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Before and After


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This thread is to discuss what you were like before you discovered Mika and what you were like after you discovered him



I guess I'll go first...



-Music snob

-wouldn't listen to anything except classic rock

-wore black a lot

-didn't know how to drive




-I don't get as mad when I hear a modern song

-wear a lot more color and bracelets

-still don't know how to drive :naughty:

-taking piano lessons, love them, and love playing music

-don't listen to Queen as much (I'm going to hell)

-am always on MFC

-lay on my bed in the dark listening to music haha

-have entered extreme loner stage

-am happy as can be

-better vocabulary


ok, your guys' turn :lmao:

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-listened to Queen a whole lot and was obsessed with the trendy bands.

-was pretty much a stuck up little wench

-i used to be a little intimidated of theater :shocked:

-didn't know how to drive, either :naughty:



-listen to everything under the sun, not so much trendy stuff, but not Queen as much :(

-not so much of a stuck up wench, i really don't care about being popular anymore.

-my wardrobe has gotten extremely more abstract and funky, as has my outlook on life.

-not intimidated by theater anymore. :D

-oh, and, i do know how to drive. i get my license next month. :bleh:

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:bleh: Before mika, I just was... I had no motivation really. I mean there were always people who inspired me when I needed to be inspired: like Audrey Hepburn and Natalie Portman. I sought refuge in film mostly... I had no one though, to relate to. I just sort of went through my days, stressed and worried about what people thought of me.


AFter mika, I became myself. He gave me so much strength. I smiled more. There was an indescribable feeling, when listening to his music... a certain smell, would remind me of him lol... It was the perfume I was wearing when I first watched Grace Kelly... and when I smell, it reminds me of the moment I discovered him. My world changed. I just tolerated people more and I knew I wasn't going to compromise who I was.


And when I met him, forget it! I became the happiest, luckiest girl in the world and my summer was beatiful bliss...all because of him.


Than school started, and I sort of took a few steps back:thumbdown: But I think this club changed me too... I found soulmates here. ;-)


So than I did the book, and I built my resume lol...hopefully he'll take notice

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:bleh: Before mika, I just was... I had no motivation really. I mean there were always people who inspired me when I needed to be inspired: like Audrey Hepburn and Natalie Portman. I sought refuge in film mostly... I had no one though, to relate to. I just sort of went through my days, stressed and worried about what people thought of me.


AFter mika, I became myself. He gave me so much strength. I smiled more. There was an indescribable feeling, when listening to his music... a certain smell, would remind me of him lol... It was the perfume I was wearing when I first watched Grace Kelly... and when I smell, it reminds me of the moment I discovered him. My world changed. I just tolerated people more and I knew I wasn't going to compromise who I was.


And when I met him, forget it! I became the happiest, luckiest girl in the world and my summer was beatiful bliss...all because of him.


Than school started, and I sort of took a few steps back:thumbdown: But I think this club changed me too... I found soulmates here. ;-)


So than I did the book, and I built my resume lol...hopefully he'll take notice


Aww he inspired me too, hence the playing piano more haha.


*pictures your next conversation with M*


"Hi I'm Melanie, the one who made the yeabook"

":blink: "

"You know, the 2007 book?"

"Oh yeah that.......that's cool. *walks away* "



I'm so cruel :naughty:

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I haven't started playing piano any more than usual. We sold my old piano when we moved. Plus, my teacher used to beat my fingers into the keys because I didn't pick it up as fast as she thought I should. So I'm kind of turned off piano.


I'm pretty much the same person... I don't listen to American alternative bands as much anymore. That's about the only difference.

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I really haven't changed a whole lot, honestly...




- I was posting on forums where I didn't really have a whole lot of fun and wasn't feeling fullfilled in that respect.


- I was wanting to hear new music and was actually searching for someone new to listen to.


- I was quite a bit less creative than I am now.


- I was working at a job I hated.




- I am a little more creative now and I definitely am more inclined to create things that I wouldn't have before.


- I am still obsessed with the music I loved before (Queen, No Doubt), but I have given Mika his rightful place right next to my older obsessions.


- I have a new job that pays better and that is not nearly as demanding as my last job. WAHOO!


- Now I love coming to the MFC to talk to friends. I enjoy it so much.

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I haven't started playing piano any more than usual. We sold my old piano when we moved. Plus, my teacher used to beat my fingers into the keys because I didn't pick it up as fast as she thought I should. So I'm kind of turned off piano.


I'm pretty much the same person... I don't listen to American alternative bands as much anymore. That's about the only difference.


Ah evil teacher - that sucks :thumbdown:


Piano really is fun when you know what you're doing. And it helps when you want to learn it and your parents aren't forcing you to (like most of them do):wink2:

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Ah evil teacher - that sucks :thumbdown:


Piano really is fun when you know what you're doing. And it helps when you want to learn it and your parents aren't forcing you to (like most of them do):wink2:


I wanted to take piano. She just made me cry alot. :tears:

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I wanted to take piano. She just made me cry alot. :tears:


Aww that's so sad :sad:


I'm so lucky to have like the most awesome piano teacher ever. She lets me curse, she lets me choose my songs, etc, - it's pretty sweet. Whenever I play the wrong note I scream out "SH*T" :naughty:

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Aww he inspired me too, hence the playing piano more haha.


*pictures your next conversation with M*


"Hi I'm Melanie, the one who made the yeabook"

":blink: "

"You know, the 2007 book?"

"Oh yeah that.......that's cool. *walks away* "



I'm so cruel :naughty:


*gasp* your wicked! I won't even mention the yearbook (maybe)... I'll just hand him my copy to sign lol

He'll say, " MELANIE you are amazing! Wanna get married?!"

:mf_lustslow: LOL:lol3:

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*gasp* your wicked! I won't even mention the yearbook (maybe)... I'll just hand him my copy to sign lol

He'll say, " MELANIE you are amazing! Wanna get married?!"

:mf_lustslow: LOL:lol3:





If that happens, be sure to film it:wink2:

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I know right:mf_lustslow:

I'll just probably stare at him if we meet again:shocked:


If I meet him again I'll probably give him a ganster handshake:naughty:


Knowing me, I will haha.

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Not as colorful as now

Didn't know how to drive

Very shy

Looking for someone new to listen to

Bored of most music



Colorful (I have coloured skinny jeans:das:Blue, red, purple, white, black and just normal)

Still don't know how to drive

Less shy

Obsessed with someone:naughty:

Not bored of music

Maybe taking piano lessons

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