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The Australian Thread: Seventh Heaven

Rainbow Sky

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A co-worker (not the same one as the other day, a different one) came to my desk and started talking to me about Mika. LOL they are all starting to do this now....


He asked if I had heard his song Happy Ending and he said it was the best song ever, his favourite song. I was so happy to hear that!! He had to spoil it though, but following it up and saying "How can you like him, he's so ugly! Walking skeleton!" I showed him my computer desktop and asked how could he think that as he is so beautiful. He then said "well he's gay!" WTF is wrong with these people LOL ..... I held up my custom made sign "It's Not Confirmed!!!" which is the second time I've had to use it this week.


Oh and during lunch a girl I was sitting with also proceeded to tell me how 'ugly' he was. I said he was absolutely beautiful. I don't know why some people can't see this??


Thats my story for today.


Dunno why people insist on saying he's gay... or ugly...


I just ignore people who say that...


Ah yes, like him being gay or ugly would stop us liking his music.



Heya everyone...I slept 12 hours last night :shocked: I miss mornings.


Went fruit and veg shopping and now feel I can survive this week having to cook for myself.


12 hours? Nice!


Two can play at that game Kelzy. But we all know who will win.


Not me. I'll probably go off and watch TV after a while.




I'm annoyed at the moment. I went shopping today and bought a cool new bag from Target. But while there I saw this awesome old school radio and record player that was $50 (reduced from $90!). I really wanted to buy it because my bank balance has been increasing a lot lately from work. But my Mum wouldn't let me because she thinks it will break (plus I don't have any records. But I can buy some! :naughty: ). I know I seem completely illogical but it's just so dang cool.


She told me to sleep on it and to decide if I really want to buy it tomorrow. But I know that she still won't let me! :tears:


Ooooh cool!


If you buy one, be very careful of the needle.. cause I bought one, and my niece broke the needle... and it cost $40 to buy a new one... :sneaky2:


I am the ultimate manipulator.


I convinced my Dad to buy me the 'A Day At The Races' record off Ebay!




Sweet!!! How did you do it (so I can try to convince mine to buy me Queen stuff)?

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If you buy one, be very careful of the needle.. cause I bought one, and my niece broke the needle... and it cost $40 to buy a new one... :sneaky2:


Sweet!!! How did you do it (so I can try to convince mine to buy me Queen stuff)?


One of my Mum's reasons for not wanting me to get it was that the needle would break. I will try to be careful.


Well, first of all, my Dad is very lenient to begin with. So that definately helps. Secondly, he was and is a huge Queen fan and had all the records when he was a kid. So he sympathises with my obsession. And thirdly, I went and stood behind him while he was working and started making noise, talking about random things, etc. After about 15 minutes he gave in.


Okay, so that was easy. Maybe I'm not the greatest manipulator.

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One of my Mum's reasons for not wanting me to get it was that the needle would break. I will try to be careful.


Well, first of all, my Dad is very lenient to begin with. So that definately helps. Secondly, he was and is a huge Queen fan and had all the records when he was a kid. So he sympathises with my obsession. And thirdly, I went and stood behind him while he was working and started making noise, talking about random things, etc. After about 15 minutes he gave in.


Okay, so that was easy. Maybe I'm not the greatest manipulator.

Oh... righto...


I ended up getting one from Dick Smith... though I need to hook it up to the surround sound system to hear anything... but on the plus side I can conect it to the cpmputer and record them to CD...

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It does... and cause it's on my left hand and I use that finger to hit shift everytime I do a capital, it hurts... but I can't not do capitals for I or the start of a sentence..

Maybe you could try using a different finger to hit shift? Or use caps lock :naughty:



anything to reduce the pain

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Oh... righto...


I ended up getting one from Dick Smith... though I need to hook it up to the surround sound system to hear anything... but on the plus side I can conect it to the cpmputer and record them to CD...


Okay, cool.


