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The Australian Thread: Seventh Heaven

Rainbow Sky

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your mum!!!

I have to go too.. it's 3am!!!!!! too many late nights

Goonie Dightey !! (I knew if I said it often enough it would be contagious)


Lol, I know, and worse, she showed it lovingly to me. I gave her a Cliff Richard DVD for her birthday last year - she practically cried of happiness :naughty:


Yeah, it is contagious now. lol.


I think the issue you're having is that it is supposed to be played as a shuffle, not with the notes strictly as written. If you look to the top of the page, above the treble vocal line it should have moderate shuffle and some tied notes there.


Shuffle? :blink: Why did I never pay attention during music class?


My Mum too!


lol! I can just imagine all our mums together in the CFC. But their forums would probably be some kind of chain snail mail :naughty:


"Popstar Mika was arrested this morning on charges of influencing an american college student to turn transvestite for amusement purposes. Mika denies any statements that he 'told' the girl to blatantly confuse people, but various youtube videos of the award-winning singer obviously lying in multiple interviews for no apparent reason tell another story."


LOL LOL, That is absolutely hilarious! :roftl:


No, the accent is cool!


You came to the US? Where'd you go?


Lol! Oh just Oregon .. and California (for like a day between flights) - for a school trip thing.


I took the "official [australian] video", and was meant to put it all together asap, but I'm lazy, so we joked that I wouldn't have it done until "half way through year 12" (this was mid year 11) ... it's now going on [counting along] the fourteenth year and I haven't started.


... But I also want to make that other video, because I've had Mika's ..er 'other' songs on replay for the past few days, and they are sooo perfect for the dog montage I want to make ... (Did I just say Mika writes perfect lyrics for what a dog thinks? Yes, yes I did. Deal with it, it's true.)


I agree. This forum is sadly lacking in boys, and even more so in straight boys.


*wonders what happened to that boy that posted twice and never returned a while ago*


This lazy as Arts talk(and that A did NOT need to be capital, Soy.) must stop.




And for Oakie Doke - was that you that had gone out and bought a impulse buy keyboard around christmas time, or was that someone else??


And are you playing GK from the sheet music book (which SUCKS btw and is pretty much only accurate for a few songs.....)?


Yesterday I knuckled down and played GK acoustic, like when He plays it on that New Year Eve thing, Jools Hootenanny....I can play the beginning up until the high G haven't learn anything else....was too tired....


I wish I could get some accurate sheet music - but since Mika does not know how to read sheet music maybe this is why he approved a whole book of it getting published when it is not correct


Yeah .. that'd be me...

I was just trying the first page from the sheet music book (like, they let you download the first page as a preview), but I can already see it's different, the first like ... 8 bars are missing. How are you playing it? From ear?

*hands aurora the piano-whiz title*

I was going to try to learn from one of those things on youtube, but I'm better with the notes written, and in the comments to practically all of them someone is pointing out "no, you did this part wrong, and this part wrong".

Gah, I didn't even think that about the sheet music! Aw, I forgive you Mika, for printing **** sheets music :original:


They shouldn't be sleeping at half past 8 in the morning.


*bangs pots and pans to get all the aussies up*


:crybaby: Shhhhhh! I'm trying to sleep!

8 in the east maybe, it's SIX here!

(well, it was when you wrote that ... as if I'd be up at 6 ...)


Hey, I'm awake already! Just sorting robotic vacuum cleaners, my dog, my darling and my cat, with coffee, doors, bones and walls.


Confused??? Yay!


:blink: Okay, so the dog gets the bone ... the the cat gets the door .... the darling the coffee ... so, why are you giving the vacuum cleaner the wall? Or are you helping him not hit it, lol.

Robotic vacuum cleaner BTW, LOL, lazy! My dog/cats would go balistic over a robotic vacuum cleaner.


Is your toddler 30 pounds, purring. oddly hairy, stinky, and has whiskers?


*glances at orange cat trying to grope way up to lap*


Hey! I have one just like that!

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Oh right. It's January 24th for you yes?


Yep, I'm in the future :mf_rosetinted::naughty:




It doesn't look like there's any Aussie's on at the moment, but I just found a rather hilarious video, one that would surely be more hilarious if I knew who this was, but alas he is before my time:




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I'm such an 80's chick. i knew exactly what song immediately, without having to look it up

I knew the song, the clip, the singer EVERYTHING except the title cos I was listening to it again about 6 months ago.. I knew it had 'sound' in it but.. anyway it was 2:30am.. the brain wouldn't work.. And I'm an 80's chick too.. but I really loved the 70's.. I have hundreds of video tapes filled with music clips.. I started in 1989.. :naughty:


"Popstar Mika was arrested this morning on charges of influencing an american college student to turn transvestite for amusement purposes. Mika denies any statements that he 'told' the girl to blatantly confuse people, but various youtube videos of the award-winning singer obviously lying in multiple interviews for no apparent reason tell another story."

