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The Australian Thread: Seventh Heaven

Rainbow Sky

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:biggrin2: HELLO .... I'm hot .... :blink::mf_rosetinted:

Oh, poor you!


I have not left the house besides getting some supplies this morning- it is nice to be in air con and not having to spend the entire day walking around. Although the kids are driving me insane already as they have gotten used to being entertained so they keep coming to me to do it for them :boxed: Oh family time- it's an absolute joy!

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Vertical slide? Can you go down it? :shocked:

That place is way too cool. Where is it?

*puts on list of places to go to before I die*


It's reminded me of when I last went to Scitech, and we got to make a DVD of all the stupid stuff we did, but I've never seen the DVD yet and it was like a year ago ... :crybaby:


Its on Phillip Island in Victoria....

And yes you can go down the vertical slide. You climb up some stairs, sit on a ledge and grab a bar, which you hang from and drop down. Its an adrenaline rush :naughty:


(And the way I described it doesn't sound quite right)

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LOLLL! The dog was running around with some ribbon he'd found left over from Christmas, so naturally I figured he wanted it tied around his neck. :thumb_yello: He looks sooooo cute with it - like a cutie-present!




Oh, poor you!


I have not left the house besides getting some supplies this morning- it is nice to be in air con and not having to spend the entire day walking around. Although the kids are driving me insane already as they have gotten used to being entertained so they keep coming to me to do it for them. Oh family time- it's an absolute joy!


lol! :naughty:


Its on Phillip Island in Victoria....

And yes you can go down the vertical slide. You climb up some stairs, sit on a ledge and grab a bar, which you hang from and drop down. Its an adrenaline rush


(And the way I described it doesn't sound quite right)


*is intrigued*


Is it like this or something? :blink:


Well that's the only picture google came up with :naughty:

That place sounds so cool (I also googled it). :mf_rosetinted:

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Its amazingggggg how UK comedy has swept the world


Come on really impress me .. do you know this one??




Oh yeah, I forgot to say - I looooveeeee Red Dwarf, we have the whole smegging-series on DVD :wub2:

* is verra envious at ownership of RD dvd's* :mf_rosetinted:

Ouch, 5 hours of maths :blink:



Heya Hk *blows cool wind you're way*

*receives cool wind willingly*

Ooooh, I'll steal some of your heat! It's FREEEEEZING

*gives heat to ER even more willingly*

Oh, poor you!


I have not left the house besides getting some supplies this morning- it is nice to be in air con and not having to spend the entire day walking around. Although the kids are driving me insane already as they have gotten used to being entertained so they keep coming to me to do it for them :boxed: Oh family time- it's an absolute joy!

Hiya Jols .... thank you & ..... WELCOME HOME !!!!! :thumb_yello:

*has put fan on self & now self feels a good bit cooler (also blames hormones .... :thumbdown: ) *

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* is verra envious at ownership of RD dvd's* :mf_rosetinted:


:naughty: Well, technically it's not me who owns them, their my brother's, but while we are under the same roof they are "mine". :bleh::mf_rosetinted:



I am trying my luck at making a new avatar ... we shall see if it is usable or not :naughty:

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LOLLL! The dog was running around with some ribbon he'd found left over from Christmas, so naturally I figured he wanted it tied around his neck. :thumb_yello: He looks sooooo cute with it - like a cutie-present!






lol! :naughty:




*is intrigued*


Is it like this or something? :blink:


Well that's the only picture google came up with :naughty:

That place sounds so cool (I also googled it). :mf_rosetinted:

Yeah except a little bigger I think

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* is verra envious at ownership of RD dvd's* :mf_rosetinted:


*receives cool wind willingly*


*gives heat to ER even more willingly*


Hiya Jols .... thank you & ..... WELCOME HOME !!!!! :thumb_yello:

*has put fan on self & now self feels a good bit cooler (also blames hormones .... :thumbdown: ) *


:naughty: Well, technically it's not me who owns them, their my brother's, but while we are under the same roof they are "mine". :bleh::mf_rosetinted:



I am trying my luck at making a new avatar ... we shall see if it is usable or not :naughty:


Yes, RD is awesome :thumb_yello: Foxtel used to do a marathon on NY day of all of the series' but they didn't do it this year. Michael introduced it to me about 12 years ago, and although I don't deliberately sit down and watch it I will stop for it if I find it on foxtel. I used to love the smeg-takes (was that what the out takes were called?)

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I would just like the chance to say that Mika has HUGE hands... I'm attepting to learn how to play Grace Kelly on the piano, and my god, there is a small bit at the start, where I have to literally make my hand grow another 2cm!


*is annoyed at Mika's big hands*

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I would just like the chance to say that Mika has HUGE hands... I'm attepting to learn how to play Grace Kelly on the piano, and my god, there is a small bit at the start, where I have to literally make my hand grow another 2cm!


*is annoyed at Mika's big hands*

I had a dream where I brought a keyboard and learnt to play Mika songs on it.... weird since I have little musical apitude.


I'm also tempted to learn the guitar (we have 3 electrics and one accoustic lying around the house, rarely used, as well as various how to play books :naughty:)

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I had a dream where I brought a keyboard and learnt to play Mika songs on it.... weird since I have little musical apitude.


I'm also tempted to learn the guitar (we have 3 electrics and one accoustic lying around the house, rarely used, as well as various how to play books :naughty:)


I had a dream I learnt to play the trashcan... Needless to say I woke up a little weirded out as a) There was no Love Today trashcan on youtube and b) Mika and the whole band was there, So very weird


I have wayyy to many temptations to learn to play the guitar, we have 5 accoustic and 3 electrics and a couple guitar books, but I find it really hard to curl my hand around the guitar, and when I do get it, it really hurts!

