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The Australian Thread: Seventh Heaven

Rainbow Sky

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We have a week each semester this year, I think its either a week or 2 weeks each semester next year, 2 weeks the year after and 4 weeks in the 4th year (all up 80 days I think, or 20 weeks)

We did 28 weeks... that's not including the repeat 1st yr prac I had to do.. and cause a storm has hit here I better get of before i fry the puter...



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LOL! Oh that is so like me. The thing that woke me is that I can't wait to get back to finishing my chicken, he is gonna be so cute. And my brother was swearing loudly at his computer (and still is).


It's worse when you do this before school.

Night before: "Okay, so I want to go and finish that assingment in the library before class, so I'll set my alarm for 6.30" *sets alarm for 6.30*

6.30 am: "Aww, I don't need a shower today" *snooze*

6.40 am: "Psht, who needs breakfast?" *snooze*

6.50 am: "Whatever, I didn't neeed, to go to the library, I'll just take the next bus" *resets alarm for 7.30*

7.30 am: "Pff, I don't need a shower today" *snooze*

7.40 am: "Breakfast? I'll just buy something when I get there." *snooze*

7.50 am: " Okay, so first class isn't that important, I'd get more out of my day if I just started at second class." *resets alarm for 8.30*

8.30 am: "Woah, gotta get up!" *turns off alarm*

2.30 pm: "****! I should NOT have turned off my alarm. Oh well, only two classes left, not really worth the effort." *goes back to sleep*


That is so me in every single way.:naughty:

Lol! Yes! This skipping class happens a few times a week, but then the other days it is like that. Get up around/just after the leaving time, stumble into clothes, grab an apple, leave. Because I park on the verge thats kind of in front of where the bus stands, everyone loves to comment that they know the bus is about to leave when they see my car careen around the corner and go airborne for a second before landing on the grass, and I leap out and sprint towards them. Most of the time I get on when the bus has already started and is waiting at the corner to get on the main road. Everytime the driver says "Next time, I'm not going to let you on." he says it with such seriousness that it scares the crap out of me everytime. :naughty:

And that is why I have my own car. Mornings when I do wake up usually consist of me stumbling into mismatched clothing and not bothering with food, then swerving and speeding my way to school in my bitchin' dirty white 90's stationwagon. Then I stagger into class and settle in the very back corner of the class, giving squinty looks and snarling at anyone who looks at me the wrong way. Then I'm let out sometime around noon and I drive home to collapse until evening class. Very dramatic process.:naughty:

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I'm stuck here listening to crap music on the radio cause there's a competition on the radio for either Mika's DVD or CD... I have both but I still wanna win...



Pink is crap... I mean really crap... (take a wild guess at who's on now...)

oh yeh our radio had the same comp 2 days ago


and pink is my bitch, tho they are killing "cuz i can" as they are playing it waaaaaaaaaay 2 much

Is it .... Maroon 5? ... the Veronicas?

No, wait, let me try again ... Pink?


Lol, that's a little sad actually. Don't want to let the Mika love spread?

(says the person who is terrified of talking to strangers on the phone, so would never win a radio competition in her life)


:punk: *high five* im scared of ringing ppl 2 , i did an admin course and still hate doing it, i make me bf ring up everything for me




My little brother won't let me use the Xbox.


bash him!!!! :boxed:

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Lol! Awesome, can't wait. It's so much fun to go photo searching.

I can't believe you can get up at 6am. My body just doesn't work that way.


Can anyone believe my dad wakes up at 4am everyday, even when not working.




Lol! Yes! This skipping class happens a few times a week, but then the other days it is like that. Get up around/just after the leaving time, stumble into clothes, grab an apple, leave. Because I park on the verge thats kind of in front of where the bus stands, everyone loves to comment that they know the bus is about to leave when they see my car careen around the corner and go airborne for a second before landing on the grass, and I leap out and sprint towards them. Most of the time I get on when the bus has already started and is waiting at the corner to get on the main road. Everytime the driver says "Next time, I'm not going to let you on." he says it with such seriousness that it scares the crap out of me everytime. :naughty:


I so know where you are parking OkD! I used to be down in Mandurah all the time a couple of years ago and look at all the cars parked everywhere near the bus stop. hopefully it is better now with the train running.....


Every semester???


Oh, that makes sense.... esp if you're only doing 4 weeks at the end of your degree...



Ours were 2 weeks observation (start of the year), 4 weeks proper prac - 1st yr

4 weeks 2nd yr

6 weeks 3rd yr

10 week internship




YAY!!! MIKA'S ON!!! *sings Happy Ending*


Were you listening to the aria chart show or the one with Andrew G (or a different one?) HE was just on nova and is back in the top 10 (again!)