:lmfao: Daughtah.. or as DC would say Mel C would say 'Daughtarrrrggghhhh'

Sound like great options, Mum!

I hear that aged care and computer stuff gets paid well.

both are good choices.. hairdressing is just something I always wanted to do, and with the Crohns Disease I need something that is flexible.. so I'm thinking long term where I could work from home, etc..

If there's a friend discount, I claim family discount. Blood is thicker than water, MOTHER DEAREST.

That's a long way to come for a trim!!

As if 30's old anyways. Although I did think you were my age when you joined the PPRC.

And I think M4L thought I was younger cos she was the one that invited me there!!


AAcckk.. I can't stand the Heath Ledger is dead thread.. all those people going "DRUGS.. it was DRUGS.. he took DRUGS.. "

gimme a break.. prescription sleepers and others pills (probably cold and flu tablets) were found near Heaths body.. like I said last night.. if I can quote myself once again..


I saw that.. Horrible way to find out.. I'm betting on respiratory failure due to the pneumonia.. he probably had a steaming hot shower to try and unblock his airways and took too many pills probably before hand.. got woozy.. fell down..







But anyway, it could've been hard drugs,, I just don't want people saying that until there IS PROOF!


I was going to start a Heath thread today once it had kicked in for all of us.. And I really think an Aussie should be the one to do it.. for nice comments rather than finger pointing and speculation...:thumbdown:

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Yep, I'm in the future :mf_rosetinted::naughty:




It doesn't look like there's any Aussie's on at the moment, but I just found a rather hilarious video, one that would surely be more hilarious if I knew who this was, but alas he is before my time:




OMG!! I remember him.. I never knew he swore like that!!! :shocked::naughty::roftl:

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I have a question for you all :D

Has anyone seen the movie 2:37?

I thought I would ask you guys cause it was filmed,written,edited and produced by an Aussie with practically no budget or something...

Yeah, anyway I just wanted to know if it's a good movie? Or if its too .. erm... mature for my age? Cause apparently there are really disturbing scenes...


Um ... Yeah :D


im fourteen by the way, so..

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Yeah .. that'd be me...

I was just trying the first page from the sheet music book (like, they let you download the first page as a preview), but I can already see it's different, the first like ... 8 bars are missing. How are you playing it? From ear?

*hands aurora the piano-whiz title*

I was going to try to learn from one of those things on youtube, but I'm better with the notes written, and in the comments to practically all of them someone is pointing out "no, you did this part wrong, and this part wrong".

Gah, I didn't even think that about the sheet music! Aw, I forgive you Mika, for printing **** sheets music :original:


*coughs and passes on piano whizz title to anyone BUT me* I am sooo a beginner at it. Niki27 and I have been trying to teach each other - she tried to teach me her way....and I didn't get it LOL and now I am drawing up sheet music to teach her my way......It's so HARD to tell someone how to play it over the internet. The sheet music book is :thumbdown: soooo bad, except for a select few songs, like Over My Shoulder, Happy Ending (great songs, very easy to play to start off with!!)


I can not play by ear - I watch and watch and watch videos and try to see where they are pressing. You tube has lots of tutorial vids, but some are absolute CRAP.


Yes, we forgive him for printing the crap, he can't help it....he does not know what it says :roftl: isn't he just gorgeous?


But as long as we can try to play it, it gives me such a great feeling to know I am doing something that HE does also....not as good, mind you LOL but you know what I mean.....:wink2:

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I have a question for you all :D

Has anyone seen the movie 2:37?

I thought I would ask you guys cause it was filmed,written,edited and produced by an Aussie with practically no budget or something...

Yeah, anyway I just wanted to know if it's a good movie? Or if its too .. erm... mature for my age? Cause apparently there are really disturbing scenes...


Um ... Yeah :D


im fourteen by the way, so..


I haven't seen it.. It's rated R18+ here so I personally wouldn't recommend it to you based on that.. it has a good story line.. it must be really graphic in certain parts.. especially the ending.. Can I ask why you want to watch it?

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*coughs and passes on piano whizz title to anyone BUT me* I am sooo a beginner at it. Niki27 and I have been trying to teach each other - she tried to teach me her way....and I didn't get it LOL and now I am drawing up sheet music to teach her my way......It's so HARD to tell someone how to play it over the internet. The sheet music book is :thumbdown: soooo bad, except for a select few songs, like Over My Shoulder, Happy Ending (great songs, very easy to play to start off with!!)


