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The Australian Thread: Seventh Heaven

Rainbow Sky

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I'd rather wait a few more months to see him for 90 minutes than for 15 minutes at a dumb festival for $130.


Yeah, I sure hope this is what he ends up doing.


He may not even judge us, because, by cancelling, he has to expect fans who were willing to pay so much for that mere 15 minute slot to be disappointed. Supporting him does not mean we give up our right to criticise him when we feel disappointed in him.


Yeah, it's fine. And if someone does/did see them (are they even still up) it would show that he has quite a legion of devoted mikamites :bleh:


My sis and i made this on the weekend......was heaps fun making it!



That is awesome. Lol, adorable ... except the erm, cencored bit :blink::bleh:

It looks like so much fun to have made. lol. I love the rather random assortment of children/dog.




I found the most interesting thing in the TV guide today, but it's already passsed. Seeing as it's come out half of the mikamites are either science or space nerds, did anyone catch it?



Sun, 8.30pm, SBS

Scientist Dr Godfrey Louis says a mysterious red rain that fell in southern India for two months in 2001 contained biological cells unlike any he had seen before - with no DNA and the ability to replicate at 300C. Because of the absence of DNA, the essential component of all life on Earth, he believes they must be alien life-forms. Dr Louis' work has scientists around the world debating the origin of these mysterious cells. Many scientists remain highly sceptical, but if he is right it will be the strongest evidence so far supporting the theory that life on Earth may have begun with "seeds" from outer space.


Cells with out DNA? Proof that life on Earth was started by aliens? WHAT!? I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED IT.


*toddles off to google this info*

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But Mika, if he even reads the comments, will not judge an entire country by what we said, and I doubt very much his attitude to Australia will change. He may not even judge us, because, by cancelling, he has to expect fans who were willing to pay so much for that mere 15 minute slot to be disappointed. Supporting him does not mean we give up our right to criticise him when we feel disappointed in him.



(and I mean no offence and am not trying to start an argument, I just wanted to point out my point of view on this)

:thumb_yello: Yeah ..... I don't take offence either. Each to their own. I just didn't feel to post anything ..... & I'd be really happy if I can sell my tix !!


:biggrin2: G'day all !! :thumb_yello:

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ooooh I just read all the hate messages on his Myspace :o


I didn't write anything bad but when he cancelled I wrote that hopefully he will be able to reschedule and come to Oz but not in festival style, at his own gig.


I'd rather wait a few more months to see him for 90 minutes than for 15 minutes at a dumb festival for $130.


:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:


Seriously??! That's it?!


Our full-length concerts are usually longer than that, and our festival shows are usually at least 45 minutes per act.


15 minutes....that's crap. I wouldn't go, even for Mika.

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:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:


Seriously??! That's it?!


Our full-length concerts are usually longer than that, and our festival shows are usually at least 45 minutes per act.


15 minutes....that's crap. I wouldn't go, even for Mika.


I don't really know officially, I was probably exaggerating :bleh: but I doubt it would be a huge set, it's only a festival after all.


Maybe someone else can give an insight into how long he may have been on for if he didn't erase.........his gigs.

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Hello happikali! :biggrin2:


It feels as if I haven't talked to you in a while.

Hiya SD !!! Yes .... we seem to be on diff. time zones !!:naughty:

:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:


Seriously??! That's it?!


Our full-length concerts are usually longer than that, and our festival shows are usually at least 45 minutes per act.


15 minutes....that's crap. I wouldn't go, even for Mika.

Hiya Artsy !! Well it would have prob. have been longer ..... but the thing is ..... unless your into the other bands ... it's still alot to pay ... for such a short time ..... :tears: .... I have 7 tix. to unload .... :tears:

I have learned my lesson tho' ...... I def. 'jumped the gun' .... since they are festivals & not concerts .....

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Yeah i agree......if we all keep posting he is bound to come accross them


Who even knows if they will get read? It was worth putting something up there...


But-but-but, what if he doesn't take it well ... what if ... he decides we are un-grateful fans, not deserving of a tour? :tears:


Well if that was the case he wouldn't have done concerts in England... people whinged and bitched about him cancelling festivals there... I don't think he would be that petty...


I saw it all over his myspace , ohh well thats one way to do it


Oh, yes... and if it works it'll be great...


