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The Australian Thread: Seventh Heaven

Rainbow Sky

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*roflmao* That is gold!


But... I can hear him screaming "It's GeraRRRRRRd"


*hugs tissues tight to chest and never lets go*




I did warn ye so. I'm so glad you liked it.


*mists up again*






*hugs to everyone who is feeling crap*


Awwww... thank ye...


I really wanna see it... but I don't think Dad will want to come and see it... even though he's a baby and cries in movies...


Edit: And just randomnly, all the baby avators make me giggle. You wouldn't pick the type of forum we're on from them (you'd think its a mothers group or something :naughty:)


I love it


I started with a baby pic... then they decided to do a project with it...


Heya Scut!!! make the most of your time off before exams

(and don't forget about us)


Your welcome!!

I love how it says "softest and thickest ever":naughty:



UP? alot of tents, the temperature gauge, electrical bills, water bills, my ego, the sky.....

and without a doubt; some guy within a 5km radius of my home.

What's UP with you?? (reminds me of a Dr Seuss book 'Great day for up' :naughty: )


Geez Kelz... not something I really need to kow...


Yes it is.. it was one of my favourite books when I was a child.. If I can find it I'll quote some on here..

Speaking of kids. I love the baby pics too Bec.. makes us look like a weirdo forum !! totally excellent


and what did you eat Daughtah? hmmm??

I'm about to have Beef in black bean sauce with flied lice


Mmmmm... yummy... beef in back bean and flied lice... nice... I had plain old Maccas..


I was wondering if she lasted :naughty:

Now, I'll have to try a Chicken Big Mike.. umm I mean Mac.. sounds.. delish :bleh:


I think so... they'd just look at me and think I was strange if I asked for that here...


Everyone was so blonde when they were younger.:blink:


*goes to find a blonde picture*


Send him on errands.:naughty:



I gave him some fries, but he apparently wanted to inspect the burger.



It is, you were so cute, Soy!


I was such a little diva; when I was looking for a pic, I noticed that in all of them, I'm staring straight at the camera and once I developed control over my limbs, I started posing everytime a lens was pointed at me.


Awwww... you little poser.. the one I sent in is a posing pic... it also has me covered in spaghetti but anyway...


so im only up to page 73 but me and my boi just came from maccas and it always ends in an argument when he embarasses me by ordering a "mc awesome" a large sunday with caramel on the bottom and chocolate on the top with m and m's and a flake, a they stuff it up and he argues bout the price and i leave the store.


on the way home he said "theres much worse customers than me, what about someone asking for a big mac made out of chicken patties ,so then we got into this big discussion bout how that would be horrible, what would the poor girls put it through as ( 1 bic mac and 1 mc chicken, 2 mc chickens) etc and coz i made the mistake of saying itd taste awesome he vowed to order it next time, then i come on here and read that other ppl order it.


holy crap


Mmmm yummy... a Mc Awesome... I want!


And again... the people here are pretty hopeless so I wouldn't bother asking...

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Mmmm yummy... a Mc Awesome... I want!


And again... the people here are pretty hopeless so I wouldn't bother asking...


Thats where you need to tell them exactly where to find it :naughty:


I am seriously the worst person to take to mcdonalds (especially if the server is new), because when I order something special (or a grill item) I know what buttons need to be pushed, so I just want to jump the counter and do it myself :naughty:


And then, I always sound slightly bossy if I have to tell them how to find it (I worked at a maccas before I worked at this one, and then went on holidays, and had every maccas we went to stuff up the orders, my brothers would laugh and say I was cursed, as I tapped my fingers and explained again what we all wanted)

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Thats where you need to tell them exactly where to find it :naughty:


I am seriously the worst person to take to mcdonalds (especially if the server is new), because when I order something special (or a grill item) I know what buttons need to be pushed, so I just want to jump the counter and do it myself :naughty:


And then, I always sound slightly bossy if I have to tell them how to find it (I worked at a maccas before I worked at this one, and then went on holidays, and had every maccas we went to stuff up the orders, my brothers would laugh and say I was cursed, as I tapped my fingers and explained again what we all wanted)

Nice one...


*makes mental note to never go to Maccas with Bec*

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And Kelz, give your fingers a rest

And then type the rest of the story



So Chang ran as fast as his little legs would carry him to the Old Man With The Ladder. Under a tree the Old Man With The Ladder sat bowed and silent.

"Old Man, Old Man," shouted Chang. "Come right away! Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo has fallen into the stone well!"