I can not play by ear - I watch and watch and watch videos and try to see where they are pressing. You tube has lots of tutorial vids, but some are absolute CRAP.


Yes, we forgive him for printing the crap, he can't help it....he does not know what it says :roftl: isn't he just gorgeous?


But as long as we can try to play it, it gives me such a great feeling to know I am doing something that HE does also....not as good, mind you LOL but you know what I mean.....:wink2:



Owhhh, that sucks about the book.

Do you have any recommended videos? Good ones?

Aww, of course he is :blush-anim-cl:

I know exactly what you mean, my little "da da-na na da-na na" - huge satisfaction :naughty:

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AAcckk.. I can't stand the Heath Ledger is dead thread.. all those people going "DRUGS.. it was DRUGS.. he took DRUGS.. "

gimme a break.. prescription sleepers and others pills (probably cold and flu tablets) were found near Heaths body.. like I said last night.. if I can quote myself once again..




But anyway, it could've been hard drugs,, I just don't want people saying that until there IS PROOF!


I was going to start a Heath thread today once it had kicked in for all of us.. And I really think an Aussie should be the one to do it.. for nice comments rather than finger pointing and speculation...:thumbdown:


I'm not a fan of the thread, even if the sentiment is nice. The media has really made this whole thing horrible, with misinformation everywhere.

I keep reading Drugs, overdose and the 'what if it happened to mika' question in that thread, it would be nice to have a heath ledger thread without it (kelz, you're idea you should do one)


At the moment there is no proof to anything. A rolled up note found inside his room didn't have any traces of cocaine on it, and the autopsy was inconclusive.


Poor guy, not only is he facing the pervert accusation by religious bigots all over the news (for his role in brokeback mountain, which was one of his bests) but he is also facing all this misinformation, and he isn't around anymore to defend himself




And now I've said that



Heya everyone

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Lol! Oh just Oregon .. and California (for like a day between flights) - for a school trip thing.

CALI!!!!!!:wub2: Probably stuck in LAX for the day or something, but whatev. You were close!


... But I also want to make that other video, because I've had Mika's ..er 'other' songs on replay for the past few days, and they are sooo perfect for the dog montage I want to make ... (Did I just say Mika writes perfect lyrics for what a dog thinks? Yes, yes I did. Deal with it, it's true.)

It's been my experience that Mika writes perfect lyrics, period.


*wonders what happened to that boy that posted twice and never returned a while ago*

Bloody scaredy cat newbie. Just afraid of making any friends.


:crybaby: Shhhhhh! I'm trying to sleep!

8 in the east maybe, it's SIX here!

(well, it was when you wrote that ... as if I'd be up at 6 ...)

Oh right....Australia's just as big as the US....makes sense you'd have time zones too.:naughty:

I apologize to any westerners. You deserve to sleep.


As for the rest of you....*msn slap* WAKE UP.


:lmfao: Daughtah.. or as DC would say Mel C would say 'Daughtarrrrggghhhh'



both are good choices.. hairdressing is just something I always wanted to do, and with the Crohns Disease I need something that is flexible.. so I'm thinking long term where I could work from home, etc..

Sounds like a good plan! I like the idea of you being one of those neighborhood dressers that does smashing cuts and has a huge cult of loyal customers who give you $20 tips.:naughty:


That's a long way to come for a trim!!


And I think M4L thought I was younger cos she was the one that invited me there!!

It is, so you better be damn good at what you do!


Yeah, you've got a young-at-heart style of typing.

I have the opposite situation. Everyone thinks I'm 25 or something.:boxed:


I'm not a fan of the thread, even if the sentiment is nice. The media has really made this whole thing horrible, with misinformation everywhere.

I keep reading Drugs, overdose and the 'what if it happened to mika' question in that thread, it would be nice to have a heath ledger thread without it (kelz, you're idea you should do one)


At the moment there is no proof to anything. A rolled up note found inside his room didn't have any traces of cocaine on it, and the autopsy was inconclusive.


Poor guy, not only is he facing the pervert accusation by religious bigots all over the news (for his role in brokeback mountain, which was one of his bests) but he is also facing all this misinformation, and he isn't around anymore to defend himself




And now I've said that



Heya everyone


Heya Soy Girl!

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I'm not a fan of the thread, even if the sentiment is nice. The media has really made this whole thing horrible, with misinformation everywhere.

