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From Big Girl to Lollipop Girl, Mika's Fat Club


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hey guys!!!


bad day today !!!1

its started out so well but i am feeling bummed out and have no idea why - could it be SAD???

have reached for the chocolate !!!! not good at all !! i did want a macdonalds but said no !!!!! so now i really fancy a crumpet !!! i can have two for four points or do i just give up today and haev some more chocolate !!??? :tears:

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My stomach is a bit strange too - i think tis too much good and not enough bad :P

Be careful and prewarning about the fruit and veggies, if you go from rarely eating them to eating several a day, you might get some disasterous results. (Im just saying.)


Not getting all middle aged on us are you?

If you start getting hot flushes, let us know, i hear theres even a pee on the stick test you can take now - hoorah for technology.


I had this fruit/vegetable problem the last time. It will get better in a few days :wink2: .

No, I'm fine :roftl: . I'm only 25 and although I already have plenty of grey hair I hope that my hot flushes won't set in too soon :naughty:

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hey guys!!!


bad day today !!!1

its started out so well but i am feeling bummed out and have no idea why - could it be SAD???

have reached for the chocolate !!!! not good at all !! i did want a macdonalds but said no !!!!! so now i really fancy a crumpet !!! i can have two for four points or do i just give up today and haev some more chocolate !!??? :tears:


No - you stick with it can go to my thread to bully Ioana.

Come on girl!

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hey guys!!!


bad day today !!!1

its started out so well but i am feeling bummed out and have no idea why - could it be SAD???

have reached for the chocolate !!!! not good at all !! i did want a macdonalds but said no !!!!! so now i really fancy a crumpet !!! i can have two for four points or do i just give up today and haev some more chocolate !!??? :tears:


Oh I'm so sorry for you. Do you can have two pieces of chocolate for 4 points? If you really want it do it but don't try to eat too much. I had a bit of chocolate a few minutes ago as well. I felt like I needed some sugar and I usually don't even like chocolate :naughty: . Anyway, if you feel like it have some but try to stay moderate (can I say that?).

Good luck and feel hugged.

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maybe thats why they do not give any points since it has a laxative in it any way . because its no points you drink more therefore poop more hee hee !!!!


BYTHE WAY PEEPS THIS IS BAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:thumbdown: DO NOT DO IT

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maybe thats why they do not give any points since it has a laxative in it any way . because its no points you drink more therefore poop more hee hee !!!!


BYTHE WAY PEEPS THIS IS BAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:thumbdown: DO NOT DO IT


I did actually try that a few years ago when i was very immature (more so than now) and very niave (again, more so than now).

It was a very very very bad drastic idea. Never again!



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anywayi am off to bed!!!


please all be proud! i am hitting the town with some girlies on saturday andi am driving so i do not drink alcohol!!! we are hoping to meet some decent men !!! ha ha ha yeah right in rotherham hee hee


(no offence if any men on here are from rotherham )


night xxxx

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I just saw a pizza advert on tv.

I want pizza :crybaby:


Had pizza. :mf_rosetinted:

But only one piece and before only a late breakfast (continental of course :naughty: ) and lots of fruit during the day. Just discovered something new over here, I think it's called Pomelo (?) - deliciousss!

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Good evening my fellow big girls.

Today hasn't been too bad for me. I skipped breakfast this morning as I had to rush out to take my car to the garage... "nice" bill I didn't want straight after Christmas GRR!! But anyways, for lunch I had only my healthy extras, 3/4's of a tin of Soup-it tasted like baby sick! *shudder* and 2 slices of brown bread toasted. Then I had a clemantine in break at work. For dinner I had a small Jacket potato, small portion of pasta and some tuna and sweetcorn.

Tomorrow I have cod steaks for lunch with baby corn and for dinner I'm having lean pork chops and baby corn (it was on sale! ;) ) so I'm trying to alternate between Green days (potatoes, pasta etc) and Red days (meat) on the slimming world plan.

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Good evening my fellow big girls.

Today hasn't been too bad for me. I skipped breakfast this morning as I had to rush out to take my car to the garage... "nice" bill I didn't want straight after Christmas GRR!! But anyways, for lunch I had only my healthy extras, 3/4's of a tin of Soup-it tasted like baby sick! *shudder* and 2 slices of brown bread toasted. Then I had a clemantine in break at work. For dinner I had a small Jacket potato, small portion of pasta and some tuna and sweetcorn.

Tomorrow I have cod steaks for lunch with baby corn and for dinner I'm having lean pork chops and baby corn (it was on sale! ;) ) so I'm trying to alternate between Green days (potatoes, pasta etc) and Red days (meat) on the slimming world plan.


I wish i was this organised - go you Skully!

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Had pizza. :mf_rosetinted:

But only one piece and before only a late breakfast (continental of course :naughty: ) and lots of fruit during the day. Just discovered something new over here, I think it's called Pomelo (?) - deliciousss!


Discovered it a few weeks ago as well. As bf and I couldn't remember its name we started to call it Pummelchen (how appropriate). It really is nice. I have a thing for citrus fruits anyway :wink2: .

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