Yeah, I too wonder what kind of fans he will think he has in Aus and if he would think "Ah, F*ck them!" I know that if contractually he has to come here, then he will, but he may have a different attitude towards us and a tour here. Then again, he may just decide you are a small bunch of disgruntled fans from Aus, not the whole flippin country.




I can't do it either. If I was going to bother bitching, it would be to his management team, not at him personally. And I'm not going to be bitching at management....


But as I said... we're not the first to complain about festivals being cancelled... or concerts to be cancelled for thaqt matter...


I'm honestly not going to sit aroundand say "Poor Mika"... They would have known that he would prob get sick at the end of the last tour, and if that was the case they should have allowed for extra time... if there was even part of a chance thaat he wouldn't be able to make it, I'd have prefered that he didn't agree to do the festival...


And if you find a way to contact Mika's management directly (without resorting to asking FD for contact details) I'd like to hear! :thumb_yello:


The reason we were doing it now, is because another Aussie asked via the comments about it, so it was brought up by them, not us.


Also, as for the comments, he was probably expecting such a thing eventually. Its not nearly as bad as the hate Mika fangroups out there, just a bunch of aussies expressing their disappointment. We have every right to be disgruntled when we want to be, and the fact is, it does seem like Australia is low on his list of priorities.

Most of us were just saying we were disappointed, or that we don't approve of being blown off for a new album. It means we are his fans, and we wanted to see him, we paid to see him at a mere festival and we were let down. (That and I also bitched at how full his page is, and honestly, it has gotten to the stage where I don't bother checking unless I have some reason, because its too full, so takes too long to load, if it doesnt crash internet explorer)


Also, it is highly suspected that Mika doesn't run his myspace, but that someone in his franchise does. So Mika may not even read the comments,heck, the person running the page may not even read the comments. What does it matter in the end, if they do. So they see we were dissapointed, all they had to do was log on here during any of the cancellations that have occured and see the same thing.



But Mika, if he even reads the comments, will not judge an entire country by what we said, and I doubt very much his attitude to Australia will change. He may not even judge us, because, by cancelling, he has to expect fans who were willing to pay so much for that mere 15 minute slot to be disappointed. Supporting him does not mean we give up our right to criticise him when we feel disappointed in him.


Damn queer!!! :naughty:


I totally agree... besides, if anything... I feel a lot better.. At the very least, someone needs to know how disappointed we are that the festivals got cancelled... even if they don't care...


I doubt he reads all those messages - have you even read some of them? People posting their song lyrics and inane comments like "OMG I LUFF U MEEKAH!!!!!" :roftl:


He will come here one day. It is sad as I am sure most of us feel he has neglected Australia where he actually is popular and I am sure he would be very well received to the point of sold out (or close to) gigs.


*waits and waits and waits*


Well, he actually sold out the concert at The Forum, and people were coming up to us and asking if we knew if there were tickets still available...... no doubt he could do bigger venues and sell out...


:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:


Seriously??! That's it?!


Our full-length concerts are usually longer than that, and our festival shows are usually at least 45 minutes per act.


15 minutes....that's crap. I wouldn't go, even for Mika.


Mika on stage was for about 45-50 mins...


But keep in mind... this would have been the only way we would see him... the way I saw it was it was better to see Mika for such a short space of time than sit at home and wish I was there...

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Hiya Artsy !! Well it would have prob. have been longer ..... but the thing is ..... unless your into the other bands ... it's still alot to pay ... for such a short time ..... :tears: .... I have 7 tix. to unload .... :tears:

I have learned my lesson tho' ...... I def. 'jumped the gun' .... since they are festivals & not concerts .....


your extended use of '.....' and ':tears:' made my heart break a little at your problem of the 7 tickets :(:tears:

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Mika on stage was for about 45-50 mins...


Yeah, but that was at The Forum. I wouldn't expect any less than that, although 50 minutes is not that long. If he was still doing V Festival (:@) how long do you think he would have been on for?

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your extended use of '.....' and ':tears:' made my heart break a little at your problem of the 7 tickets :(:tears:

Hiya Aaurora !! Haha .... it started with 9 ... but 2 of my friends still wanna go anyway !! *wipes brow*

Yeah, but that was at The Forum. I wouldn't expect any less than that, although 50 minutes is not that long. If he was still doing V Festival (:@) how long do you think he would have been on for?

It's hard to say ..... I'd only be guessing .... maybe 30 mins ... ??

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Yeah, but that was at The Forum. I wouldn't expect any less than that, although 50 minutes is not that long. If he was still doing V Festival (:@) how long do you think he would have been on for?


