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The Australian Thread: Seventh Heaven

Rainbow Sky

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I went for an hour and a half bike ride yesterday. My arse feels like it's been buggered for an eternity.


Good news: I can hang my washing out! It has stopped raining (for a few hours.....)


Yeah, you guys have been having mental rain- hope some of it makes it to the dams so you can shower for longer than 4 minutes!


Am hoping all the rain is dumped on you guys now so when I am there next week it bright and sunny :mf_rosetinted:


Are you in Brissie or the Coast?

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Hi Raisin!


God I need to get a life and off these forums. Luckily I go back to work soon!


It's so hot here right now. Summer has finally caught up.


Hey Aaurora,


It is soooo hot here too. :thumbdown: Boo and hiss to summer. Hate it. :thumbdown:


I may speak too soon, but these forums currently have no hold over me. Hooray! Freeeeeeeeeeedom!


*applies blue face paint and gets a wicked mullet*

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Hello everyone,


Ah ok. I didn't notice, but then, I haven't been on there in quite a long time, except yesterday, when MFC was down and we were huddled on Mikasounds, praying for the nightmare to end.


Lol! I can just imagine it. Aww :)


YES, I have, and I thought I was the only one who saw the scrolling. Thought I was going mad.


I wouldn't really say your in the clear, we're probably just going mad together. There is this paint-less patch on the wall (where my dog chewed the wall when he was a puppy), and I stared/shouted at it for about 10 minutes the first time I played guitar hero - "STOP! STOP MOVING! STOP IT! I'm warning you! STOP!" :hypo:


And lastly, insane is quite an apt word for it. You should see it the day after christmas.


Yeah, as it appears Rockingham/Mandurah are the only shops with extended opening in the state, everyone flocks there for pre/post christmas shopping. As it happens, Rockingham is also undergoing major renevations, so 80% of the carpark is in-accecible. I had the horror of needing to go there twice on Christmas eve ... cars were parked ... everywhere ... blocks away ... and don't get me started on in the shopping centre.

And with your completely insane opening hours ... I don't even want to think about it. :blink:


ME TOO!!! It's an addiction I have. Thank goodness I have such a loving, thoughtful roommate who messes everything up so I can continue to do it on a regular basis.


Lucky bugger. I have to do it myself ... *sigh*


Your brother sounds quite a bit like my brother. He once bought 10 cases of pomegranate juice for $15. The fact that nobody in the house likes pom juice but him was considered irrelevant.
Wow..... sounds like something my brother would do


My brother once brought home 72 eggs (yeah, we counted them), because someone was giving them away for free. Why were they giving them away for free? Because they were too big to sell to shops. Each egg was equal to about 3 ... they actually had 2-3 yolks each.


I've been kind of ... over eggs since then.


I feel like all I've done is quote you, OkD.


And it is :original:


Checking out the politics thread is only recommended if you have the patience. There was a lot of surprising views expressed; not all of which I agree with.


:shocked: Oh dear. I did just now and ... eek. I backed away slowly.


I'm the same, but I rarely do it. Every 6 months or so, I'll just decide to clean my desk, my room and clean out my drawers, ditching some clothes I don't wear to my sister. Its always great fun.


What sad lives / ideas of 'fun' we obsessive organisers have. :roftl:


And morning everyone, I am so over this nmo laptop thing, and having to borrow other comps.

If all goes well, I should have mine back today


Hooray! Hope it does go well :bleh:


Here I was yesterday thinking my laptop was screwing up again, but no, my brother has just found some way to make his computer use ALL the internet for his downloads.

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What sad lives / ideas of 'fun' we obsessive organisers have. :roftl:






Here I was yesterday thinking my laptop was screwing up again, but no, my brother has just found some way to make his computer use ALL the internet for his downloads.


Indeed, we do have fun lives. :naughty:


And my brother did that once, so annoying. Now his computer is refusing to start (we really had computer luck recently)

I have my laptop back, so I'm all good

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Indeed, we do have fun lives. :naughty:


Well, at least we can have fun by ourselves, doing a chore. lol.