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just saying hello to my Australian friends:)


getting hyper! argh!!!!!!!:punk: :punk:



how is everyone today?????????:wub2: :wub2:

Hiya !! Thanks for popping in ... :thumb_yello: ... I'm pretty good... tho' still feeling a bit hot ..... (not much sea breeze tonight) .... :blink:

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Heya Everyone!!! How are we all?

I had a good Aussie day.. I went down to watch the fireworks with some friends and family.. they weren't too bad this year.. got bitten by mozzies.. Grrrr.. Had some Heath Ledgers :D:( Toasted him..

We were up at my uncles house because he is a 5 minute walk from where the fireworks were held.. He has one of these inversion tables:



I tried it out!!



^That's not me obviously... But OG what a head spin!!

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Heya Everyone!!! How are we all?

I had a good Aussie day.. I went down to watch the fireworks with some friends and family.. they weren't too bad this year.. got bitten by mozzies.. Grrrr.. Had some Heath Ledgers :D:( Toasted him..

We were up at my uncles house because he is a 5 minute walk from where the fireworks were held.. He has one of these inversion tables:



I tried it out!!



^That's not me obviously... But OG what a head spin!!

:roftl: HAHAHAHAAH ..... especially after your Heath Ledgers !!!

A friend of mine had one of those ..... & yep a head spin is verra true !!!

I went to a g/f's 50th b'day last night .... 'twas a fun party ... ppl came dressed up in 1950's gear ... !!!:naughty:

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:roftl: HAHAHAHAAH ..... especially after your Heath Ledgers !!!

A friend of mine had one of those ..... & yep a head spin is verra true !!!

I went to a g/f's 50th b'day last night .... 'twas a fun party ... ppl came dressed up in 1950's gear ... !!!:naughty:

Yeah 3 Heath Ledgers and an inversion table.. probably not a good mix!!:hypo:

Did you take any photos from last night? What did you wear??!! that would've been good fun!

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And she's back, albiet briefly.....


Still trying to think of what to do with my old laptop once I strip any useable parts with it. It has to give me some enjoyment even though its broken :naughty:

I ran AVG and d/l Firefox today :naughty: I had a Java virus.. can't remember exactly what it was called but it wasn't a big deal.. still gotta run Spybot and HiJack.. Firefox seems a little slower loading sites.. :(

Did you find any cheap lappys today?

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I ran AVG and d/l Firefox today :naughty: I had a Java virus.. can't remember exactly what it was called but it wasn't a big deal.. still gotta run Spybot and HiJack.. Firefox seems a little slower loading sites.. :(

Did you find any cheap lappys today?

Firefox is faster on my sisters slow piece of ****, which in theory may have gained itself a new cd/dvd rw (I currently have my laptop in pieces on my lap)



And yeah, I checked swap meets, decided for not much more I could get a new one that has been sitting on a shelf for awhile, went online and found one at jb for 696 with 150 cashback (so 546 in the end) that has everything I want. (It's another compaq though :naughty:)


I put a deposit on it monday, and pick it up on wednesday when they get new stock in

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Yes, RD is awesome. Foxtel used to do a marathon on NY day of all of the series' but they didn't do it this year. Michael introduced it to me about 12 years ago, and although I don't deliberately sit down and watch it I will stop for it if I find it on foxtel. I used to love the smeg-takes (was that what the out takes were called?)


Haha, yay. I don't have foxtel, my brother introduced me to it, when he bought the DVD collection :bleh: I love those smeg-takes too .. or was it smeg-ups? I don't know .. smeg-something.


I would just like the chance to say that Mika has HUGE hands... I'm attepting to learn how to play Grace Kelly on the piano, and my god, there is a small bit at the start, where I have to literally make my hand grow another 2cm!


*is annoyed at Mika's big hands*


He sure does. Are you talking about the octave-sized chords? I can reach them, but when I try and move my hand like that ... eurgh. What are you using? Sheet music? Youtube tutorials?


I had a dream where I brought a keyboard and learnt to play Mika songs on it.... weird since I have little musical apitude.


I had that same dream, but while I was awake, and in a Target store :naughty:


I had a dream I learnt to play the trashcan... Needless to say I woke up a little weirded out as a) There was no Love Today trashcan on youtube and b) Mika and the whole band was there, So very weird


Haha, well our school used to run trashcan/other rubbish product percussion band programs, and at the end you'd have to perform to the school. I never did it :naughty:


just having pre concert jitters although its 19 days away!!!!!!!


That'd be right, just go ahead, come in here and rub it in :sneaky2:


I'm feeling a little under the weather this evening. Not too bad though!




Heya Everyone!!! How are we all?

He has one of these inversion tables:

I tried it out!!


^That's not me obviously... But OG what a head spin!!


Woah! What the hell is that? Why would you do that, what's the point? :naughty:


I went to a g/f's 50th b'day last night .... 'twas a fun party ... ppl came dressed up in 1950's gear ... !!


Yay, I love dress up parties. Did you dress up?


And she's back, albiet briefly.....


Still trying to think of what to do with my old laptop once I strip any useable parts with it. It has to give me some enjoyment even though its broken


Have you seen Officespace?

*goes to see if there is a youtube video of the scene she is thinking about*

Hmm, the sound is dodgy, but here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6syezOHJ2Q

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