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Freddie and Sasjes Butterfly Bar (part 2)


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Ive been busy with coursework all day. Which sucks.


and im here too late because im off to bed now too. :emot-sad: Because i have to get up tomorrow and my day will go as follows:


Coursework. Revision. More Coursework. More Revision. Revision. Sleep.




Its you guys that keep me sane! Or insane! Whatever! :naughty:


i just needed someone to rant to. Im sorry! :huglove:

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Ive been busy with coursework all day. Which sucks.


and im here too late because im off to bed now too. :emot-sad: Because i have to get up tomorrow and my day will go as follows:


Coursework. Revision. More Coursework. More Revision. Revision. Sleep.




Its you guys that keep me sane! Or insane! Whatever! :naughty:


i just needed someone to rant to. Im sorry! :huglove:


God i wish i was that organised.

Ive been trying to revise - i have a serious exam on monday but since i have been suspended for two months (so far) i have missed all the run up lectures and so therefore know nothing.

Atleast they are still letting me take the exam though (but i have to be escorted to and from it!!!).

So in an attempt to be more organised, tomorrow i will be:

- Doing the school run

- Attempting to revise

- Having a strop

- Coming on here

- Reading a book

- Attempting to revise again

- Having another strop at lack of motivation and current memory issues

- Coming on here

- Going to the doctors then having a strop at her for being too ditsy and thinking that constant vomiting, coughing up blood, passing out, and not sleeping in 5 days is normal (and if she tells me to 'go and sort yourself out' again i WILL slap her)

- Coming back and having a sulk

- Coming on here again

- Giving up with revision

- Going to watch tv



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