Howdy all.... I have the lifeline back, thank god. So now I can do my usual distracted while doing something else mfc/msn talk
And my brother did that once, so annoying. Now his computer is refusing to start (we really had computer luck recently)

I have my laptop back, so I'm all good


Laptops - the computer for the multi-tasker / internet obsessee. Who needs an internet fridge when you can just carry your laptop around with you everywhere? Heck, you could even bluetac it to your fridge if you really wanted to.


Teehee, yay for your laptop being back, serves your brother right for once stealing the internet.


Stupid brothers. I had the internet all to myself for ... lots of years, three or something ... and then stupid brother has to stupid move in and stupid take my stupid internet.


Funny word that - stupid. When you see it so many times.

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Well, at least we can have fun by ourselves, doing a chore. lol.





Laptops - the computer for the multi-tasker / internet obsessee. Who needs an internet fridge when you can just carry your laptop around with you everywhere? Heck, you could even bluetac it to your fridge if you really wanted to.


Teehee, yay for your laptop being back, serves your brother right for once stealing the internet.


Stupid brothers. I had the internet all to myself for ... lots of years, three or something ... and then stupid brother has to stupid move in and stupid take my stupid internet.


Funny word that - stupid. When you see it so many times.

Stupid brothers indeed. Actually, they were the ones with all the internet, I was the one who came and began stealing some, but not much.


And yeah, I love the laptop, I'm one of those carry it around the house types :naughty:

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I went for an hour and a half bike ride yesterday. My arse feels like it's been buggered for an eternity.


Good news: I can hang my washing out! It has stopped raining (for a few hours.....)

My sympathies to your buggered arse.

*wishes americans spoke with cool lingo like that*

Hey Aaurora,


It is soooo hot here too. :thumbdown: Boo and hiss to summer. Hate it.


I may speak too soon, but these forums currently have no hold over me. Hooray! Freeeeeeeeeeedom!


*applies blue face paint and gets a wicked mullet*

Now there's an attractive look.:naughty:

Howdy all.... I have the lifeline back, thank god. So now I can do my usual distracted while doing something else mfc/msn talk

YAY!! Soy Bean is back!

Lol! I can just imagine it. Aww

Dark and lonely times they were.

I wouldn't really say your in the clear, we're probably just going mad together. There is this paint-less patch on the wall (where my dog chewed the wall when he was a puppy), and I stared/shouted at it for about 10 minutes the first time I played guitar hero - "STOP! STOP MOVING! STOP IT! I'm warning you! STOP!" :hypo:

That paintless patch has some nerve. I'm having the same problems with a rebellious wallpaper tear.

Yeah, as it appears Rockingham/Mandurah are the only shops with extended opening in the state, everyone flocks there for pre/post christmas shopping. As it happens, Rockingham is also undergoing major renevations, so 80% of the carpark is in-accecible. I had the horror of needing to go there twice on Christmas eve ... cars were parked ... everywhere ... blocks away ... and don't get me started on in the shopping centre.

And with your completely insane opening hours ... I don't even want to think about it. :blink:

I don't even drive near it some days. It's not worth the traffic.

(In other words, it's Jols' dream come true.)

Lucky bugger. I have to do it myself ... *sigh*

Aww.....poor thing. Here you go. *messes up shelves for OkD*

My brother once brought home 72 eggs (yeah, we counted them), because someone was giving them away for free. Why were they giving them away for free? Because they were too big to sell to shops. Each egg was equal to about 3 ... they actually had 2-3 yolks each.


I've been kind of ... over eggs since then.

Ewww.........I hate eggs. The thought of so many...you're making me gag.

:shocked: Oh dear. I did just now and ... eek. I backed away slowly.

I feel horrid; I jumped in and got all sensitive and insulted and blah blah blah, and totally missed the point of what was being said.:blink:


Well, at least we can have fun by ourselves, doing a chore. lol.