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We did 28 weeks... that's not including the repeat 1st yr prac I had to do.. and cause a storm has hit here I better get of before i fry the puter...




28 weeks, wow. Well, thats only 8 more weeks.


That is so me in every single way.:naughty:


And that is why I have my own car. Mornings when I do wake up usually consist of me stumbling into mismatched clothing and not bothering with food, then swerving and speeding my way to school in my bitchin' dirty white 90's stationwagon. Then I stagger into class and settle in the very back corner of the class, giving squinty looks and snarling at anyone who looks at me the wrong way. Then I'm let out sometime around noon and I drive home to collapse until evening class. Very dramatic process.:naughty:


I drive on the mornings I miss the bus, because I don't like to use my own petrol and the bus is free. Me on the freeway, trying to eat toast, while make it to uni on time is not a safe sight.



And hey everyone, after a 2 and a half hour nanna nap, I'm back (due to my brothers annoyingly loud music, which he started playing when he realised I wasn't at work (I felt like crap so pulled a sicky)

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My little brother won't let me use the Xbox.


That's rude!!!


I'd let you use mine... but I'm a little far away...


oh yeh our radio had the same comp 2 days ago


and pink is my bitch, tho they are killing "cuz i can" as they are playing it waaaaaaaaaay 2 much



:punk: *high five* im scared of ringing ppl 2 , i did an admin course and still hate doing it, i make me bf ring up everything for me




bash him!!!! :boxed:


There you go... I haven't heard anything... but I was invited to a Tupperware party that started at 6pm... so if I had to contact them or do anthing extra I don't think I'm in...


I so know where you are parking OkD! I used to be down in Mandurah all the time a couple of years ago and look at all the cars parked everywhere near the bus stop. hopefully it is better now with the train running.....




Were you listening to the aria chart show or the one with Andrew G (or a different one?) HE was just on nova and is back in the top 10 (again!)


No... we don't get Nova... and what I was listening to was Star FM... basically the local station playing music... then after 6 I think it went to the American Top 40...


28 weeks, wow. Well, thats only 8 more weeks.




I drive on the mornings I miss the bus, because I don't like to use my own petrol and the bus is free. Me on the freeway, trying to eat toast, while make it to uni on time is not a safe sight.



And hey everyone, after a 2 and a half hour nanna nap, I'm back (due to my brothers annoyingly loud music, which he started playing when he realised I wasn't at work (I felt like crap so pulled a sicky)


Yeah, but we didn't have pracs every semester... And for the first 2 years of uni, I had to catch the bus, cause I left my car in Orange cause there was no way I'd get to Bathurst in my buzz boz... then when I moved out from my ex's place, I was able to geta lift with my housemate... then she moved out, but by then I had the excel... yay for me!

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Where is everyone tonight?

I had to get off cause of a storm... and I got told 5 mins ago that I had to get off.. like that's gonna happen...


Dunno about the others...


I wanted to post these... they reminded me of Liz cause of 300...









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Yeah, but we didn't have pracs every semester... And for the first 2 years of uni, I had to catch the bus, cause I left my car in Orange cause there was no way I'd get to Bathurst in my buzz boz... then when I moved out from my ex's place, I was able to geta lift with my housemate... then she moved out, but by then I had the excel... yay for me!


Ah, so theres a difference there. I'm just glad that I have fewer exams now, and more time to study when I get back to uni.


Oh, I forgot to metion... thosepics were from the Xbox 360 magazine.. apparenly they were funny... I really don't understand the humour of game geeks... :blink:


Their mildly amusing.... I think the exbox guys are obssessed with the 300

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Wow- it has been quiet here tonight.


We need some Mika news desperately!!!


Well, after having 5 kids between 3 and 7 trash my house for the last few hours peace has returned. It is always great to see "the cousins" as they call themselves catch up and act crazy but us adults hardly get a chance to sit back and relax. All over for a couple of weeks now....


Oh, 2 more sleeps till our holiday :thumb_yello::punk:


Am heading to bed to read my book in silence- too much noise tinght has done my head in.


Night all!

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We don't even have the hope of a train line, so I'll be sticking with the shuttle bus.


Next year I'm half at my local campus, and half at my main campus, so it should be easier, I hope


*gloats about train*

lol. But damn, no science classes at my closer campus...


Ha ha... it was indeed Pink...


Now it's Black Eyed Peas... I can live with them...


I entered the comp 25 times... good luck to me...


*rubs Mika's tummy for luck*


Yahoo! And in only 3 tries!