I hope that the one I'm getting is loud enough!

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I have returned from camping with my dad, we ended up staying in Pemberton, because he wanted to proove to me it would be a good place to move to (he did). I convinced him to stop at Gnomesville on the way down, I haven't been there in years, but I love that place :naughty:


While catching up on posts my stupid dog was looking out the window, saw something that scared/excited him, jumped around a bit, got stuck in my curtain, panicked, tried to run away and ripped my curtain right off the wall. Now I have to sleep next to a huge empty window. It's kind of creepy, I half expect a murderer or something to pop up and try to murder me. :thumbdown:


Afternoon all, the family are out preparing to leave me and my brother alone, and I am considering what to buy with the money dad left for food (the brother being here complicates things, because he doesn't eat what I eat)


My mum left me $20 when she left last weekend, and because I was too lazy to go and buy anything she took it back! No fair, I totally half-starved for that $20. :thumbdown:



aHHH .. but then I thought I'd brighten it and make it a bit bigger so we can do what we do best..





Good work!


Howdy everyone *puts on paranoid face* we have a ghost... or someone who sneaks into the house and steals minor things.


Lol, you've reminded me of "Mr Nobody", the invisible ghost who left my Year 3 classroom's door open sometimes. How the hell do I remember that?


I hate when they do that.


Or the way my hair goes if I swim often, it gets so wrecked and icky


My hair goes GREEN if I swim too much.:shocked:


A co-worker (not the same one as the other day, a different one) came to my desk and started talking to me about Mika. LOL they are all starting to do this now....


He asked if I had heard his song Happy Ending and he said it was the best song ever, his favourite song. I was so happy to hear that!! He had to spoil it though, but following it up and saying "How can you like him, he's so ugly! Walking skeleton!" I showed him my computer desktop and asked how could he think that as he is so beautiful. He then said "well he's gay!" WTF is wrong with these people LOL ..... I held up my custom made sign "It's Not Confirmed!!!" which is the second time I've had to use it this week.


Oh and during lunch a girl I was sitting with also proceeded to tell me how 'ugly' he was. I said he was absolutely beautiful. I don't know why some people can't see this??


Thats my story for today.


You really have a sign like that? ... or is it only metaphorical?

"Have you heard Happy Ending?" - classic! lol.

Jeez, some people are completely insane/blind I think? Walking skeleton? Ugly? What?


I'm annoyed at the moment. I went shopping today and bought a cool new bag from Target. But while there I saw this awesome old school radio and record player that was $50 (reduced from $90!). I really wanted to buy it because my bank balance has been increasing a lot lately from work. But my Mum wouldn't let me because she thinks it will break (plus I don't have any records. But I can buy some!). I know I seem completely illogical but it's just so dang cool.


She told me to sleep on it and to decide if I really want to buy it tomorrow. But I know that she still won't let me!


TARGET!!! What is it with that evil store and their ridiculously good sales on obscure items! Damn them, damn them to hell!



The effects of academic stress on college students.


*says the college student who's relaxed enough to put off the 8-page paper for a bit longer*


Oh no! If only you didn't care about marks, and didn't need to get into your new school/etc...


Title: The effects of academic stress on college students.

*first page* Academic stress can be so severe on college students that they find themselves unable to write eight-page papers.

*followed by seven blank pages*:naughty:


Hiya HK, RSSKY, Soy, and to everyone else I talked to previously.


(I'm not really here, just checking in while I let the brain percolate with a few more writing ideas. I've got 3 pages down and moving at a fast clip. Fast for me, anyways. )


Right-o, I'm back out. *waves goodbye*


Woah! You are super fast! I average about 2 hours to a paragraph. (consisting of about 1:58 hours staring at a screen, 2 minutes writing)


I am the ultimate manipulator.


I convinced my Dad to buy me the 'A Day At The Races' record off Ebay!


Well now you simply need that record player. Good work! :thumb_yello:

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