Laptops - the computer for the multi-tasker / internet obsessee. Who needs an internet fridge when you can just carry your laptop around with you everywhere? Heck, you could even bluetac it to your fridge if you really wanted to.


Teehee, yay for your laptop being back, serves your brother right for once stealing the internet.


Stupid brothers. I had the internet all to myself for ... lots of years, three or something ... and then stupid brother has to stupid move in and stupid take my stupid internet.


Funny word that - stupid. When you see it so many times.


But stupid just describes brothers so perfectly. You can't help but use it.:naughty:

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Hello, Aussies.


Curse MSN, it keeps logging me out.


I praise whoever invented the laptop and wireless internet. I'm nomadic and can't sit still in the same spot for long periods of time.


So YOU'RE the one!


My msn kept making that little noise when someone arrives, but when I went to check, it was just the same two people. I thought I was hearing things.:naughty:

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Stupid brothers indeed. Actually, they were the ones with all the internet, I was the one who came and began stealing some, but not much.


Yeah, okay, so maybe I was the first to steal internet, but as I've always said, "You move out, you lose your internet priveledges" ... can't just have people moving back in willy-nilly and resuming previous positions in the delicate internet hierarchy, can we?


And yeah, I love the laptop, I'm one of those carry it around the house types :naughty:


*Is currently in living room with laptop*

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Hello, Aussies.




I praise whoever invented the laptop and wireless internet. I'm nomadic and can't sit still in the same spot for long periods of time.


Same here..... I am in love with the wireless.....I like being able to move



Yeah, okay, so maybe I was the first to steal internet, but as I've always said, "You move out, you lose your internet priveledges" ... can't just have people moving back in willy-nilly and resuming previous positions in the delicate internet hierarchy, can we?




*Is currently in living room with laptop*


Ah of course, no you can't (unless of course, you're me, moving back into my house :mf_rosetinted:)

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Hello, Aussies.


Curse MSN, it keeps logging me out.


I praise whoever invented the laptop and wireless internet. I'm nomadic and can't sit still in the same spot for long periods of time.


Nomadic - lol. :bleh:


That paintless patch has some nerve. I'm having the same problems with a rebellious wallpaper tear.


Tell me about it. What kind of a paint/wallpaper-less section of wall thinks it has the right to move around like that? Why if it's not careful I'm going to paint right over it - see how it likes that!


I don't even drive near it some days. It's not worth the traffic.

(In other words, it's Jols' dream come true.)




Aww.....poor thing. Here you go. *messes up shelves for OkD*




*Happily toddles off to re-organise shelves in a new and exciting way. :thumb_yello:


I feel horrid; I jumped in and got all sensitive and insulted and blah blah blah, and totally missed the point of what was being said.:blink:


Awww :sad: *Makes mental note to steer clear of Politics Thread*


But stupid just describes brothers so perfectly. You can't help but use it.:naughty:


... this is true. :naughty:

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Mine was still longer :mf_rosetinted:


(it was two posts :naughty:)

Have you any idea how many times I've reached the 1000 character limit? Sometimes even without MQing. So we need multiple categories: longest MQ and longest post. Currently you hold longest MQ until Teegs rouses another effort like she did in the PPRC Chat Thread and I hold longest post. :naughty:


Nomadic - lol. :bleh:

Hey, it's in my genes, my ancestors were nomadic. :bleh:

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Have you any idea how many times I've reached the 1000 character limit? Sometimes even without MQing. So we need multiple categories: longest MQ and longest post. Currently you hold longest MQ until Teegs rouses another effort like she did in the PPRC Chat Thread and I hold longest post. :naughty:



Hey, it's in my genes, my ancestors were nomadic. :bleh:

Ah yes..... two categories it is....



But I'm still winner in one of them for once :wink2:


Longest post will be one I'd have trouble beating, so you'll have that for awhile.

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