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The Australian Thread: Seventh Heaven

Rainbow Sky

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Tieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee me kangeroooooo down sportttttttttttt tieeeeeeeeeeeeeee me kangerooooo down:punk: :punk:


I know... it was hilarious. Those windchimes really set the tone. :roftl:


I miss you too!!!! :(:wub2:

AWWWWWWWWW .......... yes they doooooo ....... :wub2::huglove:

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Hi fellow Mikamites. I'm not going to read back through the posts now, i just wanted to say a quick couple of things.... I met Mouselle yesterday!! She's very kindly loaned me a guitar to try and learn on. What a lovely person! We talked Mika, looked at quilts, talked Mika, looked at family vacation pics, talked Mika, talked MFC, talked Mika, she taught me a few computer tricks and just to finish off, we talked Mika. (Actually I think we finished by talking about her son, but you get what I mean.) I had a great couple of hours in the company of someone who actually doesn't mind me talking about Mika. How refreshing! Thankyou again Mouselle, and I hope to spend some time with the guitar today. I only got as far as tuning it last night ( I used the keyboard like you suggested) but hubby wanted to watch a DVD, so I had to lay the guitar aside.


The other thing I wanted to say was to Oakie Doke, to disabuse you of the notion that I can actually play Mika songs. Au Contraire! I have the songbook and I have a go at playing Mika, but aaaaahhhh!!! I haven't played for 20 years and the man has such big hands, some of the chords are sooo beyond me. And at the moment there are only about two songs where I'm even attempting to put left and right hands together. Still trying to learn the others. I envy natural musicians....

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I have been at work for an hour and 15 minutes, and already I'm on the forums.


Lord help me.


Seems someone is addicted :naughty:



there is a new girl in my department. I have no idea who she is.


But I know one thing.......


She has my stapler on her desk!


:shocked: How dare she. :shocked:


You know, there's only one way to solve this......





Fight to the death :punk::naughty:

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Yes. pinkoranges lives in Wodonga and I live in Albury. And, as an Alburian, I have to say that it's actually Albury/Wodonga not Wodonga/Albury.




I remember when Lano and Woodley came to ALBURY. Everyone was so excited about it and a lot of my friends went to their show. But I didn't get to go.


Oh, Albury/Wodonga, sorry :bleh:

Oooh, you missed out.


maybe I should get rid of it - I don't think many people get it LOL


"Mika" in Moroccan is plastic bag


HAHA! I get it now! I feel so stupid, that's a good one, keep it :naughty:


Hi HK! What are you up to today?


Anyway, I am all dressed, make up on, sandwich made....birdie in his aviary....


At least there's one good thing about work - nice and cold air con


What kind of birdie do you have? :original:


Hi fellow Mikamites. I'm not going to read back through the posts now, i just wanted to say a quick couple of things.... I met Mouselle yesterday!! She's very kindly loaned me a guitar to try and learn on. What a lovely person! We talked Mika, looked at quilts, talked Mika, looked at family vacation pics, talked Mika, talked MFC, talked Mika, she taught me a few computer tricks and just to finish off, we talked Mika. (Actually I think we finished by talking about her son, but you get what I mean.) I had a great couple of hours in the company of someone who actually doesn't mind me talking about Mika. How refreshing! Thankyou again Mouselle, and I hope to spend some time with the guitar today. I only got as far as tuning it last night ( I used the keyboard like you suggested) but hubby wanted to watch a DVD, so I had to lay the guitar aside.


The other thing I wanted to say was to Oakie Doke, to disabuse you of the notion that I can actually play Mika songs. Au Contraire! I have the songbook and I have a go at playing Mika, but aaaaahhhh!!! I haven't played for 20 years and the man has such big hands, some of the chords are sooo beyond me. And at the moment there are only about two songs where I'm even attempting to put left and right hands together. Still trying to learn the others. I envy natural musicians....


It sounds like you guys had an awesome time.


Oh nooo. Eurghk. This is the hardest "song" I can play so far, from my lessons:


(yeah, I just drew that in paint, lol)


hey all,


this is very random....but does anyone have the Mika laugh ringtone, its silly i know, but it makes me laugh


Hey Codie!


Here is the download link.....




And the link to the whole interview.....


http://music.ninemsn.com.au/section....astarocksta r


I still laugh everytime I see they used my question!


That was your question?

*bows down*

Oh great and mighty one, I thank you for about the best snippet of Mika-interview in existance!

I do remember watching it for about the millionth time the other day and I though "hmm, Morley ... I wonder if?" But then I forgot about it :bleh:

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What kind of birdie do you have? :original:


I have a scaly breasted lorikeet :D




I just had one of the factory loaders come in to give me some paperwork


Him: "Are you sad?"

Me: 'No.....why would I be"

Him: "Mika came out of the closet"

Me: "What? Where did you hear this? He did not come out!"

Him: "It's all over the internet, he spent his christmas with his boyfriend in Aspen."

Me: "Well, I'm going to google it and I bet it's not there"

Him: "You like those kind of guys anyway, the effeminate ones"


Of course, nothing like that has appeared online.



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I have a scaly breasted lorikeet :D




I just had one of the factory loaders come in to give me some paperwork


Him: "Are you sad?"

