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The Australian Thread: Seventh Heaven

Rainbow Sky

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This encouragement is good, cos i feel like I'm making hardly any headway with the guitar at the moment. It's killing my left hand. Question - what do you mean by guitar tabs??

I've got really short fingers. There is no way i can play the final chord in GK, my hands just can't do it!

I've been playing guitar since I was 14, but give me one and say 'play something' and I'll go "aarrghh" and run off.. There's 3 styles of playing that might help you..

1, firstly something where your fingers stay in much the same position but you move over the fret..

2, secondly you stay in the same one or two frets but move your fingers up and down and around the strings in that section..

3, thirdly something that involves both styles.. but work on the first two before going to this point..

Guitar tabs are sheet music for guitars..










It reads left to right. The first E is the thin string E (high pitched E)

EBGDAE = Easter Bunny Gets Drunk At Easter

The numbers represent the Fret the note is played in..

Numbers in paralel lines eg, 557, or 556, or 555, or 054 etc.. would be played as a chord .. numbers with no others in line are obviously single notes..

0 means open string..

Help any?? :thumb_yello:

Here's some Mika tabs.. just the chords by the looks of things.. There are online chord generators to show you where you put your fingeees..

Mika: http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/mika_tabs.htm

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I've been playing guitar since I was 14, but give me one and say 'play something' and I'll go "aarrghh" and run off.. There's 3 styles of playing that might help you..

1, firstly something where your fingers stay in much the same position but you move over the fret..

2, secondly you stay in the same one or two frets but move your fingers up and down and around the strings in that section..

3, thirdly something that involves both styles.. but work on the first two before going to this point..

Guitar tabs are sheet music for guitars..










It reads left to right. The first E is the thin string E (high pitched E)

EBGDAE = Easter Bunny Gets Drunk At Easter

The numbers represent the Fret the note is played in..

Numbers in paralel lines eg, 557, or 556, or 555, or 054 etc.. would be played as a chord .. numbers with no others in line are obviously single notes..

0 means open string..

Help any?? :thumb_yello:

Here's some Mika tabs.. just the chords by the looks of things.. There are online chord generators to show you where you put your fingeees..

Mika: http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/mika_tabs.htm


Ah, of course. The little book I'm working through calls them tablature and I'd just never shortened in my brain to tabs.:doh:

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I've been trying to play Grace Kelly on piano too :)

And Happy Ending aswell. I use the Youtube tutorials ;]


I only play a bit of piano, my real instrument is drums ;]]

Happy Ending is really boring to play without the vocals..


I might think about it, if I can find a group and time around uni and work (yes my course is slack, but I'm slack)

slack.. making excuses before even finding out about it... *msn slap*


business admin course will bore you 2 tears, but the beauty of tafe is if u are smarter than the majority of the ppl in the class (which happens a lot when its a youth allowance approved course) you can push through it pretty quick, and if u live somewhere where there is a lot of admin work or the tafe can hook u up with one its worth it. i did admin course in 2005 when i lived up north, i didnt find a job the whole yr i was there and when i finished the course the tafe found me and 2 other girls a job but i was already moving ( i didnt even get a look in once i moved here coz 100's apply for the admin jobs)



and hairdressing is something u need to be prepared to work a lot of hrs for fairly small pay, but a hairdresser that listens and is good is rare , you could be that rare one ! as long as your prepared to do a couple of 12 hr shifts a wk.



and there my 2 cents worth

Woowww!! thanks for that.. you turned me off both.. Now I don't know what the hell I'll do!! :naughty:

I have to do the rounds of the hairdressers here and find out what it's like.. talk to some employees to get the truth of it all.. the bus admin makes the most sense for me.. I'm practically qualified for it already...


These sound interesting. I've got the sheet music and it's really different in parts to what i can hear Mika is playing. that's why I love the acoustic versions of the songs where you get to hear the piano and also why i love any footage that shows his hands while playing....

I just like footage that shows his hands :das:


Ah, of course. The little book I'm working through calls them tablature and I'd just never shortened in my brain to tabs.:doh:

I typed all that for nothing!! :sneaky2::naughty:


Bon jovi on vh1... *drools*

I know alot of Bon Jovi on the guitar.. :wub2:


Hey Bec.. Bed of Roses is on now.......

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Fine, I'll find out if I remember, happy? :sneaky2::naughty:


And good ol' bed of roses....


Good!! *pats you*

waiting for Always to come on now.. :wub2:

OMG ,, they're playing OLD songs :boxed:

In and out of love :lmfao:

OG no no no!!!! *embarassed by 80's fashion*


It wasn't for nothing. I've not yet seen a tab that complicated so that was scary, I mean, good. Oh how i wish i had learnt this when i was younger and it all seemed so much easier....