I keep reading Drugs, overdose and the 'what if it happened to mika' question in that thread, it would be nice to have a heath ledger thread without it (kelz, you're idea you should do one)


At the moment there is no proof to anything. A rolled up note found inside his room didn't have any traces of cocaine on it, and the autopsy was inconclusive.


Poor guy, not only is he facing the pervert accusation by religious bigots all over the news (for his role in brokeback mountain, which was one of his bests) but he is also facing all this misinformation, and he isn't around anymore to defend himself




And now I've said that



Heya everyone


Melanie started it off with good intentions.. I think in the case of a mourning thread people who don't care for it need to stay the hell out.. the old rule "if you aren't interested - don't post there".. I will start a thread.. with CLEAR guidelines.. :sneaky2: .. after all, this is the death of a human being.. One of our own.. :tears:

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Melanie started it off with good intentions.. I think in the case of a mourning thread people who don't care for it need to stay the hell out.. the old rule "if you aren't interested - don't post there".. I will start a thread.. with CLEAR guidelines.. :sneaky2: .. after all, this is the death of a human being.. One of our own.. :tears:

The intentions were good, but the shock and misinformation has some people confused and believing everyword of the media.

Clear guidelines would be good


And he was one of our own, I think thats one of the reasons I'm feeling protective. While in making movies, he gave himself to the world, he came from our land.






And heya Arts, how are you today?

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Kelz, I found this in the thread about Mandy Moore opening for Mika...


Daughtry couldn't be any further from Lemar. He's more like a lead singer of a rock band than a solo artist. Something like Bon Jovi, but his vocals are better than Jon Bon Jovi.




Am I the only one here who actually uses my textbooks?




The only ones I used on a semi regular basis were my syllabuses... an I still use them...


The news of Heath Ledger's death is:tears: so sad. It's one of those things (just like Steve Irwin's death) that you don't believe when you first hear it.


I didn't believe it either... with Steve or Heath... though I much prefer Heath...


yeah....... what a tragedy. It will be interesting to see the autopsy report.....


And it'll say the opposite to what a lot of people have said... I don't think it was suicide...


speaking of uni.. I had an appt with my work counsellor today..

I need to decide between 3 courses..

1, Aged care

2, Hairdressing

3, Business admin..

the advantage to aged care is mum already works with alzheimers and dementia people.. the hairdressing thing is something I wanted to do when I was 17, but never happened.. I cut and dye my own hair cos I don't trust hairdressers (yet I want to be one) .. and the business admin is computers and stuff that I can do without any probs.. grrr.. I can't decide..

The next best news is when I mentioned a Diploma of Theatre Arts, she convinced me to join up with an amateur theatre group instead.. and there's a few around here.. So tonight I'm checking out my options.. Wooo



Ooooooh... do you really wanna change old people after they s**t themselves?


And put up with the crap they say???


*siddles up and bats eyelashes*



So.... will there be a friend discount if you do hairdressing


I'll be okay without the friend discount... I already get one with my sister...


I only play a bit of piano, my real instrument is drums


Ooooh! Drummer!


Well, I don't play kit... I play in a pipe band.. sorta kinda different...


Bon jovi on vh1... *drools*

I know alot of Bon Jovi on the guitar...


Hey Bec.. Bed of Roses is on now.......


I saw a pic of Jon on a friends phone.. she went to the Sydney concert on Monday... and screamed like a fan girl... It was at hot pic too (which is saying a lot seeing as I don't say that about him)...


Did you know Heaths parents found out about his death via the radio


I think Richard Wilkins said that was crap... I'm sure that's what he said on the Today show...


Sorry about your fellow Aussie....it was the saddest news...I liked him a lot.


Thanks Suzy...


I liked him as well, as did so many others

He was good at what he did... I'm looking forward to seeing him in the new batman movie, even if it will be bittersweet


Oh yeah... I'm gong to see it...


Sorry for your loss Australia.


i loved Heath.


*hugs Sarah*


Fel free to visit any time and pour your heart out...


We're all a bit stunned still.. My heart goes out to his family and daughter.


You're not the only one... I think its starting to sink in now...


And what's even worse, is she won't evewn understand why her daddy's never coming back... :tears:


They shouldn't be sleeping at half past 8 in the morning.


*bangs pots and pans to get all the aussies up*


*wished she was asleep at 8:30am instead of working*


If only they could hear us yelling. What a great idea for an alarm clock!






*hits alarm to turn it off*


Tonight I had another hour of hell with my aussie personnel trainer


Im sure hes trying to kill me


Shhhh... you'll ruin his evil plan...