Did you win? Did you win? Did you win? Why have you not said?


URGH back to work tomorrow......................


I can see many of my working hours being consumed by the MFC


Where do you work?


:punk: *high five* im scared of ringing ppl 2 , i did an admin course and still hate doing it, i make me bf ring up everything for me


*high five back*

I make my mum make calls for me. And she says "You, know, one day your going to have to do it yourself", and I say "Yeah, but that's not today." :thumb_yello:


I so know where you are parking OkD! I used to be down in Mandurah all the time a couple of years ago and look at all the cars parked everywhere near the bus stop. hopefully it is better now with the train running.....


I was like "OMG! Crazy coincidence!", but then .. no, I park in Rockingham :bleh:


That is so me in every single way.:naughty:


And that is why I have my own car. Mornings when I do wake up usually consist of me stumbling into mismatched clothing and not bothering with food, then swerving and speeding my way to school in my bitchin' dirty white 90's stationwagon. Then I stagger into class and settle in the very back corner of the class, giving squinty looks and snarling at anyone who looks at me the wrong way. Then I'm let out sometime around noon and I drive home to collapse until evening class. Very dramatic process.


I drive on the mornings I miss the bus, because I don't like to use my own petrol and the bus is free. Me on the freeway, trying to eat toast, while make it to uni on time is not a safe sight.


This is exactly me, I would not want to see me on the freeway after having just woken up, and it costs so much more. My shuttle costs $1 per trip though :thumbdown:

The only time I'll bother to drive all the way is if I miss the bus, but I have some kind of compulsory lab/test to go to.



I finished my chicken! Took me the whole day, but I take it as a day better spent than one that I accomplish nothing in :thumb_yello:



While making it I had a Lano and Woodley marathon. And in the special features of the Island there was an interview and one of the questions was:


"Why did you do the show in Wodonga/Albury?"

"Because we wanted some obscure place to test if our jokes were funny enough before we showed the rest of Australia."

(paraphased, but something like that)


Which made me laugh, because there is some kind of reference in here about Wodonga, right? :bleh:

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While making it I had a Lano and Woodley marathon. And in the special features of the Island there was an interview and one of the questions was:


"Why did you do the show in Wodonga/Albury?"

"Because we wanted some obscure place to test if our jokes were funny enough before we showed the rest of Australia."

(paraphased, but something like that)


Which made me laugh, because there is some kind of reference in here about Wodonga, right? :bleh:


Yes. pinkoranges lives in Wodonga and I live in Albury. And, as an Alburian, I have to say that it's actually Albury/Wodonga not Wodonga/Albury. :naughty:




I remember when Lano and Woodley came to ALBURY. Everyone was so excited about it and a lot of my friends went to their show. But I didn't get to go.

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I wanted to post these... they reminded me of Liz cause of 300...











Hahahaha :naughty: Oh dear. Poor man will never be able to go through life without someone yelling "spartaaaaaa" out to him.


*thinks of brown man-nappy*




Anyhoodle, hope everyone has a great day.

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Rainbow, you are such an early birdie, like me :D


Back to work for me after christmas break. I bet my desk will look like an absolute pigsty.


Hi Aaurora,


Yep! I'm usually floating around somewhere. :thumb_yello:


Going back to work after a break is the worst. :thumbdown: Hope you have a good day anyway!


p.s. I so don't get your siggy. :naughty:

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Hi Aaurora,


Yep! I'm usually floating around somewhere.


Going back to work after a break is the worst. Hope you have a good day anyway!


p.s. I so don't get your siggy. :naughty:


:roftl: maybe I should get rid of it - I don't think many people get it LOL


"Mika" in Moroccan is plastic bag :bleh:

Hiya early-birdies !!!! :thumb_yello: I too hope you guys have a great day !!!:thumb_yello::wink2::wub2:

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:roftl: maybe I should get rid of it - I don't think many people get it LOL


"Mika" in Moroccan is plastic bag :bleh:


Oooooo of course! I should have picked up on that one! *slaps forehead* No, leave it, it's funny. :naughty:


Hiya early-birdies !!!! :thumb_yello: I too hope you guys have a great day !!!:thumb_yello::wink2::wub2:


Helloooooo HK!


*moves away from window and candlelight coming closer and closer*

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Oooooo of course! I should have picked up on that one! *slaps forehead* No, leave it, it's funny. :naughty:




Helloooooo HK!


*moves away from window and candlelight coming closer and closer*

:shocked: It was just a bit of fun ............ :wink2::naughty::wub2: .... Raisin ..... I miss you ........ :blush-anim-cl:

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