But there was no answer. Puzzled he waited. Then with his very last bit of breath he shouted,

"Old Man With The Ladder, Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo is at the bottom of the well."

"Miserable child, you disturb my dream. I had floated into a purple mist and found my youth again. There were glittering gateways and jewelled blossoms. If I close my eyes perhaps I will again return."

Mr T shouldn't wear so much bling, dude:mf_rosetinted:

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Nice one...


*makes mental note to never go to Maccas with Bec*


I'm alright, as long as you make me order something normal, like a cheeseburger meal :wink2:




So Chang ran as fast as his little legs would carry him to the Old Man With The Ladder. Under a tree the Old Man With The Ladder sat bowed and silent.

"Old Man, Old Man," shouted Chang. "Come right away! Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo has fallen into the stone well!"

But there was no answer. Puzzled he waited. Then with his very last bit of breath he shouted,

"Old Man With The Ladder, Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo is at the bottom of the well."

"Miserable child, you disturb my dream. I had floated into a purple mist and found my youth again. There were glittering gateways and jewelled blossoms. If I close my eyes perhaps I will again return."

Mr T shouldn't wear so much bling, dude:mf_rosetinted:



How rude o the old man, clearly no one cares about Mr T


And no he shouldn't.... no wonder he fell in a well :naughty:

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The baby pics are to celebrate MFC's 1st year anniversary..

*points to front page and this link*


since I know how often you write: "Link?"

Looking forward to seeing any pic of you scutty :naughty:

Dirty trashy blonde hair might age me about .. umm.. 3 years.. so people might think I can actually drive a car without supervision.. :roftl:


I can't wait until you do the purple hair!!! I want you to film your mum's reaction and put it on youtube..

better yet, on ebay.. we'd pay to see that.. :lmao:

Great idea for the MFC's 1st birthday!


I now look nothing like I did when I was a baby, so it won't do you much good, Kelz. :naughty:


You should deffo go trashy blonde again, it suited you. And don't forget the red lippy a la Courtney Love. :das:


OG, I have no idea how mum will react, it'll be priceless. :roftl: Or my boss for that matter... maybe I should go dark purple afterall. :blink:

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Great idea for the MFC's 1st birthday!


I now look nothing like I did when I was a baby, so it won't do you much good, Kelz. :naughty:


You should deffo go trashy blonde again, it suited you. And don't forget the red lippy a la Courtney Love. :das:


OG, I have no idea how mum will react, it'll be priceless. :roftl: Or my boss for that matter... maybe I should go dark purple afterall. :blink:

But Dark purple is so bland :naughty:


And does anyone ever look like they did as a baby?


But any picture is better than no picture :fisch:

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Great idea for the MFC's 1st birthday!


I now look nothing like I did when I was a baby, so it won't do you much good, Kelz. :naughty:


You should deffo go trashy blonde again, it suited you. And don't forget the red lippy a la Courtney Love. :das:


OG, I have no idea how mum will react, it'll be priceless. :roftl: Or my boss for that matter... maybe I should go dark purple afterall. :blink:


It's a great idea...


I really wanna see your pic Scut!!!


And I look nothing like my pic... I don't think...


You know who I wanna see as a baby?


FD... :blush-anim-cl:

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But Dark purple is so bland :naughty:


And does anyone ever look like they did as a baby?


But any picture is better than no picture :fisch:

I do have pics on my comp from when I was 14 or 15 but they're awfully embarrassing. :blush-anim-cl: So a baby pic will have to do until we meet (maybe I'll have purple hair by then :naughty:).

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I do have pics on my comp from when I was 14 or 15 but they're awfully embarrassing. :blush-anim-cl: So a baby pic will have to do until we meet (maybe I'll have purple hair by then :naughty:).