So now's not a good time to tell you there's worse than that one.. :fisch:

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Good!! *pats you*

waiting for Always to come on now.. :wub2:

OMG ,, they're playing OLD songs :boxed:

In and out of love :lmfao:

OG no no no!!!! *embarassed by 80's fashion*




So now's not a good time to tell you there's worse than that one.. :fisch:

Always is a good song, I love it.



Bon Jovi songs, you must be in your pay tv element :naughty:

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Good!! *pats you*

waiting for Always to come on now.. :wub2:

OMG ,, they're playing OLD songs :boxed:

In and out of love :lmfao:

OG no no no!!!! *embarassed by 80's fashion*




So now's not a good time to tell you there's worse than that one.. :fisch:


Baby steps Kelz, baby steps. i'm still working on something called the catepillar!

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Always is a good song, I love it.



Bon Jovi songs, you must be in your pay tv element :naughty:


What gives you that impression.. :naughty:

'Til I'm 6 feet under baby I don't need a bed.. Gonna live while I'm alive. I'll sleep when I'm dead... '


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I just remembered.... I did something embarassing the other day.... I was playing with my mobile phone trying to work out how to navigate around the internet on it (I got to myspace and that's about it) and there was a thing about ringtones. so I went and checked it out.... and ended up buying 2 midi Mika ringtones! they are awful and were expensive (to my mind) but they were Mika so I had to have them. I'm not really sure what came over me. i bought happy ending and love today. if I'd been at home, i probably would have looked up on the computer if i could get free ones, but i was out and bored....

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I had a picture of him on my door for many years from this video . it was when I was going through my heartbroken mixed up teenage years


I.e .. Freddie gets dumped


I wanna laayyyyyyyyyy you downnn on a bed of roses . Ill never ever forget youu :naughty:


Awww *pats* I had him on my wall for "other" reasons :roftl:

Actually, he's still on my wall ,, but ssshhh.. don't tell Mika.. :wink2:


I just remembered.... I did something embarassing the other day.... I was playing with my mobile phone trying to work out how to navigate around the internet on it (I got to myspace and that's about it) and there was a thing about ringtones. so I went and checked it out.... and ended up buying 2 midi Mika ringtones! they are awful and were expensive (to my mind) but they were Mika so I had to have them. I'm not really sure what came over me. i bought happy ending and love today. if I'd been at home, i probably would have looked up on the computer if i could get free ones, but i was out and bored....


hahahah.. well if you have bluetooth you can probably put the whole song on there as an mp3..


For tonight I sleeeeppp on a bed of nailsssssssssssss :harp:



I'd hold ya, I'd need ya

I'd get down on my knees for you

And make everything alright If you were in these arms

I'd love ya, I'd please ya

I'd tell ya that I'd never leave ya

And love you till the end of time

If you were in these arms tonight...

How can this man write such beautiful lyrics and not be available for gropeage?? :naughty:

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I could watch that, but instead I'm watching sky news....



Did you know Heaths parents found out about his death via the radio :shocked:

I saw that.. Horrible way to find out.. I'm betting on respiratory failure due to the pneumonia.. he probably had a steaming hot shower to try and unblock his airways and took too many pills probably before hand.. got woozy.. fell down..






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I saw that.. Horrible way to find out.. I'm betting on respiratory failure due to the pneumonia.. he probably had a steaming hot shower to try and unblock his airways and took too many pills probably before hand.. got woozy.. fell down..






Feel sorry for them, finding out that way.


And that seems likely. The media of course played up the sleeping pills angle this morning, so all everyone heard was overdose overdose overdose (damn media circus)



Its such a shame, he was a brilliant actor :tears:


Now his another iconic australian no longer with us (we seem to be losing them fairly fast lately)


Now we're waching max (brother wants to see the justin timberlake concert show..... basically we've taken a break from stargate and ps3 to actually watch foxtel for the first time this week)

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Hello again! Roger won his match! Yay! My friend and I are going to have a bet about who will win between him and Novak Djokovic in the semi-final. Roger will win, of course.




Bon jovi on vh1... *drools*

I know alot of Bon Jovi on the guitar.. :wub2:


Everytime someone mentions Bon Jovi these days it reminds me of my dream in which I asked him for his autograph very politely (so that I could give it to you, Kelzy!).


Did you know Heaths parents found out about his death via the radio :shocked:


That would be horrible. :shocked:

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Awww *pats* I had him on my wall for "other" reasons :roftl:

Actually, he's still on my wall ,, but ssshhh.. don't tell Mika.. :wink2:




hahahah.. well if you have bluetooth you can probably put the whole song on there as an mp3..





I'd hold ya, I'd need ya

I'd get down on my knees for you

And make everything alright If you were in these arms

I'd love ya, I'd please ya

I'd tell ya that I'd never leave ya

And love you till the end of time

If you were in these arms tonight...

How can this man write such beautiful lyrics and not be available for gropeage?? :naughty:


No bluetooth:no:

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lol! I have not heard of this character before, but I just watched a bunch of the videos on youtube there, and turned on the tv and apparently he wants to "tour Australia"? What a loser.