I know it's not that long...


and seeing as I've never been to a festival (they don't exactly have festivals in Orange) i wouldn't know... but as I said, I preferred to go and see mika perform for a short space of time than to not go at all...


:thumb_yello: Hiya Teegs !!!


Hey ya HK! Question... have you talked to Freddie lately?

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Hey everyone, I'm back from the movies (we saw enchanted, because the brother decided we'd go at 2, and didn't tell me there wasn't a session of Ps I love you on then. But I shall see that movie)



Wrist is still hurting (and slightly swollen) kudos to the brother for that :naughty:


Anyways, Nico, I am a little DQ :mf_rosetinted: (and proud of it)


And as for festivals, it would probably be 30-45 mins or so, which was better than nothing (and some of the other bands I wanted to see), but not as good as a concert. I'm a fan of the smallish concert venues over large festivals.

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I know it's not that long...


and seeing as I've never been to a festival (they don't exactly have festivals in Orange) i wouldn't know... but as I said, I preferred to go and see mika perform for a short space of time than to not go at all...




Hey ya HK! Question... have you talked to Freddie lately?

Uuuuummmm ..... :no: ..... not really... 2 secs on msn in the wee hours of this morn ..... he was leaving work & heading home , so it was literally Hi & Bye ... I guess he's been pretty busy with the changeover into Admin etc. ..... I'm not really expecting to chat to him so much anymore ..... :thumbdown:

Have you ??

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Hey everyone, I'm back from the movies (we saw enchanted, because the brother decided we'd go at 2, and didn't tell me there wasn't a session of Ps I love you on then. But I shall see that movie)



Wrist is still hurting (and slightly swollen) kudos to the brother for that :naughty:


Anyways, Nico, I am a little DQ :mf_rosetinted: (and proud of it)


And as for festivals, it would probably be 30-45 mins or so, which was better than nothing (and some of the other bands I wanted to see), but not as good as a concert. I'm a fan of the smallish concert venues over large festivals.

Again... damn queer! :naughty:


(I love that phrase!)


If there were concerts and festivals I defo woulda picked the concert... but, it was better than nothing...


So, how was Enchanted?

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Again... damn queer! :naughty:


(I love that phrase!)


If there were concerts and festivals I defo woulda picked the concert... but, it was better than nothing...


So, how was Enchanted?

Yeah, I would have picked concerts.



Enchanted was good..... incrediably sappy and romantic, but it is a fairytale movie.



Hmmm, if you were me, (or if I was me) where would I put my allergy tablets?

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Hey everyone, I'm back from the movies (we saw enchanted, because the brother decided we'd go at 2, and didn't tell me there wasn't a session of Ps I love you on then. But I shall see that movie)



Wrist is still hurting (and slightly swollen) kudos to the brother for that :naughty:


Anyways, Nico, I am a little DQ :mf_rosetinted: (and proud of it)


And as for festivals, it would probably be 30-45 mins or so, which was better than nothing (and some of the other bands I wanted to see), but not as good as a concert. I'm a fan of the smallish concert venues over large festivals.


Hiya Soy !! I think I missed how DQ came about :blink: .... care to enlighten me ? Or is it better left for msn .... :naughty:

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Uuuuummmm ..... :no: ..... not really... 2 secs on msn in the wee hours of this morn ..... he was leaving work & heading home , so it was literally Hi & Bye ... I guess he's been pretty busy with the changeover into Admin etc. ..... I'm not really expecting to chat to him so much anymore ..... :thumbdown:

Have you ??


No... :tears:


About all I've talked to him about was that he got my pressie... :thumb_yello: ... and he loved it! :blush-anim-cl::wub2:


And he said how kind I was... :blush-anim-cl:


But that's it... he was on last night, but wasn't answering...


Oh well... Worth seeing if you had, seeing as you chat a bit...

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No... :tears:


About all I've talked to him about was that he got my pressie... :thumb_yello: ... and he loved it! :blush-anim-cl::wub2:


And he said how kind I was... :blush-anim-cl:


But that's it... he was on last night, but wasn't answering...


Oh well... Worth seeing if you had, seeing as you chat a bit...

Yeah, sure !! What pressie did you give ?? I heard you sent him photos from the Verandah .... anything else ... :das:



DQ= drama queen aka Damn Queer (msn relation there somehow)

Aha ... aha ....... :naughty:

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