Well then, you can bet there will be a rash of photos taken when we meet :naughty:


(whether you like it or not)


And for now, we'll have to be pedos and settle for a baby pic

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Well then, you can bet there will be a rash of photos taken when we meet :naughty:


(whether you like it or not)


And for now, we'll have to be pedos and settle for a baby pic

I can only imagine how many photos two posers like you and Kelz will take when we get together. :roftl: I love photography but I hate being in photos (what can I say, I'm not photogenic :naughty:) so maybe I'll stay behind the camera and let you two do what you claim to be genetically programmed to do. :fisch:

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I can only imagine how many photos two posers like you and Kelz will take when we get together. :roftl: I love photography but I hate being in photos (what can I say, I'm not photogenic :naughty:) so maybe I'll stay behind the camera and let you two do what you claim to be genetically programmed to do. :fisch:

Hey, I'm not photogenic either, but I'm still a poser :naughty:


And Scut *msn slap* the myspace photos and the camera timer worked on the verandah, we rarely need someone behind the camera, so you will be in as many photos as we drag you into :mf_rosetinted:

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Hey, I'm not photogenic either, but I'm still a poser :naughty:


And Scut *msn slap* the myspace photos and the camera timer worked on the verandah, we rarely need someone behind the camera, so you will be in as many photos as we drag you into :mf_rosetinted:

Dammit. :sneaky2: I'll resort to a mask and tinsel wig then. :naughty:

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Dammit. :sneaky2: I'll resort to a mask and tinsel wig then. :naughty:


we'll get photos of you somehow!

*packs Baileys in bag for trip*

Oooh.. tinsel wig!!! I don't have that pic of me wearing the tinsel wig on this puter...

My Myspace page.. :wink2:

Roadtrip album.. page 4

And group shot page 5

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we'll get photos of you somehow!

*packs Baileys in bag for trip*


My Myspace page.. :wink2:

Thought I saw it there....and on pb (I havent even put any of those pics on myspace, all the important people who needed to see them have seen them:naughty:)

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we'll get photos of you somehow!

*packs Baileys in bag for trip*


My Myspace page.. :wink2:

Roadtrip album.. page 4

And group shot page 5



Okies... I just realised what the time was, and that I have to work tomorrow morning... so FY & GN everyone!


*insert up yours smiley here*

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Hello Aussies! :biggrin2:


I would upload a baby photo but I don't know how to work the scanner. I'm quite pleased with my current avatar anyway.. :wub2:


Well I can't find the book 'Great Day for Up'.. so here is the first 2 paragraphs from my other fav childhood book :naughty:


Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, it was custom of all the fathers and mothers in China to give their first and honoured sons great long names. But second sons were given hardly any name at all.

In a small mountain village there lived a mother who had two little sons. Her second son she called Chang, which meant "little or nothing." But her first and honoured son, she called Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo, which meant "the most wonderful thing in the whole wide world!" :roftl:


Oh. My. God.


That used to be my favourite book when I was a kid too!!!

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Hello Aussies! :biggrin2:


I would upload a baby photo but I don't know how to work the scanner. I'm quite pleased with my current avatar anyway.. :wub2:




Oh. My. God.


That used to be my favourite book when I was a kid too!!!

Would you like more too?

at Bec's request, here's the rest (rhymes :naughty: )

Poor little Chang was frightened. How could he say that great long name again?

"Please, Old Man With The Ladder, please help my brother out of the cold well."

"So," said the Old Man With The Ladder, "your mother's "Precious Pearl" has fallen into the well!"

The Old Man With The Ladder hurried as fast as his old legs could carry him. Step over Step, step over step he went into the well, and step over step, step over step out of the well with the little boy in his arms. Then he pumped the water out of him and pushed the air into him, and pumped the water out of him and pushed the air into him.

But little Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo had been in the water so long, all because of his great long name, that the moon rose many times before he was quite the same again.

And from that day to this the Chinese have always thought it wise to give all their children little, short names instead of great long names..

The End

And that concludes are bedtime story for tonight..

Tikki Tikki Tembo by Arlene Mosel :naughty::blush-anim-cl:

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Would you like more too?

at Bec's request, here's the rest (rhymes :naughty: )

Poor little Chang was frightened. How could he say that great long name again?

"Please, Old Man With The Ladder, please help my brother out of the cold well."

"So," said the Old Man With The Ladder, "your mother's "Precious Pearl" has fallen into the well!"

The Old Man With The Ladder hurried as fast as his old legs could carry him. Step over Step, step over step he went into the well, and step over step, step over step out of the well with the little boy in his arms. Then he pumped the water out of him and pushed the air into him, and pumped the water out of him and pushed the air into him.

But little Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo had been in the water so long, all because of his great long name, that the moon rose many times before he was quite the same again.

And from that day to this the Chinese have always thought it wise to give all their children little, short names instead of great long names..

The End

And that concludes are bedtime story for tonight..

Tikki Tikki Tembo by Arlene Mosel :naughty::blush-anim-cl:

Pft..... we all know he was never the same again... he would have died (they just didn't want the kids to know that)



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