Me: 'No.....why would I be"

Him: "Mika came out of the closet"

Me: "What? Where did you hear this? He did not come out!"

Him: "It's all over the internet, he spent his christmas with his boyfriend in Aspen."

Me: "Well, I'm going to google it and I bet it's not there"

Him: "You like those kind of guys anyway, the effeminate ones"


Of course, nothing like that has appeared online.




Cuuute! What's his/her name? :wub2:


Lol! I hate when it appears I've missed some sort of huge Mika-news, as I did whilst reading that.

What about when it was all over the radio (well, 92.9) a month or so ago "OMG! Latest news from 'Hollywood'! Mika has been 'outed'" they were all saying and it was hours before I could reach google to unconfirm. :bleh:

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Hello! :biggrin2:


The other thing I wanted to say was to Oakie Doke, to disabuse you of the notion that I can actually play Mika songs. Au Contraire! I have the songbook and I have a go at playing Mika, but aaaaahhhh!!! I haven't played for 20 years and the man has such big hands, some of the chords are sooo beyond me. And at the moment there are only about two songs where I'm even attempting to put left and right hands together. Still trying to learn the others. I envy natural musicians....


My piano and music teachers are always telling me how lucky I am to have really long fingers. But I don't think that they are that long..

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I have a scaly breasted lorikeet :D




Do you know what I just realised? Your at work! What are you doing uploading pictures of your bird! But, while we're at it, this is Piggy:


He broke his leg about a month ago, isn't this adorable:


(Don't worry, he's all better now ... and the he has a restraining order on the dog)


Hello! :biggrin2:


My piano and music teachers are always telling me how lucky I am to have really long fingers. But I don't think that they are that long..


I think I have relatively long fingers, not that it helps much :bleh:

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Cuuute! What's his/her name? :wub2:


Lol! I hate when it appears I've missed some sort of huge Mika-news, as I did whilst reading that.

What about when it was all over the radio (well, 92.9) a month or so ago "OMG! Latest news from 'Hollywood'! Mika has been 'outed'" they were all saying and it was hours before I could reach google to unconfirm. :bleh:


His name is Percy :D My partner named him that. It suits him! We say Percival if he is in trouble :bleh: He is 5 years old!


Maybe thats where his 'confirmation' came from. GAWD. Where do the press get their information? I remember my friend telling me they were talking about him coming out on the radio as well. And the bad thing is, once it's said and out there in the public then the average person believes it to be the truth. WE know that he hasn't said anything about it but the thousands of casual Mika fans who do not follow his every move like us, don't know any better.


I actually emailled the radio station and asked them about it and I asked for proof as I had not heard anything like it. They never got back to me LOL

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Do you know what I just realised? Your at work! What are you doing uploading pictures of your bird! But, while we're at it, this is Piggy:

He broke his leg about a month ago, isn't this adorable:


(Don't worry, he's all better now ... and the he has a restraining order on the dog)


haha! But it's so BORING here! Besides, I have an hour left, I need to cool down :naughty:


That is SO CUTE with his broken leg! The poor baby! And you look so pretty :wub2: Piggy is just such a little cutie. I love love love birdies!!!

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His name is Percy :D My partner named him that. It suits him! We say Percival if he is in trouble :bleh: He is 5 years old!


Maybe thats where his 'confirmation' came from. GAWD. Where do the press get their information? I remember my friend telling me they were talking about him coming out on the radio as well. And the bad thing is, once it's said and out there in the public then the average person believes it to be the truth. WE know that he hasn't said anything about it but the thousands of casual Mika fans who do not follow his every move like us, don't know any better.


I actually emailled the radio station and asked them about it and I asked for proof as I had not heard anything like it. They never got back to me LOL


Cuute name. He sounds like a real character, lol "Percival!!"

Piggy is four :original: He was meant to be Pigwidgeon, but Piggy is just cuter and it stuck.


Eurgh, yeah, it really is ridiculous. And they take random rumors as fact, but it's so much worse that the radio stations go around saying things like that. Good work with the email, we should have all bombarded them and forced them to admit on air that they made it up :naughty:




Lol, this is probably going to be out of date now, I was about to click submit, just as I saw my dad come up the driveway. So I obviously had to jump into action, seeing as I was still in my pyjamas. The old "run into my room and get changed quickly" doesn't work anymore, I think the inside-out-backwards t-shirt gives me away, my new tact is to run into the shower and pretend I was already in there when they arrived. I think it's believable enough that I got up, had breakfast, did things, and then decided to have a shower, and it doubles as being able to wash away any proof that you have just gotten up. :thumb_yello:

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haha! But it's so BORING here! Besides, I have an hour left, I need to cool down :naughty:


That is SO CUTE with his broken leg! The poor baby! And you look so pretty :wub2: Piggy is just such a little cutie. I love love love birdies!!!


Boring? Oh okay, your excused :bleh:


I know, he is adorable.

Vet: "Okay, he's healing up well, we can take the bandage off already!"

Me: "Do we have to? It's sooo cuuuutee!"

Vet: "W-what?"


And another hilarious picture while we're at it:


That thing was to stop him picking at his bandage. It looks hilarious, don't you think? I took it off him though, because he really didn't like it. (not before I took a picture though :bleh:)


I also love love birdies :thumb_yello:

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