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From Big Girl to Lollipop Girl, Mika's Fat Club


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Thanks :blush-anim-cl:

No don't worry, i've got Feb to aim for and a meeting with Mr Mika :wub2: to motivate me xx

short term goals .... he's my first!


Much as I love the big guy, my motivation is purely for health reasons.

I'd advise anyone trying to use licquorice in a similar way as the diet coke, don't, it can have an adverse effect on your bowels. Trust me, I know!

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Much as I love the big guy, my motivation is purely for health reasons.

I'd advise anyone trying to use licquorice in a similar way as the diet coke, don't, it can have an adverse effect on your bowels. Trust me, I know!


Argh i hate the stuff.

I also have a strange OCD style objection to black food and black pens :s

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Right im off for the night - going to watch some tv or a film and see if that baby program and 64st woman program is on 4OD yet.


Midnight 'i cant sleep so im up' times = usually very bad for snacking (300-1500 cal intake), lets see if some water will hold it off. (Ha! - Yeah Right!)

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The site has been just bearable tonight (going so slow)

I have given up and will catch those who are on tomorrow I guess. Nighty night folks.

NO SNACKING PINKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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LMAO we were talking about dentistry and lack of teeth in my thread earlier, well about 45mins ago - no idea why we were talking about it but hey.

I have now discovered Ioana has pink braces :P


Bet I could win at chubby bunnies now - no teeth to take up room!!!!! :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

Off to my bed - catch you all soon xxxx

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The site has been just bearable tonight (going so slow)

I have given up and will catch those who are on tomorrow I guess. Nighty night folks.

NO SNACKING PINKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ha ha i had an out of date slimming milkshake to keep me settled lol will last all of 3 seconds.

Night Shari

Tomorrow will be better (and preferabley warmer)


Bet I could win at chubby bunnies now - no teeth to take up room!!!!! :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

Off to my bed - catch you all soon xxxx


No teeth to hold them in ;P

Night Wends

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Good morning my dear fat fighters!

I just had breakfast and my stepper arrived today. So I have no excuses left not to exercise. I'm feeling quite motivated right now but have to go to work in a few minutes.

I wish you all a lovely day. Maybe see you tonight.

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Only just noticed this thread.


Can you put me on the list jemma?


Of course, like all overweight persons, I do this every January (:naughty:) but I think 2008 could be the year I really do try to lose weight; I turn 40 in '09 and that's a big enough psychological milestone to face, without the extra stones to weigh me down!:naughty:


Just as long as we don't have Marjorie Dawes popping up in here making us eat lard (did anyone watch Celebrity BB Hijack last night? Matt Lucas was hysterical).

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Jemmalee please add me too.

I decided late last year that I would need to justify my MFC time with more exercise time. If I can sit completely still for 4, 5, 6 hours doing MFC then I should devote equal time to exercise....not....:blink:


But I did think if I could do a half hour walk and reward myself with an hour of MFC in the morning, that might make up for the 4,5,6 hour MFC stretch in the evening. And chocolate is my downfall too.


So far this year I have done my walk every morning...easy to do in 30 degree heat, more challenging when I get back to Japan next week. It is typical Jamuary stuff for me. But I will be encouraged knowing other BGs are aiming for LGs.:thumb_yello:

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Jemmalee please add me too.

I decided late last year that I would need to justify my MFC time with more exercise time. If I can sit completely still for 4, 5, 6 hours doing MFC then I should devote equal time to exercise....not....:blink:


But I did think if I could do a half hour walk and reward myself with an hour of MFC in the morning, that might make up for the 4,5,6 hour MFC stretch in the evening. And chocolate is my downfall too.


So far this year I have done my walk every morning...easy to do in 30 degree heat, more challenging when I get back to Japan next week. It is typical Jamuary stuff for me. But I will be encouraged knowing other BGs are aiming for LGs.:thumb_yello:


That's a great way of looking at it. I too wouldn't feel so guilty about sitting here vegetating in front of Mika for hours at a stretch if I were exercising every day too!


MFC as a reward, that's perfect too. Better than chocolate or even sex.

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Only just noticed this thread.


Can you put me on the list jemma?


Of course, like all overweight persons, I do this every January (:naughty:) but I think 2008 could be the year I really do try to lose weight; I turn 40 in '09 and that's a big enough psychological milestone to face, without the extra stones to weigh me down!:naughty:


Just as long as we don't have Marjorie Dawes popping up in here making us eat lard (did anyone watch Celebrity BB Hijack last night? Matt Lucas was hysterical).


My girls were watching - and told me what he was making poor

John do!!! Sounded hilarious!! :thumb_yello:


Don't you mean chicken gatagordinha?????


:naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

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