Hi Aaurora, I have a share your (nonchickeny) mika fantasies thread going. It has to be nonchickeny so the mods won't be all over it, cos otherwise the words Mika and fantasy in the same sentence? Forget about it!




We're not that bad!!!


As long as it isn't too chickeny (as in too much detail)!


I was going to start a Heath thread today once it had kicked in for all of us.. And I really think an Aussie should be the one to do it.. for nice comments rather than finger pointing and speculation...:thumbdown:


Good idea Kelz...


If you do, I'll post the scans from the paper in there if you do... except for the one where they're taking his body out of the building...


I'm not a fan of the thread, even if the sentiment is nice. The media has really made this whole thing horrible, with misinformation everywhere.

I keep reading Drugs, overdose and the 'what if it happened to mika' question in that thread, it would be nice to have a heath ledger thread without it (kelz, you're idea you should do one)


At the moment there is no proof to anything. A rolled up note found inside his room didn't have any traces of cocaine on it, and the autopsy was inconclusive.


Poor guy, not only is he facing the pervert accusation by religious bigots all over the news (for his role in brokeback mountain, which was one of his bests) but he is also facing all this misinformation, and he isn't around anymore to defend himself




And now I've said that



Heya everyone




That was really iritating me...


It has nothing to do with Mika...


But what was irritating me more was how they were already saying it was suicide...


I felt like yelling "WAIT FOR THE AUTOPSY REPORT!!!"



Anyways... I'm going to start an Aussie Day thread...

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I'm good; a bit cold, listening to the rain outside, which is POURING. In a good mood because my big stupid paper that I complained about got full credit, so my grade is pretty much set in that class, unless I bomb every exam from now on.


How are you? Sleeping past 8 all it's cracked up to be?

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Melanie started it off with good intentions.. I think in the case of a mourning thread people who don't care for it need to stay the hell out.. the old rule "if you aren't interested - don't post there".. I will start a thread.. with CLEAR guidelines.. :sneaky2: .. after all, this is the death of a human being.. One of our own.. :tears:

I'm there...

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Kelz, I found this in the thread about Mandy Moore opening for Mika...










The only ones I used on a semi regular basis were my syllabuses... an I still use them...




I didn't believe it either... with Steve or Heath... though I much prefer Heath...




And it'll say the opposite to what a lot of people have said... I don't think it was suicide...





Ooooooh... do you really wanna change old people after they s**t themselves?


And put up with the crap they say???




I'll be okay without the friend discount... I already get one with my sister...




Ooooh! Drummer!


Well, I don't play kit... I play in a pipe band.. sorta kinda different...




I saw a pic of Jon on a friends phone.. she went to the Sydney concert on Monday... and screamed like a fan girl... It was at hot pic too (which is saying a lot seeing as I don't say that about him)...




I think Richard Wilkins said that was crap... I'm sure that's what he said on the Today show...




Thanks Suzy...




Oh yeah... I'm gong to see it...




*hugs Sarah*


Fel free to visit any time and pour your heart out...




You're not the only one... I think its starting to sink in now...


And what's even worse, is she won't evewn understand why her daddy's never coming back... :tears:




*wished she was asleep at 8:30am instead of working*






*hits alarm to turn it off*




Shhhh... you'll ruin his evil plan...






We're not that bad!!!


As long as it isn't too chickeny (as in too much detail)!




Good idea Kelz...


If you do, I'll post the scans from the paper in there if you do... except for the one where they're taking his body out of the building...






That was really iritating me...


It has nothing to do with Mika...


But what was irritating me more was how they were already saying it was suicide...


I felt like yelling "WAIT FOR THE AUTOPSY REPORT!!!"



Anyways... I'm going to start an Aussie Day thread...


Daughtry sucks. And Mum is going to kill Christine...:naughty:


*winces as Nico slaps her* Ow. I'm just waking you up so you don't miss anything.


Now that you're here, hello.:biggrin2:

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I'm good; a bit cold, listening to the rain outside, which is POURING. In a good mood because my big stupid paper that I complained about got full credit, so my grade is pretty much set in that class, unless I bomb every exam from now on.


How are you? Sleeping past 8 all it's cracked up to be?

Sleeping past 8 is essential to me.



(I still do it when I'm not on holidays :naughty:)

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Hey Arts!!!


Considering I'd already been working for 1/2 an hour before you posted that message makes an alarm sorta pointless.. and I'll be playing at that time at the park on Aussie day too...


The Freds and Arts alarm is pointless in your case then.:bleh:


Promise to think of me at 8 on Aussie Day, and I'll think of you, and maybe we'll get an intercontinental TP connection.:naughty:

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