The piano.


Well that's my main instrument. I also sing a little (but try not to do it in public!) and I'm trying to teach myself the guitar.


I'll be playing and singing 'Imagine' at the thing.


Awesome! Is it going to be taped? :wink2:


The local gossipper (neighbour across the road) has contacts with one of the theatre groups so I might knock on her door.. although, then the whole street will know what I'm up to..


LOL! That is hilarious :naughty:


my back hurts from trying to work out how to bloody play Grace Kelly.....the acoustic way (piano). Argh! I want longer fingers..............


Owhhh I want to be able to play! I bought an adapter for my headphones so I can play whenever I like now ... but the learning songs are so boringggg.


It's a bit over 15 years since I was there and ours were around $100 then for things like pathophys and went down in price from there. Aren't you studying vet science OD? That would explain expensive text books.


Good one, go and choose the most expensive course why don't I?


Of course

Part of the reason I want to do the theatre group is to build confidence.. I'm ok if I know someone - I'm a complete lunatic... but around strangers I freeze up.. my anti-social side.. And you should think about it..


I have the worst case of stranger-shyness. I could never do anything new without a friend.


*really really hopes her friend got into vet aswell*


I've been trying to play Grace Kelly on piano too :)

And Happy Ending aswell. I use the Youtube tutorials ;]


I only play a bit of piano, my real instrument is drums ;]]


How hard are Mika songs? Ahhh, I want to play so baaad! Which is the easiest one do you think?


Drums - cool!


but the beauty of tafe is if u are smarter than the majority of the ppl in the class


I'm so lucky, vet students are normally super smart (I did all my first year units with them, it's creepy how smart they are), but I'm in the cross-over year between the old and new course, so my year is going to be made up entirely of people who didn't get in on their first try (ie. sane people) :thumb_yello:


EBGDAE = Easter Bunny Gets Drunk At Easter


Lol! I love those things! :naughty:


Uuuh, this is going to be way behind all your posting now, because my brother wouldn't stop talking to me and let me post.


He was having trouble understanding how I make his games screw up "when all your ever doing is talking on some 'Mika' forum". Damn you MFC and your distinctive colouring! I've now been banned from youtube for the next hour. How am I even going to cope? :crybaby:


lol, he was also telling me all about his 'nephew' and I was like "hang on, what? how can you have a nephew?" ... turns out it's his friend's kid that calls him uncle, anyway, he has all these pictures on his phone of the kid completely abusing a cat. It's absolutely adorable. The cat just takes it. :naughty:

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*Suzy lurks in thread, looking for the monkey girl who's not going to be a teenager anymore after today - oh, not here - probably studying for last exam*


Good morning Aussies! *waves* (Oops - guess it's night time there...:naughty: )

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I've got some bad news. You know how I was really excited about seeing 'Sweeney Todd' on Friday? Well my friends and I are now going to the movies tomorrow and we could either see 'Sweeney Todd' at 11:30am or 'I Am Legend' at 2:30pm. And of course, more people want to see 'I Am Legend'.


I've heard that it's not much good. :thumbdown:

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*Suzy lurks in thread, looking for the monkey girl who's not going to be a teenager anymore after today - oh, not here - probably studying for last exam*


Good morning Aussies! *waves* (Oops - guess it's night time there...:naughty: )


hey Suzy. i went and wished scut a happy birthday a day early on her myspace didn't I? and they even give you birthday reminders and i stuffed up the date.

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*Suzy lurks in thread, looking for the monkey girl who's not going to be a teenager anymore after today - oh, not here - probably studying for last exam*


Good morning Aussies! *waves* (Oops - guess it's night time there...:naughty: )

Hey Suzy.... no sign of Scut around, but hopefully she'll be on tomorrow so we can all wish her a happy birthday

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Feel sorry for them, finding out that way.


And that seems likely. The media of course played up the sleeping pills angle this morning, so all everyone heard was overdose overdose overdose (damn media circus)



Its such a shame, he was a brilliant actor :tears:


Now his another iconic australian no longer with us (we seem to be losing them fairly fast lately)


Now we're waching max (brother wants to see the justin timberlake concert show..... basically we've taken a break from stargate and ps3 to actually watch foxtel for the first time this week)


yeah they grabbed hold of pills and naked info rather quickly.. :thumbdown:

And you said it all.. brilliant.. iconic.. losing them too quickly.. and Heath was only 28yo..


The paytv is getting a thumping this week.. I'm loving my lounge room .. I have to put everything back friday lunch time :(


Everytime someone mentions Bon Jovi these days it reminds me of my dream in which I asked him for his autograph very politely (so that I could give it to you, Kelzy!).

And I am eternally grateful that you dreamt that..

Just a reminder.. All my friends refer to me as Mrs Bon Jovi..:naughty:

(hopefully tonight you dream of the wedding :wink2: )


No bluetooth:no:

Time To Upgrade :fisch:

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