!!!!!:cheerful_h4h:


That is jus crazy, unless u jus mean having curves cos I believe curves are really beautiful! But, you should be happy as who u are, and many many big girls wish they weren't, I am one of those. Yes, Mika loves them (according to the song) but I would like to be a bit thinner, smaller!

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That is jus crazy, unless u jus mean having curves cos I believe curves are really beautiful! But, you should be happy as who u are, and many many big girls wish they weren't, I am one of those. Yes, Mika loves them (according to the song) but I would like to be a bit thinner, smaller!


i think that being big is beautiful! you have curves wen u sing big girl u can give true meaning and you have a club which doesnt allow skinny tight a*ses like me in i want junk in the trunk it looks sexy!hehehe:naughty:

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